I use the ninja world to help me cultivate immortality

Chapter 92: Ten Thousand Ninjas Surround and Kill

"It's been really busy lately."

Naraku didn't ignore the outside world while practicing hard.

One day, when Nono reported the outside intelligence he had collected as usual, Naraku couldn't help but sigh.

The current situation in the ninja world can really be described as a changing world.

One is war.

After the three ninja villages, Kumogakure, Sandgakure, and Iwagakure, all sent troops to the Fire Country. After the development of these days, it has gradually evolved into a melee.

To be precise, in addition to the invasion of the Fire Country, these three ninja villages have also started wars with each other.

The most active one among them is the Kumogakure.

From the beginning of the war, they first attacked the Wind Country, then attacked the Fire Country, and now they are divided into two groups, attacking the Fire Country on one side and the Earth Country on the other side, as if they are immersed in the war.

Of course, such active participation in the war is also because the Kumogakure has this confidence.

Just like the war with the Iwagakure.

On this battlefield, the AB combination of the Cloud Village stood out, defeating many Rock Village ninjas with the Absolute Bull Thunder Plow Hot Knife.

Even from this, A, the son of the third generation Raikage, took advantage of this war to lay the key foundation for himself as a candidate for Raikage.

As for other ninja villages.

Although they were not as active as the Cloud Village, they also did not miss any opportunity to plunder.

Like the Sand Village, I don’t know if it was because the Rock Village had previously attempted to take over the Bear Country to attack itself.

While attacking the Fire Country, the Sand Village also divided its forces, taking advantage of the Rock Village being pinned down by Konoha and the Cloud Village, and quickly took over the Bird Country that connected the two countries.

Later, they took the Bird Country and sent troops to attack the Earth Country, forcing the Rock Village to split into three groups and fight with Konoha, the Cloud Village, and the Sand Village at the same time.

When Naraku thought of the current situation of the Rock Village, he was in a good mood.

Although he had made a lot of profit from the previous negotiations, he had obtained it by his own ability, and it was a normal transaction.

On the contrary, Naraku had not forgotten that the Iwagakure Village sent troops to attack him.

"I wonder if there will be a chance to take another bite from the Iwagakure Village." Naraku pondered.

It was like the Iwagakure Village, the Sand Village, and the Cloud Village beating up Konoha when it was down.

If there was a chance, he would naturally not mind beating up the Iwagakure Village when it was down.

As for the agreement signed by both parties.

Although there was a clause of non-aggression on it, the agreement was meant to be torn up from the beginning.

Rather than passively waiting for the Iwagakure Village to tear it up, Naraku would rather tear it up by himself.

The following days.

While Naraku continued to practice steadily, he asked Nono to send people to pay close attention to the movements of the Iwagakure Village and look for the right opportunity.

Not to mention.

Naraku did not have to wait too long, and this opportunity appeared.

"According to the latest news, the Hidden Rock Village suddenly increased its troops to more than 10,000 ninjas to ambush the Hidden Rock Village's AB combination on the battlefield with the Hidden Cloud Village.

This incident not only caused many casualties in the Hidden Cloud Village, but also caused the Third Raikage, who was originally fighting with Konoha, to choose to withdraw and support the battlefield with the Hidden Rock Village.

Up to now, the AB combination and the remaining Hidden Cloud Ninjas have evacuated the battlefield, but the Third Raikage who went to support was held back by the Hidden Rock Village army. The two sides have been fighting fiercely for a whole day and night.

In addition, this fierce battle seems to have caused Chain reaction.

For example, Konoha immediately sent reinforcements to the battlefield with the Hidden Cloud Village for a counterattack, which forced the Hidden Cloud Village, which lacked the Third Raikage, to also send reinforcements.

There is also the Hidden Sand Village.

Just like when the Hidden Cloud Village crossed the sea to attack the Kingdom of Wind, the Hidden Sand Village not only slowed down its attack on the Kingdom of Earth, but also sent troops across the sea to attack the Kingdom of Lightning.

In summary, Konoha and the Hidden Sand Village should want to delay the forces of the Hidden Cloud Village and use the Hidden Rock Village to encircle and kill the Third Raikage. "

In the office, Nono sighed at the end of the report.

The fierce counterattack of the Hidden Rock Village was unexpected.

But the cooperation between Konoha and the Hidden Sand Village was also very surprising.

Naraku said bluntly: "The Hidden Cloud Village was backfired by the war."

It's a backlash.

The first bird to come out of the hole will be shot.

The Hidden Cloud Village has been very active since the beginning of the war. It would be fine if there was no opportunity, but now there is an opportunity to suppress it, which naturally attracts the tacit cooperation of all forces.

Of course, it is also possible that Ohnoki was behind this.

This is a real veteran.

His experience in war is so rich that it is about to overflow.

Taking advantage of the situation, forming alliances.

These means, Naraku fully believes that the other party is capable of doing it.


"Nono, the village is temporarily handed over to you." Naraku slowly stood up.

Nono was slightly startled: "You want to go out?"

"Well, now is the opportunity I have been waiting for." Naraku smiled happily.

All parties tacitly cooperated to suppress the Hidden Cloud Village, so he can also take this opportunity to find an ally.

"Hurry up, don't give the other party a chance to breathe, continue to attack with ninjutsu!"

"No, the other party is too fast, I can't stop it."

"Don't panic, follow-up troops will support immediately, use joint earth escape to block the other party."


In the border area of ​​the Land of Earth, countless rock ninjas formed teams, constantly performing ninjutsu in waves of shouting and roaring, launching waves of attacks and defenses.

"Earth escape·Earth Flow Wall!" ×N.

"Earth Release: Earth Flow River!"×N.

"Earth Escape·Rock Pillar Prison!"×N.

"Earth Release·Tu Long Spear!"×N.


Rock walls rise one after another, forming multiple defenses.

The ground turned into mudslides, making it difficult to stand.

The rock pillars turned into cages, blocking movement.

Sharp thorns protruded from the ground crazily, attacking everything within range.


There was only one person fighting against the Iwa ninjas.

This is a figure wrapped in thunder and lightning.

Faced with endless earth escape ninjutsu, this person ran rampant at super high speed.

Not only did he ignore attacks such as ground thorns, but he also powerfully smashed the blocked rock pillars and walls, closing the distance again and again and tearing apart the surrounding rock ninja with his bare hands.

The roar caused by the ninjutsu attack would occasionally be mixed with the shrill screams of individual rock ninjas before they died.

The Iwa ninjas didn't mention it.

Through the thunder and lightning that wrapped around his body, he could see the figure who was fighting against countless rock ninjas with one person's power. He was a tall old man with dark skin, long light yellow hair and a long beard.

He is the third generation Raikage of Cloud Hidden Village.

Looking at all the shadows in the ninja world, except for the supermodel Senju Hashirama, the third generation Raikage is undoubtedly the apex figure in the conventional combat power of the ninja world.

Even though he had been besieged by the Iwa Ninjas for a whole day and night, the Third Raikage still showed no tendency to fall. Instead, he felt like he was becoming more courageous as he fought.

When Naraku arrived near the battlefield using "shrinking the ground", what he saw was the spectacular scene of the third generation Raikage fighting alone against the Ten Thousand Gan Ninja.

"You are really brave, but according to this development, if there is no follow-up support from Yunyin Village, you will inevitably die in the end."

Arriving near the battlefield, Naraku did not show up immediately. Instead, he hid in the dark and watched the fierce battle between the Third Raikage and the Iwa Ninjas.

Seeing the brave performance of the Third Raikage, he was quite impressed.

Although he himself has the experience of fighting three thousand rock ninja alone.

But precisely because of this, he understood the difficulty even more.

Once the number of ninjas increases, the combat effectiveness will increase linearly.

For example, at this moment, the Iwa ninjas were divided into teams and jointly performed ninjutsu. The ninjutsu formed was overwhelming and easily had S-level power.

If it were another person.

For example, Ye Cang had a fight with Naraku.

Even if Ye Cang possesses the strength of the second stage elite jounin, he will not be able to sustain it for long under such a large-scale offensive.

But at this moment, the Third Raikage withstood the fierce offensive of the Iwa Ninjas.

This is not only because the Third Raikage is more powerful than Hayakura and has the strength of the third stage of elite Jonin, but also because the fighting style of the Third Raikage is quite similar to Naraku.

Naraku was able to easily defeat the Three Thousand Rock Ninjas because he had high attack, high defense, and high speed.

The same is true for the Third Raikage.

The "Thunder Chakra Mode" seems to have been mastered by the third generation Raikage to perfection, coupled with his physique that has been polished to the extreme.

This makes the Third Raikage also a top three player.

His high attack allows him to easily break through the earth escape defenses of the Iwa Ninjas.

High defense allows him to withstand the attacks of the Iwa Ninjas.

His high speed gives him super mobility, allowing him to handle both offense and defense with ease.

Just like the Fourth Ninja War in the original plot.

The current battle situation between the Third Raikage and the Iwa Ninjas.

The Third Raikage relied on his super attack and defense speed to make it difficult for the Iwa Ninjas to cause fatal damage to him. He would even break through the Iwa Ninjas' defense from time to time, causing tragic casualties to the Iwa Ninjas.

The Iwa Ninjas relied on the human sea tactic to counterattack the Third Raikage with combined ninjutsu, and at the same time used non-stop attacks to forcefully hold the Third Raikage back, making it difficult for him to break through the encirclement and could only continue to fight.

Naraku watched the battle with interest, showing no signs of taking action.

The icing on the cake is definitely not as good as providing help in times of need.

Life-saving grace is precious only when life is endangered.

Although he came here this time to take advantage of the opportunity of the Third Raikage to unite with Yunyin Village, the timing of his action was very particular.

With the current battle situation, the Third Raikage is far from reaching the end of his rope.

Even if it is rescued, the kindness shown will be reduced.

Instead of doing this, Naraku was naturally prepared to extend his kindness.

While waiting patiently, the fierce battle unknowingly continued for another two days and two nights.

It was obvious that under the tacit pressure from many parties, Cloud Hidden Village could not spare any extra troops to support the Third Raikage.

After three days and three nights of fierce fighting, the casualties on the Yanyin Village side were quite tragic, with nearly a thousand people dying alone.

And this is the result of Yanyin Village's timely deployment of top-level combat forces to contain the Third Raikage, otherwise Yanyin Village's casualties will inevitably be more.

Iwagakure didn't seem to expect that the Third Raikage would be so tenacious.

Originally, they wanted to use the human wave tactic to bring down the Third Raikage.

But as the battle continued, casualties continued to increase, forcing the top combat power of Iwagakure Village to step down and join the battle.

Let’s talk about the Third Raikage.

He is not Naraku after all.

The battle continued for a long time. Even though the Third Raikage was strong, he was out of breath at this moment. Even the defense of the shield, which was known as the strongest, was also reduced, and there were many wounds on his body.

It is chakra that causes this situation.

In high-intensity battles, the burden on chakra is naturally very large.

Even though the Third Raikage's chakra is comparable to that of a tailed beast, he does not have the recovery ability of a tailed beast.

By now, the chakra of the Third Raikage has reached its limit, and once the chakra is lost, his physical strength alone is obviously not enough to stop the Rock Ninja army.

This is actually the ending of the original plot of the Third Raikage. Facing the siege of tens of thousands of Rock Ninja, he eventually died of exhaustion.

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