I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 99 Create Double Eleven in advance (second update)

Kim Tae Hee has been in a daze while attending classes and eating at Seoul University these days. She is still thinking about the shocking news revealed by Kim Xi Won, "Song Yi said that he and you will get the certificate in Nevada at the end of the year, and you will be husband and wife immediately."

OPPA is preparing to marry her? Why didn't OPPA tell her the news personally, but through her sister? Did you want to give her a surprise then? But when she asked her sister for details, her sister refused to say anything. Now she doesn't know whether the news is true or false.

Kim Tae Hee made a miserable guess while eating her meal. Kim Tae Hee's lunch in the cafeteria today was pork tofu soup, small whitebait, vegetable salad and radish kimchi. The protein, carbohydrates and vegetables are complete, and the nutrition is very balanced. Kim Tae Hee pays great attention to body management in school.

Sitting opposite Kim Tae Hee was a slightly chubby girl named Lee Honey, a freshman at Seoul National University this year.

Lee Honey joined the Seoul National University Ski Club when she first entered university, and became good friends with Kim Tae Hee because of their common hobby of skiing. Kim Tae Hee likes her new friend who has a humorous personality, is straightforward and talented, and the two often have dinner dates together.

Before Lee Honey entered Seoul National University, she had heard of Kim Tae Hee. Although Kim Tae Hee has only endorsed two advertisements for Samdosu and Hera lipstick, she is already a big star known to everyone at Seoul National University.

Thanks to the publicity effect of Samdosu and Hera lipstick, many brands have contacted Kim Tae Hee, hoping that Kim Tae Hee can serve as the spokesperson for their company's products, including top 500 brands such as Lotte Candy and Samsung mobile phones. However, Kim Tae Hee was rejected. Decline.

The reason given by Kim Tae Hee is very simple. Currently, she needs to focus on her studies and musicals, and she really doesn’t have the energy to accept new endorsements.

After this news was exposed, Kim Tae Hee's popularity became even higher. Korean netizens all praised Kim Tae Hee for this piece of entertainment news.

1L netizen: "Between studies and money, Taixi chose the former without hesitation. This is the gap between academic masters and us."

2L netizen: "Taixi's family is rich and wealthy, and she is not short of money. Why did she give up her studies for money?"

3L netizen: "I heard that Kim Tae Hee's agency doesn't get along well with Samsung and Lotte, so that's why she didn't accept any endorsement deals from these two companies." If Song Yi saw this comment, he couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

4L netizen: "Are 3L kidding? What qualifications does Kim Tae Hee's agency have to be at odds with Samsung and Lotte at the same time?"

5L netizen: "Don't Kim Tae Hee's agency have a modern background?"

6L netizen: "Isn't Kim Tae Hee's advertisement produced by Shinhan Media? Doesn't this company have a Samsung background?"

7L netizen: "How can we civilians understand the secrets between these chaebols? If you continue to talk nonsense, be careful that the legal departments of these big companies will sue you."

The excitement of the Internet actually boosted the ticket sales of the National Theater. The musical "Empress Myungseong" starring Kim Tae Hee was packed with seats, and almost every performance received flowers from fans.

Kim Tae Hee's performance in the musical "Empress Myeongseong" is not the heroine Empress Myeongseong, but Gojong's favorite concubine Li Sanggong.

Empress Myeongseong was the empress of Gojong, the 26th king of Joseon. Mingcheng married Gaozong at the age of 16. Gaozong favored Li Shanggong for the first three years and ignored Mingcheng in every possible way.

Li Shanggong gave birth to the prince Li Shan. Relying on the emperor's favor, she did not take Empress Mingcheng seriously and opposed the empress everywhere. Mingcheng worked hard and finally touched Gaozong's heart. In the end, Mingcheng expelled Li Shanggong from the court, and Li Shanggong's son Li Shan also died of smallpox.

Lee Honey went to the National Theater to watch Kim Tae Hee's musical live. Kim Tae Hee played the role of Lee Sang Gong very well. Whether it was his domineering attitude when he was favored or his despair when he was expelled from the palace, Kim Tae Hee portrayed it very vividly.

When Li Sanggong, played by Kim Tae Hee, learned that the prince Li Shande had died of smallpox, she was extremely sad, without a single tear, her body was limp, her soul was lost, and her whole body was on the verge of collapse.

Lee Honey saw Kim Tae Hee's performance and felt the same way. Lee Sang Gong was indeed hated by people in the early days, but now she is just a poor mother who lost her child.

When Li Shanggong learned that Li Shan had passed away, she already understood that there was no hope in her life. It is impossible for her son to inherit the throne, it is impossible for her to return to the palace, and she will never be able to defeat Mingcheng's opponent.

Li Shanggong coughed a few times, coughing up blood, and finally fainted. His last words before unconsciousness were, "Mingcheng, you are so cruel, but the child is innocent after all!"

Li Sanggong, played by Kim Tae Hee, is naturally the villain in the play. In the early stage, Li Sanggong made the audience hate him, but in the later stage, Li Sanggong made the audience unable to hate him.

Song Yi only agreed to let Kim Tae Hee star in the TV series "Dae Jang Geum" after watching several musicals in a row and seeing the visible improvement in Kim Tae Hee's acting skills.

Li Hani looked at Kim Tae Hee who was distracted. There was no duck neck in the food in the university cafeteria, so why did Kim Tae Hee seem to have no appetite.

She couldn't help but ask: "Senior Taixi, did today's food not taste good?"

Kim Tae Hee looked at Li Honey with a worried look on her face, "It's nothing, I was just thinking about something. Honey, if I get married at the end of the year, will you, as a good friend, support me?"

Li Hani looked happy when she heard what Kim Tae Hee said, "Senior, are you getting married? Did your boyfriend propose to you? That's really great! If I get married, please let me How about being your bridesmaid and witnessing your happiness with my own eyes?"

Kim Tae Hee could feel Li Ha Ni's joyful mood, and she immediately figured it out and no longer struggled.

Yes, getting married is a beautiful thing in itself. She originally planned to marry Song Yi after graduation, but now she has just moved the wedding date forward one year at most. What does she have to fear?

If it were her relatives or good friends, they would definitely understand and support her decision. She also believed in Song Yi and believed that this man would make her live a happy and fulfilling life.

"I have this plan, but it has not been decided yet. After all, I have not graduated yet, and I am an actor. I also have many fans in China. Even if I get married, it will not be announced to the public and the wedding will be officially held after graduation. Holland Ni, I haven't told anyone about this yet, you must keep it a secret for me." Kim Tae Hee said.

Li Heni felt that she had a heavy responsibility. She looked aside and felt relieved when she realized that no one was eavesdropping on their conversation.

During her freshman and sophomore years, Kim Tae Hee was surrounded by many boys, and some boys would even write love letters to Kim Tae Hee to express their love for her.

But Kim Tae Hee's responses were all the same, which was disappointing. Kim Tae Hee will always smile slightly and will not accept any gifts from boys, "Thank you, but I already have a boyfriend."

Song Yi gave Kim Tae Hee a BMW M3 on her birthday, and she rarely drove it to school in the first half of the year. After entering the second half of the year, Kim Tae Hee needed to travel between the theater, school and home, so she drove the M3 to school. So starting from this semester, Kim Tae Hee was much cleaner around her, and she did not need Lee Honey to protect her.

As Kim Tae Hee's new best friend, Li Ha Ni has not met Kim Tae Hee's boyfriend Song Yi so far, but she often hears about Song Yi on TV or in newspapers.

Lee Honey has been using the social networking site inschool recently. She is the second batch of invited users, and Kim Tae Hee is the first batch.

As soon as Li Hani successfully registered, she immediately followed Kim Tae Hee and became friends with Kim Tae Hee. Lee Honey is always the first to like and comment on Kim Tae Hee's posts in inschool. Students at Seoul National University jokingly call Lee Honey "Kim Tae Hee's number one loser."

When Lee Honey learned about her classmates' comments, she was not angry, but rather complacent, which showed that she was Kim Tae-hee's best friend at Seoul National University. Girls often fight over the title of "good friend" or "best friend".

"By the way, senior sister, when will inschool be fully open for registration? Many of my classmates want to become friends with me on inschool. After graduating from high school, we don't study in the same place, and we all want to get to know each other through inschool. The latest news." Li Heni said.

Kim Tae Hee smiled apologetically, "I'm not sure about this either." She was going to the company later and planned to ask Li Honey.

In the New Asia Building, Song Yi was holding a meeting with the employees of New Asia Network Co., Ltd., "On November 11, inschool will open registration to all college students in Korea."

"There are currently almost 3 million college students in South Korea, including undergraduates, master's students and doctoral students. I hope that before Christmas this year, the number of registered users of inschool will exceed 2 million."

"On Valentine's Day next year, inschool will open registration to all university graduates. On May 31, when the Korea-Japan World Cup kicks off, inschool will open registration to all high school students."

"According to my estimate, after the World Cup in Korea and Japan, the number of inschool users will exceed 15 million, covering 30% of the Korean population."

Song Yi didn't finish what he said. These 30% of people will also be the consumer group with the most purchasing power in South Korea. When inschool users exceed 15 million, a large number of companies will place advertisements on inschool websites. New Asia Network will surpass Naver and Yahoo Korea and become the Internet company with the highest advertising revenue in South Korea.

At this time, Liu Yongjun, the section chief of Xinya Network Operations Group, raised his question, "President, last time you said that inschool would be fully open for registration in mid-November, but now it is determined to be November 11th. What does this date mean? Does it have a special meaning?”

Liu Yongjun graduated from Seoul National University. He previously worked at Han Game, an online game company. The founder of this company is called Jin Beomxiu.

Unlike other paid online games in South Korea, Kim Beom-soo provides the games he worked hard to develop to users for free. In just one year, the number of Han Game players has grown from a few hundred to 10 million.

Kim Beom-soo was a former employee of Samsung. He recruited his former colleague Lee Hae-jin, and Naver and Han Game merged to form a new portal website NHN (Next human network).

The reason why Lee Haizhen agreed to the merger was because Naver had not yet found a good way to make money and could not turn a profit through the Korean advertising business. Han Game was very profitable, so Kim Beomsu and Lee Haizhen hit it off, which led to the merger of Naver and Han Game. This merger.

Han Game and Naver merged. Liu Yongjun of Han Game's operations department felt that his and NHN's business philosophies were inconsistent, so he joined New Asia Network Co., Ltd. as the operations team leader.

According to the historical trajectory, NHN will break up again sooner or later due to uneven distribution of spoils. The strong-willed melon is not sweet in the first place, and Lee Hae-jin and Kim Beom-soo have been competing for the boss of the Korean Internet.

Li Haizhen stuck to Naver, and Kim Beom-soo later founded Kakao and developed the Korean version of WeChat Kakao Talk, the Korean version of Alipay Kakao Pay, and Korea's largest online bank Kakao Bank.

Later, Kakao, Kakao Pay and Kakao Bank were listed respectively. Kim Beom-soo's net worth exceeded 13 billion US dollars, and his personal net worth surpassed that of Chen Jae-yong, becoming the richest man in South Korea, with unlimited glory.

However, what is interesting is that Kakao Pay went public. Kakao CEO Yoo Yong-joon sold out Kakao Pay shares and cashed out 49.6 billion won, which caused dissatisfaction among the securities industry and the public, and eventually resigned as Kakao CEO.

Thinking of this period of history, Song Yi naturally valued Liu Yongjun more and decided to focus on cultivating Liu Yongjun. Li Haizhen and Jin Fanxiu were already princes at this time, and Jin Fanxiu was unwilling to be subordinated. It was impossible for Song Yi to recruit him.

Song Yi also had to admire Liu Yongjun's keen observation at this time. The reason why Song Yi chose November 11, 2001 as the date for full registration, of course he had his own plans.

"In November 2001, when you saw so many 1's, what did you think of first?" Song Yi asked Liu Yongjun.

"1 and 0?" Liu Yongjun guessed. Liu Yongjun is right, 1 and 0 are the basic units of binary storage in computers.

As Song Yi's secretary, Jiang Xiuna has been listening in, holding a pen and recording something in her notebook.

Song Yi suddenly clicked on Jiang Xiuna, "Secretary Jiang, when I mentioned 1, what did you think of?"

"Single? Odd number?" Jiang Xiuna's imagination was wide open.

Song Yi snapped his fingers, "Bingo! As expected, girls' emotions are more delicate. I'm going to create a festival for singles on the Internet. It will be set up on November 11th every year. This festival is called Singles' Day."

"November 11th." Song Yi simply drew four vertical straight lines on the blackboard in the conference room. "Look at them. They are parallel lines that will never intersect. They are like lovers who are out of reach. They seem to be within reach. Reachable, but out of reach, alone, so lonely, isn't this the day when bachelors revel?"

Song Yi continued to ask Liu Yongjun, "If you come to Singles' Day and you find that all your classmates have girlfriends, what is the thing you want to do most?"

Liu Yongjun said without hesitation, "Get out of singles."

Song Yi had a cowardly look on his face, "You're right, our inschool focuses on campus socializing. After you leave college, you will find that the girls in college are actually the easiest to chase."

"They don't have the shackles of early love in high school, nor the pressure of going to higher schools. Studying is no longer the whole of her life, and they also expect a good relationship. And most of them leave their parents for the first time, live alone, and have the experience of living alone. If you can give her care and help in life and study, it can partially replace the role of her parents in her mind. Moreover, freshmen girls are easier to pursue than senior seniors." Song Yi continued to talk. .

Just when Song Yi was giving advice in the conference room, Jin Xiyuan led Kim Taehee in from the back of the conference room.

The employees of New Asia Network saw Jin Xiyuan and quickly prepared to say hello to her. Jin Xiyuan motioned for them to be quiet. The two sisters of Jin Xiyuan were listening to Song Yi's experience in picking up girls in college.

The more Jin Xiyuan listened, the weirder she felt. She couldn't help but quietly asked her sister, "Taehee, did Song Yi really never fall in love at Yonsei University? What he shared is based on experience."

Song Yi also noticed Jin Taixi coming in at this time. He nodded and said hello to them both, and then continued: "Of course, I am just sharing my experience. Whether it can work or not remains to be practiced. Maybe it is just talk on paper. After all, paper I have learned a lot from the beginning, but I know that I have to do it carefully."

"The reason why I tell you this is just to emphasize that the core requirement of all social networking sites is to make friends with the opposite sex."

"You managed to get into college from high school. You are studying in Busan, and the girl you love is studying in Seoul. How do you contact her? And you don't know her mobile phone number, so how do you contact her?"

"It's very simple. Register an inschool account, then search for her school and name, and then her homepage will pop up, follow her, and then add friends. If you are already friends, you can start messaging and chatting."

"You can know her latest updates through her homepage, see her latest photos, know that she has a new hairstyle, followed a new drama, and read an interesting book. Then your common topics are come yet?"

"If you don't know each other, you just met her once on campus, fell in love with her at first sight, then found out her name through classmates, then mustered up the courage to add her as a friend, and then sent the first message, 'Hi, can I make a friend? ?'" Song Yi said.

"Believe me, if inschool opens registration to all college students, the registration rate of first-year students will definitely exceed that of seniors and seniors. I will create a new commercial for inschool, starring Cha Tae-hyun and Kim Tae-hee."

"In addition to this commercial, I need you to go to major universities and mobilize your mobilization capabilities. It is best to hold some activities during Singles Day, such as giving a rose to newly registered single users, etc."

"If there is not enough manpower, then recruit part-time students from the school. In addition to getting cash compensation for the day, part-time students can also get priority opportunities to intern at Xinya Media. In a word, if you want money, give money, and if you want people, give People!" Song Yi began to assign tasks to Liu Yongjun and the others.

"Okay, today's meeting ends here. I need you to take action immediately, go, go, go!" Song Yi clapped his hands and urged.

After the employees left the conference room, Song Yi walked towards Kim Tae Hee, "I've been waiting for a long time. Isn't the meeting a bit boring?"

Kim Tae Hee was very energetic, "Why? I found the OPPA meeting very interesting, and I learned a lot. Is the slogan of inschool the same as 'Hi, can you make a friend?'"

Song Yi was really shocked by his girlfriend. He knew that Kim Tae Hee was very smart, but Kim Tae Hee's performance today still impressed her.

"That's right, there were so many people in the conference room, but no one could guess it just now. You guessed it all at once, that's amazing!" Song Yi gave his girlfriend a thumbs up.

Jin Xiyuan repeated, "Hi, can I make a friend?" Although this sentence is easy to understand, it explains the essence of inschool's product.

Song Yi said to Kim Tae Hee: "We will go to New Korea Media later. This commercial for inschool is definitely of high standard. Guo Zaiyong directed it. Cha Tae Hyun will be your partner. I will be the producer. When the commercial is broadcast, the plot will be revealed." The content is absolutely impressive.”

Kim Hee-won was a little strange, "If it is to promote inschool, Kwak Jae-yong + Jun Ji-hyun + Cha Tae-hyun are the most suitable candidates. After all, the popularity of "My Naughty Girlfriend" has not passed, why would you choose Tae-hee to star in inschool's commercial?" "

The second update is here. Ten thousand words have been updated today. Thank you all for your subscriptions and monthly votes. See you tomorrow.

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