I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1006

And this time the movement was far more than before, even to the point where everyone who had just entered Pandora's Tower of Kiryu Zhantu couldn't stand still!

The internal structure of Pandora Tower began to change, the cold rock walls began to disappear gradually, and the dark environment was completely illuminated by light. The dazzling light even made Kiryu Zhantu, who had just become familiar with the dark environment, subconsciously block their hands in front of their eyes.

And just after they adapted to the light again, they were shocked to find that the world they saw was completely different.

The space inside Pandora's Tower seems to have become a whole new world!

"Hey, hey! Zhan Tu, what's going on?" Wan Zhanglong looked around blankly and asked subconsciously.

This scene has completely exceeded the laws of physics. Even Kiryu Sentu couldn't give an answer, and could only observe the surroundings vigilantly.

Then they felt the ground shake again!

No... not just shaking, but the ground of this city is crumbling!

Under the unbelievable eyes of Kiryu Zhantu and the others, the ground under their feet began to crack and bulge, and the huge rift made the city look as if it was about to fall into an endless abyss!

The huge tower-shaped building rose from the ground and then continued to shatter, while the light constantly emitting from the building seemed to tell them that this deep-buried building was violently pulled up by someone with a special ability.

Seeing this scene, Kiryu Sentu subconsciously prepared to transform to save the victims, but...

"Don't worry..."

Don't worry? Kiryu Zhantu was taken aback for a moment, and then he didn't realize it.

The same goes for the others, but when they turned their gazes to the direction of the sound, they saw a figure squatting on the roof.

Wearing rustic clothes, and a bald head that reflects slightly under the sun.

"What does this sentence mean?" Kiryu Sentu frowned and asked, and then he found that even if such a terrible disaster occurred in this city, no one in the surrounding buildings ran out in a panic.

Is it an uninhabited place? Kiryu Zhantu thought to himself.

Only President E who saw Saitama's figure frowned slightly.

He didn't expect such a change in the Pandora Tower, which made him feel that there were some problems in his plan again.

In President E's eyes, Jon will most likely not take the initiative to explain the cause of the incident to Kiryu Sentu, but will use Killbus to achieve his own goals, but the appearance of Saitama tells him that the situation has changed.

What made him frown was that Saitama, who clearly knew of his existence, also showed an appearance of not knowing him at this moment, answering Kiryu Sentu's question with hanging eyes.

"Not only because this is no man's land, but also because this is an event that should have happened but was prevented in advance." An event that should have occurred but was prevented in advance?

What does it mean?

A trace of confusion appeared in Kiryu Zhantu's eyes, but he immediately relaxed.

Although I don't know what is going on, no matter where it is, as long as such a disaster is prevented, it is enough.

Then Kiryu Sento saw Saitama jump off the roof.

"But having said that, I should need to stop you from moving forward, but..." Saitama showed a helpless expression on his face halfway through the speech, then scratched his head and said:

"However, it would be too troublesome if you do this...how about leaving one of you alone, um...just you."

Saitama pointed at President E and suggested.

"If I stay alone, I have a reason to be lazy, but don't worry, I won't hurt him, even if he wants to go back, I won't stop him."

After finishing speaking, Saitama knelt down and poked a weed on the side of the road, as if waiting for Kiryu Sentu and the others to respond.

"Hey! You bastard!" The irritable Wanzhanglong I seemed to want to say something, but Mr. E stopped me.

Mr. E certainly remembers the existence of Saitama.

He was the second customer after him, but he didn't seem to have reached a contract with Jon from the beginning to the end, and his wish seemed to be a strange wish such as wishing that the supermarket would offer discounts every day, but E would never underestimate this man because of this.

After all, the opponent has already proved with his strength that he is also a monster!

At the same time, Boss E is also very clear that Saitama did it on purpose, just to block him, so that he cannot exert influence on Kiryu Sentu's next trip.

What makes President E frown even more is that he can't refuse Saitama's proposal, because his strength is not strong on the surface, and if he objects, it is very likely that Kiryu Sentu and the others will notice the abnormality.


"It's okay, it's okay..." Boss E looked like a good old man, "I think this gentleman is also the kind who is very easy to communicate, so if I can buy time for Zhantu, then I have already played the best role." effect, but..."

When it came to the end, President E's tone became serious.

"Be careful, War Rabbit! If you encounter any danger, don't be brave!"

This appearance made Kiryu Sentu and the others grit their teeth, but finally agreed to the proposal.

Seeing this, Saitama directly opened the door to the next floor. After Kiryu Sentu and the others disappeared in front of him, he stood up from the ground and moved his body.

"To be honest, I hate the way you look."

When saying these words, Saitama seemed to be a different person.

Saitama hates Mr. E, and it has nothing to do with Mr. E hindering him. It is purely that the other party's behavior of deceiving and playing with others makes him feel sick.

Especially the phrase 'false hero' made him want to punch President E in the face.

Mr. E is obviously aware of Saitama's attitude, so after Kiryu Sentu and the others left, he put away his attitude.

He doesn't have the desire to fight Saitama, he might as well perfect his plan if he has the time.


"Actually, from the beginning, brother Saitama, your wish was not to have discounts in the supermarket every day, right?"

Before leaving Pandora Tower, Mr. E asked Saitama like this.

Saitama didn't answer.

Mr. E didn't say much about this, but chose to leave after shrugging his shoulders.


"Zhan Tu, is it really okay to leave the store manager alone?" Wan Zhanglong and I asked nervously.

"Probably not..."


Just when Kiryu Zhantu was about to answer Banzhanglong and I said that there should be no problem, a terrifying gust of wind hit, almost blowing him off the ground.

Then at this time they discovered that after the torn city, they came to a new city again, and the city was covered with dark clouds.

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