I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1005

Before Jon could give a response, the dragon girl walked up to the opened Pandora's box and threw the dangerous trigger in her hand into it.

As the dangerous trigger began to emit bright light, the dragon girl turned her head to Jon with a silly smile and said, "Uncle Blood Dive, you really still have such a personality, exactly the same as Mami-senpai said, but next, Uncle Blood Diver, you will It’s enough just to watch, and leave the rest to us!”

Saying so, the dragon girl picked up the white metal plate that appeared on Pandora's Box, and held it up to Jon.

"Uncle Blood Dive will get a reward every time he saves the world, right! If we put those evolution bottles in, maybe we can call everyone over."

Jon: "..."

He felt that these words must have been taught by Ba Mami, a muscular idiot, otherwise she would not have thought of such a method alone.


"Not ten."

"Huh?" The dragon girl still looked stupid, as if she couldn't understand what Jon was saying.

"I said I didn't have ten...forget it..." Jon suddenly felt that it was meaningless to tease this muscular idiot, so he took out the book of dimensions.

In the next second, the energy from the Book of Dimensions began to pour into the white metal plate, forming phantoms of energy bottles one after another.

The dragon girl also showed a successful plot expression on her face.

She knew that Uncle Blood Diver had a solution!

Although it was just Jon's idea to collect ten evolutionary bottles and put them into the white metal plate, in theory, he should be able to obtain new abilities just like Mr. E completed the black Pandora's Box metal plate, but Jon has never been too much. Worry about it.

Because the Pandora's Box itself is just a product of the world of Kamen Rider Build, it is far from being able to compare with some of the power in his hands now.

For example, the dark power bottle, the Nexus bottle, and the magic girl bottle linked to his own soul.

To put it simply, the personality of these evolutionary bottles has far exceeded that of Pandora's Box itself, but this does not mean that the white metal plate does not work for Jon.

There is a difference between the Pandora's Box in his hand and the Pandora's Box in Kiryu Sentu's hand, just like the white metal plate in his hand will not be related to the parallel world of the Kamen Rider Build world.

As for which world to connect with, it depends on Jon's own wishes.

"But I always feel that suddenly going to trouble others will cause trouble to others." Jon complained.

"No way!" Dragon Girl said earnestly, "All those who have been helped by Uncle Blood Potential must have been waiting for this moment too!"

As the dragon girl's voice fell, the phantom of the first energy bottle on the white metal plate condensed into substance.

The white bottle comes with a golden fist logo.

Obviously, the contract with Jon has not yet been formally concluded, but the moment Jon sent out the invitation, Saitama's voice sounded as he was exercising hard and was about to make gestures with Touma.

"It's Jon, so it seems that Genos can only go to the discount event in the supermarket next door at night."

After that...

The symbol of the Soul Gem.

Ba Mami stood beside Jon.

Golden devil fruit logo.

"It is incumbent!"

Arrow logo.

"Boss, it's already ready." This is Bugarati's steady voice.

The Command Seal symbol that Jon once drew casually.

Sakura Matou grabbed Jon's sleeve.

Cherry blossom logo.

"The store manager, the store manager! Yuna came to play with you!" This was Yuki Yuna's excited voice.

Evolution of the trustworthy sign.

"This time, it seems that I need to borrow your "light", Mr. Store Manager. "This is Ji Yazhun's relaxed voice.

Umbilical cord logo.

"Are you finally ready to take the initiative to open the shackles that bind you?" This was Maria's voice with a smile.

Hexagonal AT force field logo.

"Even though I'm weak, I'll do my best to help!" This is what Makibo said in a singing tone.

Similarly, this is also the ninth condensed energy bottle.

At this point, there is only one vacant space left on the white metal plate.

But the last bottle is also the one with the slowest condensation speed, as if this is not just one bottle, but a complex of multiple bottles.

In the end, the logo of the golden rhombus gem was condensed on the energy bottle.

This energy bottle represents Jon, and it can also be said to represent the world where Jon is, and not just the world where Jon is.

It's all the world of Kamen Rider who has established a contract with Jon!

Take Shishima, Kagami Shin, Takayama Jin, Goshiro Yusuke, Maharuto, Kanyo, Hino Eiji, and Tan Reto who just parted.

Doujin didn't speak, but Jon could feel his presence too.

When their voices rang in Jon's ears at the same time, even Jon showed a look of astonishment.


"Although I really don't want to admit it, at least we are still a cooperative relationship until we get your power." Men Yashi said, then picked up the camera on his chest, and took a picture of the scene in front of him.

"There's me! There's me!" The dragon girl raised her right hand and kept shaking it, signaling that she would do the same.

Jon didn't answer, just flicked her head.

He felt that once he got involved in this way, the scene suddenly became bigger.


It's a good feeling.

Of course, Jon didn't express such thoughts on his face, but put this special white metal plate on the Pandora's Box again.

In the next second, Pandora's Tower began to tremble again!

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