I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1004

As if aware of some possibility, Kiryu Sentu showed a frightened expression on his face.

Could it be Pandora's Box... more than one!


If Kiryu Zhantu only felt the ground trembling slightly, then the people who were close to Pandora Tower and the wall of the sky could be described as panic.

They seem to have seen the recurrence of the disaster ten years ago!

The ominous red light rose into the sky again, and even the dark sky was dyed this strange color.

The ground is constantly shaking, and it seems that something horrible is about to emerge from the ground, and then...

They were horrified to find that the height of Pandora's Tower...has risen again! When Kiryu Zhantu and the others arrived, what they saw was such a scene.

The towering Pandora Tower had pierced the sky at this moment, connecting the ground and the sky together, and the faint red energy emanating from it made people feel strong at the first sight. of fear.

The existence of the sky wall is definitely a pain for the people in the world of Kamen Rider Build. They thought that such a threat would disappear with the elimination of the Blood trio by Kamen Rider, but now the changes in Pandora Tower are obvious. It's telling them that's not the case at all!

Kiryu Zhantu found Himuro Gentoku, and also saw Saruto Kazukai with the same astonished expression on his face.

"Have you found the reason?" Kiryu Zhantu asked.

Himuro Huante shook his head and said: "I contacted Zhantu before just to ask about the situation of Pandora's Box. Since Pandora's Box is still with you, it is obvious that the current situation has completely exceeded our expectations. .”

Seeing this, Kiryu Zhantu recounted his discovery just now.

"Other Pandora's boxes?" Himuro Huante frowned, and Saruto Kazukai did the same.

Then they subconsciously remembered the other earth they had seen before.

From the moment that special mechanical lifeform suddenly appeared in this world, it meant that the world they were in had a connection with that dead world, so it cannot be ruled out that there are other people from that world appearing in this world.

And this man...

Most likely it's Evolto!

Thinking of this, they subconsciously glanced at Pandora's Tower.

But from the beginning to the end, they didn't notice the slightly raised corners of Mr. E's mouth who followed him.

In the original trajectory, in order to buy time for himself, he used the trio of Yineng Xingang, but after knowing his future, he directly changed his plan.

However, he still used the trio of Yi NengXianGang.

Using Yineng Xingang's trio, he successfully regained his own power, and also took this opportunity to make Princess Martian, who was possessed by Ishidong Misora, fall into a deep sleep due to exhaustion of energy.

The purpose is to make Manjo Ryuga grow up, and for Kiryu Sentu to discover the existence of the white Pandora's Box metal plate.

In the new plan, E can always be said to have filled almost all the loopholes, but unfortunately there is one loophole that he can't fill.

That's where Jon exists.

However, judging from the current situation, this loophole will not make his plan irretrievable. Of course, Mr. E will not pin all his hopes on the possibility that Jon will not overthrow the table, which is not under his control. Sexually.

So after Kiryu Sentu explained his discovery to Himuro Fantasy and the others, Mr. E decisively opened his mouth.

"Zhantu, shall we go in and have a look?"

This question made Kiryu Sentu and the others put serious expressions on their faces, and then nodded.

But Kiryu Zhantu and the others didn't know that when they made the decision to explore Pandora Tower, the top floor of Pandora Tower was noisy.

As for the reason for the noise, Sakura Kyoko wanted to beat Jon but was blocked by Matou Sakura with her open hands, and the dragon girl was looking at the environment inside Pandora Tower curiously.

"So this is the real Pandora's Tower!" The dragon girl couldn't help but exclaimed.

She felt like there was a boundless world here, and then she looked at Jon with a smirk.

"Uncle Blood Dive, is there anything I can help you with this time?"

"There is no need..." Jon subconsciously wanted to give a negative answer, but Ba Mami interrupted him before he could finish speaking.

"There must be something that needs help, right?" Ba Mamei said with a smile.

Jon: "..."

He was obviously laughing, but it gave Jon an extremely dangerous feeling, as if if he refused Ba Mami's words, he would only be able to join the Wandering Kyoko Project and become a member of it.

Thinking of this, Jon glanced at Men Yashi.

Fortunately, he thought before that asking Monyashi to drink coffee was a bit too much, but now it seems that it is not too much at all!

At the beginning, Jon really wanted to solve it alone, but Men Yashi brought Ba Mami and the others into this world.

Facing Jon's dissatisfied gaze, Mon Yashi shrugged, as if he couldn't help it.

He really couldn't help it, and even felt that if he refused at that time, the end would be very bad.

Seeing this, Jon was also a little helpless.

"There's really nothing that needs help."

His purpose in erecting Pandora's Tower was to attract Killbus to Earth, and he had no other plans.


"But if this is the case, Jon, you will definitely be misunderstood again." Ba Mamei showed a reproachful expression.

Jon was noncommittal.

The dragon girl showed an excited look.

"Then let's clear up people's misunderstanding about Uncle Blood Diver again!"

"Tsk, Master Kyoko is not interested." Sakura Kyoko looked arrogant, snorted and turned her head away, but looked at Jon secretly again.

"There was no misunderstanding in the first place, so there is no need to eliminate it." Jon said helplessly, but was rejected by the dragon girl in the next second.

"But if you don't take the initiative to explain, you will definitely be misunderstood! Evolto will definitely do the same!"

The dragon girl said seriously.

She has no doubt that Jon has the power to defeat Evolto, but sometimes power is not enough!

That Evolto must be using various methods to slander Uncle Blood Diving now, causing Kiryu Sentu and the others to misunderstand Uncle Blood Diving, that's why they need their help!

As for the method, she has found it!

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