I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1008

Men Yashi reluctantly believed it, but lost interest after looking at it for a few more times.

He already knew the outcome of this battle, and then he heard Jon's invitation again.

"But it seems a little too boring to just wait here, let's go out for a stroll, do you want to come together?"


At the same time, President E who left Pandora's Tower did not return to the coffee shop, but turned into smoke and appeared in a secret laboratory.

And in this secret laboratory, there is another figure wearing a full protective suit.

The other party was not surprised by Zong E's appearance, nor did he stop what he was doing, but calmly said, "There has been a lot of commotion."

"Yeah, there was a lot of commotion." Mr. E sat on the sofa, crossing his hands to support his chin.

After a while, the researchers finished the work at hand, and then took off the gas mask, revealing the face of Shinobu Katsuragi, Kiryu Sentu's father.

Shinobu Katsuragi's eyes flickered with his back to Mr. E, but he was also a little scared.

The method he left for his son was wrong, and even using the white metal plate hidden in Pandora's Box, Evolto couldn't really be destroyed!

In the beginning, Shinobu Katsuragi had been paving the way for his son whose appearance had been changed on the premise of eliminating Evolto, but from the previous "collision" incident in the world, it can be seen that his idea was wrong!

Even in other worlds, Evolto also exists!

Even Pandora's Box exists!

Thinking of this, Katsuragi Shinobu suddenly lost his mind, and then returned to his normal appearance.

All the years of hard work were all in vain, and he was hit a bit hard.

However, Katsuragi Shinobi, who felt that he was hiding well, didn't notice the playful eyes of Mr. E not far away when he looked at him.

Mr. E didn't know that this partner who had always appeared in front of him as a scientific madman, as if he was willing to destroy the earth in order to explore the end of science, was actually deliberately trying to eliminate his information, and then acted first.

After all, in terms of talent, Katsuragi Shinobu is still very outstanding, just be careful not to be tricked by him.

But now Katsuragi Shinobi can no longer find a way to plot against him. After all, all the plans made by this man are based on the power of Pandora's Box. President E also started to plan the white Pandora's Box metal plate When it is time, it means that he has been completely reduced to a pawn.

"What's the matter? Katsuragi, are you worried that our plan will not be completed?" Mr. E asked, pretending not to notice Katsuragi Shinobi's abnormality.

"After all, that was the monster that almost wiped out another one of you." Shinobu Katsuragi showed a worried expression, and asked, "It must be him who appears in this world now."

"You don't need to worry about this." Boss E laughed loudly, then showed a confident expression, and said, "Ge Cheng, don't you think that the Blood clan in this world is only me and those three idiots?"

These words made Katsuragi Shinobu's pupils shrink suddenly.

He thought of the three Blood trio who were used by Evolto and didn't even know why he died.

Obviously it also has the power to destroy the planet, but in the eyes of Evolto, it is like a chess piece that can be discarded at will!

And now the monster told him, there are other Blood people?

Could it be an existence more terrifying than Evolto?

"Yeah...Killbus is not comparable to those three idiots like Hyungang Ino." Mr. E picked up a bottle of red wine on the coffee table, poured it into his mouth, and looked at Katsuragi with horror In the middle, he said with a smile: "He is my closest companion, my elder brother, and also the king of Blood Star. If he knows about this, he will definitely come here with great interest."

With a bang, Mr. E smashed the wine bottle on the table.

"Things are getting more and more interesting, Katsuragi."

Kiryu Sentu and Manjo Ryuga, whose danger level has broken through 7.0, are very strong, but it is indeed the same as Mon Yashi said, and there is a gap between his performance and his performance on the Dimensional website.

The reason, of course, is that Boss E is still carrying out the despicable plan called "False Heroes". It's not just Kiryu Sento who was included in this plan, but Manjo Ryuga and the others were also included in it.

At present, they are bound to be unable to defeat Ba Mami and Sakura Kyoko, who have the magical girl evolution bottle, and at most they can maintain a 50-50 situation by relying on the diversity of genius forms and abilities.

So Jon didn't pay too much attention to this battle, but chose to leave Pandora Tower with Men Yashi, and came to President E's coffee shop.

Mr. E hasn't come back yet, and Jon saw Misora ​​Ishidong with a worried face in the store, and Saewa Takigawa who came over after hearing about the sudden change in Pandora Tower.

This was also within Jon's expectation. Mr. E would definitely do something after being blocked by Saitama, but after seeing Sae Takikawa, Jon was a little curious.

Mr. E is obviously the kind of person who will make the most of the value of the chess pieces, so Jon is not clear about the current situation of Namba Heavy Industries.

Of course he didn't ask directly.

On the contrary, the two women who were worried about Kiryu Sentu and the others showed astonished eyes when they saw Jon and Monyashi push the door in.

It was still late at night after all.

"Sorry, customers, it's not business hours now." Shi Dongmeikong subconsciously, she took Jon and En who pushed the door in as customers who thought they were open when the lights were still on, but...

"No, we're here to get first-hand information." Jon shrugged, then pointed to Menya, and said, "This is Mr. Kamen Rider's news, and I'm his assistant."

Ishido Misora ​​was stunned by this answer, and Takigawa Sawa, who had reacted, pulled the corner of her clothes, indicating that there was indeed such a character.


"Is there anything to eat?"

Looking at this man who was rummaging on the counter impolitely after he came in, Ishido Misora ​​was a little bit astonished.

Asahi Shimbun's special reporter, are you so rude?

However, perhaps because of the sense of urgency brought about by the sudden change of Pandora Tower, Ishidong Misora ​​gave up the idea of ​​​​stopping Kato Yashi's behavior, but just when she subconsciously wanted to ask something, the door of the coffee shop was blocked again. opened.

The first one to walk in was the embarrassed Manzhang Ryuga, and then Kiryu Zhantu with a serious face.

But what made Shidong Misora ​​nervous was that she didn't see her father's figure, and just as she was about to ask, another voice sounded right before her.

"Welcome back..."

Although he was saying welcome back, his tone sounded like he was perfunctory, and it was accompanied by the sound of tearing the packaging bag.

The person who spoke was naturally Monyashi. When Kiryu Sentu and the others returned from the defeat, he found a bag of small bread under the counter, opened it, took out one, stuffed it into his mouth, and picked up the camera on his chest. The Kiryu Sentu and his party were photographed.

Such a weird behavior naturally attracted the attention of Kiryu Sentu and the others, but I recognized Jon.

"It's you! That weird guy who thinks the coffee made by the manager is delicious!"

This sentence made Kiryu Zhantu stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously felt that the identities of these two people were not simple, especially the behavior of appearing here again tonight.

"How did you find it here?"

"It seems that you haven't realized how famous you are."

It was Katoyashi who answered the question of Kiryu Sentu, and while eating the buns one bite at a time, he said: "Before you have been fighting with your identities hidden, but in that battle to save the world, you looked like It was seen by everyone."

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