I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1010

For this guy who eats and takes, Jon is quite speechless, but he still explains:

"Actually, it was a wrong choice for Evolto to use the "Enigma" system, at least after returning to this world, he will no longer have the ability to jump out of the framework of this world. "

This answer made Kazuya sneer.

"If he hadn't used that Enigma system, it would have been much worse. "

Jon was noncommittal.

Men Yashi is right, it was a wrong choice for Mr. E to use the "Enigma" system, but it is a choice he will definitely make.

And doing so also means Mr. E has returned to the framework of the Kamen Rider Build world, and the only thing he can plot is the power of Pandora's Box itself.

"Although we still don't know what his real plan is, it is nothing more than related to the white metal plate, so there is no need to worry about it for now, and my plan should also need the cooperation of another Pandora's Box."

"But if it's just Pandora's Box, it should be easy to get it."

"But who told me that my goal in the first place was not Pandora's Box." Jon pretended to be distressed.

Men Yashi showed a helpless expression.

Also helpless is Ba Mamei.

"So Jon, you are the most capricious guy." Ba Mamei nodded on Jon's forehead reproachfully.

That idiot Sakura Kyoko couldn't even see this kind of thing, no wonder she lost to someone like Kato Yashi who only met Jon a few times.

She is very clear about Jon's thoughts, and she also understands the significance of Kamen Rider Build World to Jon.

That's why she asked Men Yashi to bring her into this world.

She wanted to give Jon a chance to tell Kiryu Sentu those people the truth, to prove that Jon was not seeking power for himself, but was using power to save others!

The Power Seeds from Kamen Rider Build have been helping other worlds and will never stop!

Now, it's up to those who have been helped to help Kamen Rider Build the world!


"Go do what you want to do most, and then go back to eat red bean rice together." Ba Mami said to Jon with a smile.

Jon was taken aback by this sentence, and then smiled.

Sure enough, Ba Mami had figured out his character.

But he did not refuse, but stood up.

"Sir, are you interested in accompanying me on a journey?"

The answer to Jon was the palm of Monyashi stretched out towards Jon.

In this regard, Jon could only take out a knight system bottle.

Men Yashi accepted it unceremoniously, and then shook it in front of Jon.

"It's just a deposit."

Today's flamboyant knight still likes to die so much! Jon shrugged and thought to himself.

Since even Ba Mami thinks so, then this time he will be self-willed.

Then the next day, with a video camera on his shoulder, he appeared again in front of the coffee shop with Kato Yashi, and greeted Manzhanglong who just opened the door and came out.

"Good morning! Mr. Wanzhang."

"It's you again! And you, the one who ate the bread I hid yesterday!" Wan Zhanglong who opened the door and I was taken aback by the two people blocking the coffee shop, and then complained.

But even though I have that kind of impulsive and irritable character, Wanzhanglong and I are not the kind of person who cares about every detail. After simply complaining, I looked curiously at Jon, who looked like a cameraman, and Jon, who still looked like a smelly man. A fart-looking Katoyashi with his hands in his pockets.

"What are you doing here again?"

"Of course it is to shoot the heroic posture of the Kamen Riders in battle." Jon smiled, "If more people can see the will of the Kamen Riders, they will definitely not be afraid anymore, so Mr. Menya and I My mission is to tell those who are afraid that Kamen Rider..."

When he said this, Jon paused, and then said seriously:

"I've been by their side all the time!" Regarding the joining of Jon and Monyashi, Kiryu Sentu and the others didn't have any objections. Himuro Magic also contacted the newspaper that Jon mentioned, and confirmed that there was indeed such a plan. , and both are voluntary.

But E always has a slight change in expression.

He found himself being calculated once again!

If he had known yesterday that Jon was planning to join Kiryu Sentu and the others in this way, then he would definitely not be stopped by Saitama so easily!

But I made that choice yesterday, and if I change my mind today, it is obviously inappropriate.

So in the first round, he lost!

But he still has a chance!

Mr. E probably understood Jon's thoughts, so he didn't express his opinion, but cared about Jon hypocritically, and asked him and Monyashi to protect themselves carefully when Kiryu Sentu and the others were fighting, and then was blocked by Saitama again On the first floor.

Jon pretended to be shocked by the world inside Pandora's Tower, and kept shooting with the camera on his shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey! Be careful!" Although Wanzhanglong and I were worried that Jon and Men Yashi would get in the way of the battle at first, I couldn't help reminding me after arriving on the second floor.

"Although it's just a projection from other worlds, it's real here. If you're not careful, you'll die!"

But before Wanzhanglong I got Jon's answer, Sakura Kyoko's voice sounded.

"I thought you wouldn't dare to come here after being beaten up yesterday, but I didn't expect to come so early." Sakura Kyoko looked like she had just woken up, and then asked, "Have you had breakfast? Did you?" If you eat it, do you want to give me two punches?"

If the first half of the latter sentence still moved Wan Zhanglong, then the second half of the sentence made him want to beat up this little girl who seemed to be more than ten years younger than him.

But just when Wanzhanglong I was about to transform, I was blocked by Kiryu Sentu.

The abnormal movements not only made Wanzhanglong feel strange to me, but also Saruto Kazukai and Himuro Magic.


"What you want to prevent me from seeing is the person who solved the disaster in advance, right?" Kiryu Sentu looked at Sakura Kyoko and Asami seriously, and asked.

He didn't sleep all night last night, thinking about this problem.

If not only the first and second floors, but also the world shown through Pandora's Demon Tower is like this, then why do these saved people stop them from moving forward?

So he asked the question.


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