I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1013

"Let's go, Kyoko." The magic flintlock turned into a ribbon in Ba Mami's hands, and Ba Mami turned her head and left.

"Don't order Kyoko-sama! Tsk, I wanted these guys' drivers to be out of print." Sakura Kyoko grinned, also scattered the huge martial arts suit behind her, and then left with Ba Mami.

Although this provocative remark made Wanzhanglong feel uncomfortable, I didn't say much in the end. I just took another look at Katoyashi after canceling the transformation.

"Hello, thank you."

Although he was still unhappy with this flirtatious guy, he had to admit that what the special reporter said just now played a big role.

"I didn't say this to get your meaningless thanks." Mon Yashi glanced at Wanzhang Longwo, and then walked coolly towards the space door left by Ba Mami.

The scenes presented in Pandora Tower are also regarded as a special journey for Kato Yashi, as if he is re-taking the journey that Jon has taken.

This is the story he wants to know!

Before stepping into the space door leading to the lower floor of Pandora Tower, Kato Yashi turned his head and looked at Jon who was filming Kiryu Sentu and the others, and reminded:

"Let's go, assistant."

"Don't be so anxious, Mr. Menya, if you pass by alone, it will be bad if you get knocked off the overpass."

Monyashi: "..."

Kato Yashi felt strong malice in Jon's words, but Kiryu Sentu and the others couldn't understand the hidden meaning of this sentence.

If they regarded Jon and Men Yashi as ordinary people who needed protection before, they have now become companions who can fight side by side!

Maybe they don't have the power of Kamen Riders, but the moment they choose to appear in Pandora's Tower, they have already proved their will!

"Then, let's move on!" Kiryu Sentu took a deep breath, then smiled.

Some things don't need to be said, just keep going!

After finishing speaking, Kiryu Zhantu took the lead to step through the space door leading to the third floor of Pandora Tower.

He is ready to face all challenges!

But when he reached the third floor of Pandora's Tower, what he saw was completely different from before.

In the worlds of the first and second floors, they saw monsters that brought destruction and despair to mankind, but in the third floor, what he saw was a calm sea.

The cries of seagulls from overhead and the huge sails in front of them told Kiryu Sento and the people who followed him that they were on a huge wooden boat at the moment.

What will they face this time?

The second this idea appeared in the minds of Kiryu Sentu and his party, they heard the crisp sound of clogs stepping on the wooden board.

"Is the guest finally here? It's been a long wait..."

What appeared in the eyes of Kiryu Zhantu and the others was wearing a purple bathrobe, with a grim smile on his closed eyes.

With a stick and sword in his left hand and a bowl of noodles in his right hand, he looks like a peaceful uncle.

It's not like Sakura Kyoko and Ba Mami did it as soon as they came up. They walked up to Kiryu Sentu and the others with a smile on their faces, and then sat on the ground and began to eat noodles.

"So, can you convince me to let you go?" "So, can you convince me to let you go?"

When the gentle voice of a smile rang in Kiryu Sentu's ears, they couldn't help showing astonished expressions on their faces.

Because Yixiao's performance was completely different from the garrison they met before.

The bald man on the first floor felt like he wanted to be lazy, so he appointed the store manager Shidong and let them go.

The two girls on the second floor seem to really want to block them on the second floor, but after seeing that they have already entered the abyss of despair, they can only choose to let them pass.

But the garrison who appeared on the third floor was gently asking if they could persuade him to let them pass.

For a while, they fell into silence.


"Hey..." Wanzhanglong looked at me with a speechless smile, broke the silence first, and complained: "You have been eating noodles since you first appeared, how can we convince you!"

Saying that, Wanzhanglong and I also sat cross-legged on the deck, looked at it with a smile, and said dissatisfiedly: "Since you want us to convince you, why don't you just let us go there? Or do you want to fight?"

"That's not okay..." Yixiao gently put the noodle bowl aside and said calmly.

He is obviously a blind man, but at this moment, Wan Zhanglong's smile gave me the feeling that I could see through his inner thoughts.

"After all, my strength is very weak, so I can only hold you back in this way."

He squeezed his chin with a smile, showing a helpless expression.

"But I think you will be able to answer the questions I prepared in advance, so it's better to change the question."

Under the gaze of the displeased Wanzhanglong I, I thought about it with a smile, and then asked: "Can you tell me the reason you started fighting?"

"Of course...of course..." Wan Zhanglong subconsciously wanted to answer, but I got stuck in the middle of the sentence.

In the beginning, he fought for himself, for those who believed in him, and for those he believed in.

Not only him, but others also fell into silence.

"It seems that you can't give me an answer that satisfies me, but it doesn't matter..." Yixiao picked up the noodle bowl again, "You can go back and think about it first, and then come to me."

The sound of eating noodles sounded again.

"I hope you can give me an answer that satisfies me by then, but..."

Smiling, he stopped eating noodles, and turned his closed eyes to Kadoyashi who was taking pictures of the boat with his camera.

"Is this gentleman interested in answering this question? If you had the power, what would you fight for?"

"A boring question is also a boring hypothesis." Men Yashi said calmly.

This answer from Katoyashi became the end of this exchange, but after leaving Pandora Tower, Kiryu Zhantu and the others still hadn't recovered from the question with a smile, and even saw the faces of ordinary people after they came out. I feel a little guilty when I care about the expression.

In fact, they already had the answer to this question in their hearts, but they didn't say it.

Then after returning to the coffee shop, he heard Jon's apology.

"Sorry, is it inconvenient to say it in front of other people?"

"No." Kiryu Zhantu shook his head, then looked at his companions who were also silent.

After a long time, Kiryu Sentu looked away.

"Maybe it's because I'm afraid that others will be disappointed."

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