I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1018

"It feels like the Y2K event."

Y2K event?

Kiryu Zhantu frowned slightly after hearing this sentence.

Although the name Y2K event sounds bluffing, it is actually just a computer setting problem.

Because computers of that era could only read the last two digits due to storage space issues, that is to say, if the year 2000 is entered, the time on the computer will be displayed as 1900, and all files will be deleted due to expiration.

And now...it seems really very similar!

If those accelerated dead things are regarded as computer files, and human beings are regarded as computer operators, then...

"Everything will go back to square one!"

When such a conclusion appeared in Kiryu Zhantu's mind, he also had an incredible expression on his face, and then he began to pace in place.

"If the millennium bug problem at that time was not resolved, then the time displayed on the computer would go back to 1900, and then all files would be deleted due to time issues, so..."

Kiryu Zhantu hammered his palm.

"It's equivalent to creating a new world! Then those deleted files will be recreated by us one after another, but..."

At the end, Kiryu Sentu frowned tightly again.

He felt that the problem was definitely not that simple.

Then he decided to go back to Pandora Tower to take a look.

This proposal was approved by others, but when they returned to the fourth floor of Pandora's Tower, they were taken aback by what they saw.

Because... it is exactly the same as what they saw when they came here before!

The infinitely accelerated world has returned to its original state?

Kiryu Sentu looked around, but he couldn't find Bugarati.

And then... time starts to speed up again!

When the sun in the sky began to set again at a speed visible to the naked eye, Kiryu Zhantu frowned.

Was the previous guess wrong? Or is it that the scene in Pandora's Tower will only repeat the scene before the world is destroyed?

After waiting for a while, Kiryu War Rabbit still didn't wait for Bugarati to appear, making the others wonder if the man named Bruno Bugarati pretended not to appear in front of them, and then completely blocked them from entering. Ideas for the next level of hope.

Kiryu Zhantu took a deep breath and could only choose to leave temporarily, but the next second he heard Wanzhanglongwo's uneasy voice.

"Hey, War Rabbit... I suddenly have a feeling that my body will fall apart like before."

While speaking, Wan Zhanglong and I kept touching my body, and my voice became a little flustered.

"It's true, Zhantu, is that guy named Bugarati trying to attack me?"

"No, if that's the case, he should have appeared a long time ago." Kiryu Zhantu replied, frowning at Wanzhanglongwo at the same time.

He didn't think this stupid orangutan would joke at such a juncture, but he probably thought too much.

Kiryu Zhantu felt that the experience of Wanzhanglong and my body being suddenly zipped open and disintegrated into several pieces just now was indeed very scary, and it is normal not to forget it for a while.

But just when Kiryu Zhantu was about to comfort Wanzhanglong and I said that this should be just his illusion, a scene that stunned everyone appeared.

In the absence of any enemies, a large number of metal zippers appeared strangely on Wanzhanglongwo's body, and then they pulled apart Wanzhanglongwo's body into several parts, just like when I was attacked by Bugarati before. The scene reappears!

The strange situation made Kiryu Zhantu's eyes widen, and the voice coming from behind made him feel his hairs stand on end.

"How? This feeling of stepping into a new world? Welcome to..."

Kiryu Zhantu turned around suddenly, and then saw Bugarati reappearing, what made Kiryu Zhantu silent...

Bugarati's arm was also twisted.

"A new world created by "Made in Heaven". "A new world created by "Made in Heaven"?

This sentence from Bugarati made Kiryu Zhantu understand that it is not that Pandora's Tower only presents the world before it was destroyed, but what they see now...

It is a new world born after time is accelerated to the limit and the universe is destroyed!

Then in this new world, all the things that happened in the old world will also happen again!

It's like just now that Bugarati didn't appear just now, but Wanzhanglong's body is still broken into several pieces by this special ability! It's like Bugarati's own arm is twisted!

Sure enough, it was exactly as Mr. Assistant said!

It's like if the Y2K incident is not resolved, the computer named "World" will set foot on the qi point again after reaching the end point!

But what is unacceptable is that all trajectories seem to be fixed, and what happened in the past will definitely happen!

"This kind of thing..." Himuro Magic De trembled, "How could this kind of thing be accepted!"

As a person whose will has been distorted by the light of Pandora, he can't accept such a situation, even if he knows that it just happened in other worlds!

In this way, the future of all human beings will be locked up?

Thinking of this, Himuro Magic's breathing became a lot heavier.

"Hey..." He looked at Buccarati, who was clutching his broken arm as if he had no intention of doing anything, and said seriously: "Since the disasters that appeared on the first few floors have been prevented, then the disasters that happened in your world It must have been blocked."

Bugarati shook his head.

"Why do you think this is a disaster?"

Bugarati's words made Himuro Huante's breath stagnate, and then an unbelievable expression appeared on his face.

Why... consider this a disaster?

Isn't this an obvious thing? !

Obviously Wanzhanglong I was only attacked by Bugarati in the old world and my body was disintegrated, but I was not attacked at all in this new world, but the same situation happened!

In the old world, if I was cautious enough, I could definitely avoid being disassembled, but in the new world, I have no chance of saving it!

Even if he stood still, his body would be decomposed!

Isn't this a disaster? And the meaning of his words, is he saying that another world has really become like this?

This is the thought that popped up in the mind of Hanshi Huante at the moment, and it is also the thought that popped up in the minds of everyone who heard Bugarati's words.

Such a world is indeed a disastrous world for them! but...

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