I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1020

If fate is absolute, will this stupid orangutan also become Evolto? Just like the real Evolto said.

The difference is only a difference in thinking and memory.

But isn't the most important thing about ideas and memories? !

Even if there is Evolto's genetic factor in his body, this stupid orangutan is not Evolto, but a dragon!

Kiryu Sentu has always believed in this matter, and firmly believes that Banzhanglong I will not become such a monster.


let's go! Dragon me!

Kiryu Zhantu looked at Wanzhanglong with encouraging eyes, but Wanzhanglong didn't notice the changes in Kiryu Zhantu, and now he just wants to completely vent the depression in his heart!

He is very angry!

Anger, why did the guy at the top of the Pandora Tower keep avoiding them? If it was to help the world, then stand up!

Fight together and change the unfortunate fate of this world together!


"Fate is not determined in this way! If you know your unfortunate fate and accept it, then aren't human beings slaves to fate?! If there is such a fate, then I will use My hands broke them completely!"

Even though the body has been broken into several pieces without any ability to resist, Wanzhanglong I still expressed my will.

And what responded to him was the palm with steel chain fingers stretching towards his head, as if wanting to dismantle Wanzhanglong's head.

This scene made Himuro Fantasy nervous, and subconsciously wanted to stop it, but was stopped by Kiryu Sentu again, and at the same time there was a smile that Himuro Fantasy couldn't understand.

If this Mr. Bugarati really wants to do something to them, why use this way to tell them that they need to rebel against fate?

So Mr. Bucciarati, you will definitely bet everything on yourself to resist your destiny.

Looking at the steel chain fingers that had already covered Manjo Ryuga's head with his palm, and restored his body in the astonished expression of Manjo Ryuga, Kiryu Sentu thought to himself.

If possible, I really want to see these helped worlds with my own eyes, and also want to see who helped them.

Kiryu Zhantu showed a warm smile.

The fourth floor of Pandora's Tower, pass the level!

However, unlike what Kiryu Zhantu had expected, Manzhanglong still had a look of astonishment after his body was restored, saying, 'Are you crazy? ’ appearance.

"Hey... Is it really okay? Didn't you say that your boss ordered you to stop us from moving forward?" Wan Zhanglong and I looked at Bugarati suspiciously.

"But haven't you already successfully resisted the fate that was prevented?" Bugarati showed a gentle smile on his face, and then looked at the sun and moon that had turned into afterimages in the sky again.

"I also really hate this kind of world where everyone becomes a "slave of fate"... so let's do it. "

I was taken aback by Wanzhanglong, and then Bugarati smiled at him.

"As long as you defeat me after obtaining my approval, you will be able to open a gap in the already closed ring of fate, so that you can go to the next level. This is also the only way to break fate."

This sentence made Wanzhanglong and I look embarrassed.

Beat Bucciarati?

How could he move his hands! He is not an enemy!

"Don't worry, the me who appears here is also a projection." Bugarati said gently.

In fact, he didn't need to do this, but Bucciarati still made this choice, because in his eyes, Wanzhanglong and Boss have one thing in common, that is, they also have the genetic factors of Evolto.

If possible, he hopes to use this method to let Wanzhanglong I understand the importance of "resisting fate", just like the boss once changed his fate.

"Is it really okay?" Wanzhanglong I tentatively put my fist on Bugarati's chest, but to his astonishment, Bugarati's body immediately began to disappear, which made him scratch his head.

"Thank you, anyway."

"Also, be careful next time." Bugarati reminded.

This sentence made Wanzhanglong feel angry.

"I've heard this sentence from that uncle before, and it turns out that this level is not difficult, and I will definitely pass the level easily in the future. Although I don't know why you chose me, but... ..”

Wanzhanglong, I gave a thumbs up to Bugarati.

"I will not be defeated by the so-called fate!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the space door that appeared after Bugarati disappeared with the others.

Sure enough, they are all good people, obviously there is no difficulty, but they specially reminded him to be careful.

Then the next level will definitely be able to pass the level easily with the strength of his protein noble son!

Wanzhanglong, I thought to myself, I came to the fifth floor confidently, and saw a boundless desert, and...

"Berserker, kill them."

【Max Hazard On! 】

【Max Hazard On! 】

When this highly recognizable voice sounded next to Wanzhanglong, his body trembled subconsciously.

No way?

Wanzhanglong A bad idea suddenly popped up in my mind, and then I looked in the direction of the sound, just in time to see the scene where the dangerous rabbit tank projected was shrouded in terrifying black mist after pressing the dangerous trigger switch.

This scene seems to tell him...


【Bottle Burn! 】

Without hesitation, Wanzhanglong I directly put the Cross-Z Lava Iron Fist into the driver, and I thought that the garrison in the new layer of Pandora Tower would be like the Kiryu War Rabbit that could be resolved through negotiation like the previous layers. The three of them shuddered subconsciously after seeing the pitch-black figure roaring towards them!

Especially Saruto Kazukai and Himuro Hyunto, they clearly remember how terrifying Kiryu Sento ran away after transforming into this posture!

Not to mention that the black mist permeating the dangerous rabbit tank on this level far exceeds the level when Kiryu Zhantu used to go berserk!

This guy...

Can you really communicate? !

No one thought that this figure in the form of a dangerous rabbit tank had the possibility of communication. Even ordinary people outside Pandora's Tower trembled subconsciously when they saw this scene.

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