I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1021

And as the person who said to Bucciarati with a proud face that he would pass the level easily and step into the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower first, I can say that Wanzhanglong is under the greatest pressure now!

The ferocious aura coming towards my face made Wanzhanglong I have no intention of speaking, as if I would be completely torn apart by this pitch-black beast in front of me if I was negligent!

This guy...

It's even scarier than the War Rabbit at that time!

[Cross-Z Magma! 】

The rocker of the driver started to rotate, and the gray heavy-duty transformation device unfolded, and the scorching hot magma surging in it began to distort the air around me the second it appeared.

【Are You Ready? 】


Accompanied by the eager voice of Wanzhanglongwo, scorching magma poured down from the transformation device, covering his body in it, and while Wanzhanglongwo was transforming, the scorching magma was also heading towards the dangerous rabbit. Tan Yong go!


【Over Flow! 】

The figure surrounded by the violent black mist seemed to regard the magma as nothing, easily shattered the hot magma rushing towards him, and appeared in front of Wanzhang Longwo.

The hands wrapped in the black mist that was almost condensed into substance stretched out, pierced directly into the magma, and then...

With a jerk!

The simple and rough blow directly tore the magma, giving way to the Wanzhanglong who had just completed the transformation in the magma and was exposed to the air again.

When Dangerous Rabbit Tan's mask surrounded by black mist appeared in Wanzhanglongwo's line of sight at such a close distance, Wanzhanglong I even felt that my heartbeat was stagnant!

At this moment, he remembered the fear of being dominated by Kiryu Sentu after the runaway!



There is no need to rely on the transformation device to crush the magma solidified into obsidian. Dangerous Rabbit Tank's punch directly blasted Wanzhanglongwo out of the obsidian layer, and then was forced to transform in mid-air.

"Bastard..." Wanzhanglong, who was caught by Kiryu Sentu, felt that his body was about to fall apart, and then angrily looked at the figure who didn't speak martial arts.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the other party holding a broken obsidian dragon head and throwing it aside like trash.

This action made his teeth almost gnaw!

With the last trace of luck, Wan Zhanglong and I looked at Jon.

To his desperation, the camera lens was pointed at him.

The embarrassing scene was all filmed!


In the fifth floor, Wanzhanglong, I am really miserable.

It was so miserable that Jon couldn't bear to shoot.

I always feel that among so many people, Matou Sakura seems to be the only one who takes the task received from Jon seriously, as if she must block Kiryu War Rabbit and everyone on the fifth floor.

Although he didn't suffer any serious injuries, the scene where he was punched by the dangerous rabbit tank right after the transformation, plus the promise he made to Buccarati before stepping into the fifth floor of Pandora Tower, Even more deflated.

Similarly, Wanzhanglong and I also used blood lessons to let others understand that neither Yixiao nor Bugarati's reminders are fake, and the people they meet next are indeed very dangerous!

It was so dangerous that I didn't recover when I returned to the coffee shop to refresh.

"Zhantu, why does that guy also have a dangerous trigger in his hand!"

Wanzhanglong, I look unhappy.

He felt ashamed of himself! He just said that to Bugarati, but he was beaten violently in the next second!

This made Wanzhanglong so ashamed and angry that I didn't even think about stopping it when I saw that Men Yashi had started to make his protein powder.

Kiryu Sentu just rolled his eyes at Manjo Ryuga's question.

"how could I know."

Compared to the existence of the dangerous trigger, he cared more about whether the Kamen Rider who appeared in front of them in the form of a dangerous rabbit tank was the one they were looking for.

The reason is simple, because the opponent is the first garrison to appear in front of them using the knight system, and the danger level has obviously reached a very scary level!

Although he always pretends to be disdainful of Ryuga's IQ, Kiryu Zhantu also knows that this muscular orangutan is also a genius in combat, but he is vulnerable to the garrison on the fifth floor.

Even he is the same!

What is the level of danger of the other party?

Kiryu Zhantu was thinking about such a question, and then heard Manjo Ryuga's dissatisfied voice again.

"Hey! War Rabbit, have you noticed anything?"

"What?" Kiryu Zhantu was a little surprised, wondering if there was really something that this stupid orangutan noticed but he didn't?

Then he heard Wanzhanglong I speak again.

"Didn't you realize that only female guards will directly attack us when we appear? Sure enough, male guards are easy to communicate with. Female guards are the source of trouble." Wan Zhanglong looked like he had discovered a big secret, Suggested: "So I think if I see a female garrison next time, it's better to act first."

Kiryu War Rabbit: "..."

Although I really want to complain about how this stupid orangutan found a girlfriend in the first place, it sounds reasonable.

Why is every male garrison so communicative, even the only Mr. Bugarati who has done something to them is so gentle, while the female garrison is like kicking them out of Pandora Tower without hesitation What does it look like?


"It's too strange for you to think like this. The person who turned into a dangerous rabbit tank doesn't look like a female garrison at all."

"You didn't speak again, and you're wearing armor. How do you know it's not a woman?" Wanzhanglong I complained, and then went to find Jon and Men Yashi.

He felt he needed to do some remedial work!

At least to save some of his reputation! Although the previous embarrassment has been completely recorded, Wanzhanglong, I think my reputation can still be saved!

For example, please ask a special reporter to focus on describing how powerful the garrison in the form of a dangerous rabbit tank is when writing news. Rabbits and they must be very dangerous.

And this guy has already stolen so many things from him, this little favor will definitely help!


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