I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1035


She's going to be serious next time!

"I don't need you to hold back!" Wanzhanglong said without turning his head, then gave Neihai Chengzhang an angry look, and left.


After the signal was cut off, ordinary people had no way of knowing what happened on the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower, and even some ordinary people who were closer to Pandora's Tower wanted to go to confirm that they were all blocked by Namba Heavy Industries. Dispersed, this makes people's hearts can not help being cast a cloud.

In fact, they probably already guessed what was going on, but before it was really confirmed, they still had a glimmer of hope.

I hope Mr. Assistant is not in danger.

After all, Mr. Assistant just helped Wanzhanglong and the others find a way to conquer the fifth floor of Pandora Tower!

He is a great hero!

So the Kamen Riders will definitely protect him, right?

When Kiryu Sentu was forced to disappear, it was Mr. Assistant who shouldered the responsibility that originally belonged to Kiryu Sentu!

People held such expectations, but in the end they were disappointed.

Because they couldn't find any news related to this incident, and they didn't even see Wanzhanglongwo and the others come forward to explain this incident, as if all the truth had been concealed.

Meanwhile, in the coffee shop.

Wanzhanglong, I closed my eyes tightly and clenched my fists tightly.

He wants to tell everyone the truth about this matter, but now he must put all his energy on Pandora Tower!

Ishido Misora ​​and Takigawa Sawa sat blankly aside.

Although they didn't communicate much with the assistant, the sudden death of the person who had appeared in front of them a few hours ago had a great impact on them.

The others were also silent, making the coffee shop seem silent.

After a while, this silence was broken.

The person who broke the silence was Katoyashi who pushed the door and came in, and he was holding a brand new camera in his hand.

This scene caused Wan Zhanglong to flash a painful look on my face.

"no need..."

Wanzhanglong, I think it is the most correct choice for myself and Zhantu to reject the assistant and reporter from the beginning, so that the assistant will not die.

But the second after he said this sentence, he was choked by Monyashi.

"What nonsense, do you want me to watch my subordinates' efforts become meaningless? And it's not your fault at all."

Under the silent gaze of the others, Monyashi said calmly.

"After making a choice, he had already expected such a consequence, so it's no big deal..."

"It's not a big deal!" Wan Zhanglong said angrily.

"Then according to what you said, it's not a big deal..." Men Yashi glanced at Wanzhanglongwo, and said lightly: "Next, I will take over the work of my subordinates. I'm not here to discuss with you, but I just want to inform you, and then this thing will be put on your side first."

After finishing speaking, Mon Yashi left the camera behind and left in a hurry.

The second after the door of the coffee shop was closed, I punched Wanzhanglong on the table.

"Why! Why can't you care about yourself! You're just an ordinary person!"

"If they were really just ordinary people, then they wouldn't appear in front of us..." Saruto Kazukai said looking at the camera on the table.

Himuro Magic also nodded in agreement.

Although he also thinks the same as Wanzhanglong and I think that Men Yashi should not continue to follow, but he has no reason to deny the opponent's will.

Because they appeared from the very beginning to dispel people's fear! If Monyashi is rejected now, wouldn't that mean denying the will of Mr. Assistant, who has already been sacrificed?


"At least protect Mr. Monya!" Himuro Huantok said seriously.

Himuro Magic made such a decision without hesitation, and it was also recognized by others.

Indeed it is!

They absolutely cannot deny the will of Mr. Assistant!

Also, they can't stop there!

Everyone will be disappointed if you do this!


"But in this way, Evolto's goal has been achieved." President E pretended to be worried.

"Just now you said that Mr. Assistant's death completely angered the little girl who was stationed on the fifth floor?"

Wanzhanglong, I didn't deny it, but nodded.

"After all we showed her such an ugly scene."

If Mr. Assistant is killed by Evolto, then he will be angry and want to avenge Mr. Assistant, but it will definitely not be as painful as it is now.

"Awakened Ones" will transform the suffering they experience into hope and pass it on to others, but...

Those who did such a thing were humans who surrendered to Evolto!

When Mr. Assistant is acting to drive away the fear in people's hearts, there are such cowards who choose to surrender to Evolto, and then do such despicable things!

Wanzhanglong, I couldn't agree with such a thing, and then I looked up at Mr. E seriously, as if I wanted to comfort him and said that the next battle could be left to him, but what I said immediately from Mr. E's mouth made Wanzhanglong feel ashamed. Leng.

"So, should you consider an Evol drive?"

Not only Wanzhang Longwo, but Yuandu Yihai and Ice Room Magic were also taken aback.

But they didn't think much about it, because Mr. E really grasped the timing of saying this sentence very well!

Normally, Sento Kiryu's opinion occupies the main position in the matter of whether Manjoryu I use the Evol drive, but Sento Kiryu is missing now!

Coupled with the fact that they just witnessed Jon's death, their mentality has changed a little at the moment.

This is why Mr. E chose to use such a plan to 'force' Jon to exit.

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