I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1036

He knows very well that if Jon is here now, he will definitely try to prevent him from letting Wanzhanglong I use the Evol drive, but Jon has no such opportunity now.

The two people who can influence Wanzhanglong and my thoughts are not around at the moment, so E always feels that this is his best chance.

"After all, Wanzhang, didn't you just get the second evolution bottle?" Mr. E looked worried, and said, "If you can pass the fifth floor with such an evolution bottle, then the little girl who is stationed will not be able to pass the level." I will say that to you, so what you will face next will definitely be a tough battle."

While speaking, Mr. E showed the appearance of "Unfortunately, I am blocked on the first floor and cannot help you", which completely dispelled Wanzhanglong's worries.

"I understand..." Wanzhanglong nodded his head.

He knew very well what the little girl standing on the sand dune said was absolutely serious when he left. The next time he appeared on the fifth floor of Pandora Tower, the danger he faced would be even stronger!

Evol drive?

It is indeed time to make a choice.


at the same time.

Jon, transformed into a black hole, was sitting on the sofa, looking comfortably at Sento Kiryu and Shinobu Katsuragi in front of him.

"As expected of the genius physicist Takashi Katsuragi, he actually found the clue in such a short period of time, which is much better than your father."

The words with a joking tone made Kiryu Sentu's eyes flash with anger, but the emotion disappeared in the next moment.

He knew that it wasn't his fault at all, but that his father had already discovered the existence of the white metal plate and used it as a weapon against Evolto.

The purpose of lurking beside Evolto is also to find a chance to kill Evolto completely, but the last world "collision" incident proved that his father's idea was wrong, so his father persuaded him to stop before.

But Kiryu Sentu refused, because the current crisis in this world obviously cannot be solved by concealing the existence of the white metal plate!

In other words, the power Evolto is looking for is also the only means for them to destroy Evolto!

Kiryu Zhantu also felt that he couldn't wait any longer!

Imprisoned in this lab with no internet and blocked signals, he doesn't even know what's going on outside!

What he wants to know most is whether Wanzhanglong, my stupid orangutan, has cleared the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower with the help of Mr. Assistant.

If possible, Kiryu Sentu hopes that his companions can do it, and at the same time firmly believes that the assistant Mr. who had communicated with him before he left will definitely be able to detect the clues, but...

The existence of Evolto casts a cloud over this possibility.

It is precisely because he has vaguely grasped the method of clearing the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower, so Evolto made a move, so what about Mr. Assistant?

Thinking of the possible results, Kiryu Zhantu faintly regretted it.

Did he choose to compromise that night and kill Mr. Assistant?

But if you don't do that, there will be even more terrible casualties!

Kiryu Sentu was very disturbed, so he wanted to leave here, but the only reason for leaving here was the white metal plate.

From his father's mouth, Kiryu Sento learned the existence of the white metal plate, and also knew why Evolto only knew that such power existed, but couldn't take it out like the black metal plate.

Because pure blood people can't do it!

It's like Yineng Xiangang once put the dangerous trigger into the Pandora's box, but it only changed the shape of the Pandora's box.

If you want to get the white metal plate, then you have to pass Wan Zhang Long Me!

There is another point that Kiryu Zhantu didn't say clearly, that is Evolto's true identity.

Even though his father was coerced and did not choose to reveal Evolto's true identity before his plan succeeded, Kiryu Sentu was faintly aware of it.

But he also has concerns.

Just as his plan to remove the white metal plate from Pandora's Box was a gamble in his father's eyes, Kiryu Sentu was also a little worried that testing Evolto's identity rashly would bring danger to others.

So he chose this way.

Kiryu Zhantu is confident that the Evolto in front of him absolutely needs his help, and the Blood people who don't have human emotions must not be able to understand these things.

And that's exactly what happened!

can't read! I can't understand it at all!

Looking at the documents full of various complicated formulas in his hand, Jon can be said to be at a loss. If it wasn't for the cover of the visor, Kiryu Zhantu would have seen something wrong.

Of course, if you don't understand it, you don't understand it. Jon also knows that the document Kiryu Zhantu handed over now is purely used to confuse him.

This is what he wants too.

After pretending to read the document in his hand, Jon threw it on the table in front of him, and bewitched:

"It's really a good result, so Kiryu Sentu, are you interested in helping me turn this theory into a real result? In return, after I rule this planet, I can make you the sole controller of the country under my feet. How about it?" ?”


The corner of Kiryu Zhantu's mouth was slightly raised, but what he didn't know was that the corner of Jon's mouth was also slightly raised at the moment.

That scrappy snake skin dared to scrape him so much, it's his turn! At the same time, the fourth floor of Pandora's Tower.

"Dragon, are you ready?"

Saruto Kazukai looked at Banzhang Ryuga who was holding the Evol drive, and asked.

This sentence woke up the silent Wanzhang Ryuwo, then glanced at Kadoyashi who was looking at the camera, and nodded.

The disappearance of Kiryu Zhantu and the death of Mr. Assistant, these two things let Wanzhanglong I understand...

Now it's his turn to stand up!

"Ready." Wanzhanglong nodded towards Men Yashi.

After getting a response, Monyashi started filming.

And when the picture inside Pandora's Demon Tower was retransmitted, it immediately attracted the audience who were eager to know the result of the last incident, but what made them silent was... that road The voice that always greeted the audience with a smile did not sound this time.

It was replaced by the voice of Kazuya.

Such a voice and the expressions on everyone's faces completely shattered the last illusion in people's hearts.

Something really happened to Mr. Assistant!

Such a result silences people.

Many people angrily wanted Namba Heavy Industries to give a response, but in the end they found only a letter of insincere apology on the Namba Heavy Industries website.

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