I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1038

There is pain all over my body!

This is how I feel when I use the Evol drive.

But how could he succumb to this level of pain!

The golden restraint gears are constantly rotating, forcibly blending the purple-black and golden energies together, and then...

The red energy flames burst out again!

[Dragon! 】

[Dragon! ! 】

【Evol Dragon! ! ! 】 Fierce red flames erupted from Wanzhang Longwo, with such terrifying power that even the sand dunes under his feet began to melt in an instant, turning into scorching magma.

At this moment, the strength displayed by the Wanzhanglonglong far exceeds the previous magma dragon form!

Obviously, when he stepped into the fifth floor of Pandora Tower for the first time, he was instantly defeated in front of the dangerous rabbit tank, but this time, people subconsciously chose to believe in this Kamen Rider!

Not only because of the strength shown by the opponent at this moment, but also because of his will!


The golden and black fists collided with each other with a bang, and the terrifying shock wave erupting from the fist even lifted the gravel and magma around the two of them, causing the desert to sink suddenly, as if the gap between them Completely compacted in general!

And this is also the first time Wanzhanglong I have blocked the attack of a dangerous rabbit tank head-on!

And what's even more terrifying is yet to come. When the fierce red flames and the terrifying black mist officially come into contact, the damage caused will shock people even more!

The hot wind engulfing the wind and sand has completely disappeared, replaced by the aftermath created by each strike!

Even if it is magma, it is directly set off by such aftermath!

Fierce flames and black mist shot up into the sky, completely occupying the sky in just a few breaths, and when such energies began to intertwine, it turned the desert shrouded in scorching heat all day long into an even more terrifying hell!

The energy giant dragon transformed from fierce flames roared in the sky, trying to tear apart the darkness surrounding it, but this kind of black mist was like a gangrene, no matter how the giant dragon roared, it was constantly rushing towards it. rushing towards its body.

The energy ejected from the dragon's mouth can burn the black mist into nothingness, but the black mist also has the ability to erode the dragon, like a curse that can annihilate everything, leaving ugly wounds on the dragon.

But even such a terrifying scene is just a microcosm of the battle between the two!


【Max Hazard On! 】

The switch of the dangerous trigger was activated again, and this action also made the black mist in the sky suppress the energy dragon instantly, as if it would be eroded away in the next second.


"This time, I will never lose!!!"

Facing the dangerous rabbit tank that has completely merged with the black mist, Wanzhanglong I had no intention of retreating, and the joystick of the Evol driver began to be turned crazily by him.

Accompanied by his movement, the figure of the giant energy dragon that was eroded by the black mist in the sky became even stronger!

But after getting out of the predicament, the energy giant dragon did not continue to entangle with the black mist, but turned into a pillar of flame and fell directly towards the position where Wanzhanglong I was!

And at this moment, the red flames were even dotted with golden flames!

"Not just for myself! Not just for Mr. Zhantu and Mr. Assistant!!"

The violent flames that almost turned into liquid exploded, and then flowed continuously on the body of Wanzhang Longwo who rushed out of the pillar of flames. Even the black mist that continuously gushed out from Dangerous Rabbit Tank couldn't corrode him at all!

"Also for everyone!"

【Ready Go! 】

"I will never let Mr. Assistant's sacrifice go to waste!!"

【Evoltic Finish! 】

The first punch was surging with fierce flames. At the moment of punching, people seemed to see the phantom of the energy giant dragon appearing next to Wanzhanglonglong again, and then...

This punch tore through the darkness! Collided with the dangerous rabbit tank in the black mist again!

Red and golden rays of light began to appear in the black mist that occupied people's field of vision. Under such rays of light, even the darkness began to be dispelled!

The next second, Dangerous Rabbit Tan seemed to realize that the erosion of the large-scale black mist had lost its effect, and the black mist also began to gather towards his body!

The same pitch-black armor shrouded in black mist made the Dangerous Rabbit Tank look as if it had turned into a pure energy body!

The red and blue rays of light at the eyes on the visor also became more intense at this moment!

【Over Flow! 】

Two fists that could tear apart everything collided again!

And the terrible movement created by this collision almost even sent Yuan Du Yi Hai and Ice Room Magic Virtue flying away!

The clouds in the sky were torn apart, allowing the venomous sunlight to shine on the ground again, which was extremely dazzling under the reflection of the gradually cooling and solidified glass, but no matter how dazzling the reflection was, it could not stop people from looking at that place. On the figure recorded by Monyashi with a camera.

If possible, those who saw this scene hoped that Manjo Ryuga could continue to walk forward, and continue to move forward with the will of Kiryu Sento and the sacrificed assistant!

But to their despair...

The darkness finally suppressed the golden flame.

"It's useless, Berserker is the strongest."

Following Matou Sakura's words, the fierce flames on Wanzhang Ryuwo, who was gradually showing signs of decline, were completely defeated, and then he was punched in the abdomen by Dangerous Rabbit Tan.

In the next instant, a terrifying shock wave capable of tearing apart everything erupted from where the two were.

Accompanied by the sound of a sonic boom that almost tore people's eardrums apart, Wanzhanglong's body turned into a cannonball and flew upside down.


My body hit the sand dunes in the distance, but such sand dunes couldn't even slow down my flying speed! At the moment of collision, it turned into yellow sand covering the sky, like a sandstorm.

And that's just the beginning!

The second dune, the third dune!

People couldn't even see Wanzhang Longwo's figure anymore, they just saw the scene where the sand dunes were completely torn apart by the impact.

This scene makes people feel desperate.

They feel pain, because I have found a way to clear the fifth floor with the help of my assistant!

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