I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1040

This sentence moved ordinary people, but it couldn't even slow down the dangerous rabbit tank!

The dull footsteps sounded again, and at the same time, Dangerous Rabbit Tank's finger was once again placed on the switch of Dangerous Trigger.

This scene made some people close their eyes unbearably.

They can see that Wanzhanglong and I are about to reach the limit, once the dark Kamen Rider presses the dangerous trigger switch again, then Wanzhanglong and I will definitely lose!

But the next second when people closed their eyes, Wanzhanglong's firm voice rang in their ears.

"Because Kamen Rider won't retreat!"

When Wanzhang Longwo's words sounded, the heavy footsteps stopped, along with Dangerous Rabbit Tan's palm pressing towards the dangerous trigger.

"Once we choose to retreat, it's not just us who retreat, but also the meaning of the knight system in the hearts of other people!"

These words made Matou Sakura stunned for a moment, and even subconsciously made the Dangerous Rabbit Tank stop.

She looked at the back of her smooth hand.

The patterns that were once drawn on it, which only represented symbolic meanings, have disappeared, because she no longer needs to use such patterns to maintain the relationship between the two, but...

Sakura Matou looked at the knight system bottle on the Evol driver on Manjo Ryuga's waist.

This kind of action made Wanzhanglong Wo's tired face show a smile.

He knows it!

He can do it!


【Max Hazard On! 】 【Max Hazard On! 】

When this familiar voice sounded in my ears again, Wan Zhanglong and I were stunned.

Obviously he should have succeeded!

Just like Mr. Assistant said before, if they defeat this dark Kamen Rider, then they will not be able to pass this level, but after he gets the knight system bottle, they will definitely not lose!

Because it was the knight system that saved this little girl named Sakura!

Even if she saw that Namba Heavy Industries' despicable practices shamed the knight system, this little girl would never do the same thing!

But what about this voice?

Wanzhanglong I subconsciously looked at the dangerous rabbit tank, but what puzzled him was that the dangerous rabbit tank's movements were still frozen, as if it had lost its function after hearing what he said just now.

Obviously the sound he heard just now was not from the dangerous rabbit tank.

what happened?

Wanzhanglong, this kind of confusion popped up in my mind, and then...

[Tank! 】


Wanzhanglong, I turned around subconsciously, and saw a scene that surprised him!

It's Kiryu War Rabbit!

"War Rabbit! Where have you been all this time? Haven't you thought that we would not be able to clear Pandora's Tower without you? And Mr. Assistant...Mr. Assistant..."

When it came to the end, Wan Zhanglong, my tone became a little choked up.

But what is confusing is that Kiryu Sentu did not respond to Manjo Ryuga from the beginning to the end, but gently put down the Pandora's Box in his hand, and then continued to shake the special full bottle in his hand.

Shake the Rabbit Tank!

This scene stunned Wanzhanglong, and I subconsciously said: "There is no need, Zhantu, I already know how to conquer the fifth floor."

Kiryu Zhantu still ignored him, but when he raised his head to look at Wanzhang Ryuwo, his cold eyes made everyone tremble subconsciously.

Then, this long 2-in-1 full-fill bottle was folded in the middle by Kiryu Sentu and inserted into the driver at the waist.

【Tank \u0026 Tank! 】

"Hey! Zhantu!" Wanzhanglong, who sensed something was wrong, I yelled at Kiryu Zhantu. At this moment, he felt that Kiryu Zhantu was so strange, but what responded to him was still Kiryu Zhantu's cold eyes, and ...

"Build Up."

[Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! 】

[Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan! 】

Under Manjo Ryuga's unbelievable gaze, the joystick on the Build driver was turned by Kiryu Sentu, and when the gray-black heavy-duty transformation device unfolded from the starter and wrapped Kiryu Sentu's body in it, Manju Long Wo's face was already full of confusion.

What's going on...

Is Zhan Rabbit angry?

【Are you Ready? 】

【Over Flow! 】

The closed gray-black heavy-duty transformation device unfolded again, and Kiryu War Rabbit, who had completed the body transformation, appeared in front of everyone.

But this scene also puzzled everyone.

The return of Kiryu Sento slightly dilutes the sadness caused by the death of Mr. Assistant, but now his appearance makes people subconsciously feel that something is wrong.

"Hey! Zhantu!" Wanzhanglong waved his hands and wanted to explain to Kiryu Zhantu, but...


When the seven blue tank-shaped strengthening components appeared on the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower as if they had traveled through space and fired at Wanzhanglongwo without hesitation, everyone was able to realize the seriousness of the problem, but only Wanzhanglongwo did not realize!

In other words, he didn't want to admit that possibility!

"Hey! Katsuragi, do you know what you are doing?" Himuro Hyunto, who appeared in front of Wanzhang Longwo and helped him block the shelling, said seriously.

He had already thought of the terrible result, but then he was slapped on the shoulder.

The person who interrupted him was Wanzhang Longwo.

He didn't continue to hide behind Hanto Himuro, but looked directly at Sento Kiryu.

"Zhantu, are you angry? Are you angry that I didn't protect Mr. Assistant?"

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