I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1041

Manjo Ryu I hope that the reason Kiryu Sentu did it to him is because of his wrong choice which led to the death of Mr. Assistant, but...

[Steel dark blue warrior! 】

【Tank Tank! 】

[Yabeel! 】

[Tsueel! (really strong)]

When these tank-shaped reinforcement components were integrated into Kiryu Sentu, and even the full bottle buster appeared in his hands, it completely dispelled the last hope of Manjo Ryuga.

"Hey, Zhantu...what on earth are you trying to do, Zhantu..." Looking at the blue figure who had already raised the muzzle of the cannon full of bottles towards him, Wanzhanglong's tone was full of pain.

"Did you betray me too?!! Mr. Assistant believes in you so much!"

Kiryu Sentu didn't hesitate to say that his action of raising the muzzle brought a terrible blow to Manjo Ryuga's will, because what supported him to go on all this time was the belief that Kiryu Sentu could not betray them for no reason idea.

In his eyes, Kiryu Zhantu must have disappeared due to unavoidable reasons!

Even Mr. Assistant thinks so!

Thinking that Kiryu Sentu disappeared in front of them in order to help them block the invisible despair, and decided that Kiryu Sentu was definitely helping them secretly.


These thoughts were all vetoed by Kiryu Sentu's current behavior!

But what I don't know about Wanzhanglong is that the face under the mask of Kiryu Zhantu is also extremely painful at this moment.

After he came out of the laboratory, he knew that Mr. Assistant had taken over the responsibility that belonged to him after he left, but was killed by Evolto in front of everyone by using Namba Heavy Industries.

Even now, the person who did all this is still at large!

Kiryu Zhantu was very painful, but he still chose to do this. He felt that Mr. Assistant would definitely agree with him!

Because from the moment he chose to follow them into the Pandora Tower, Mr. Assistant was already his companion!

In order to dispel the fear in the hearts of ordinary people, Mr. Assistant can bet everything on himself!


Absolutely don't let Mr. Assistant's efforts go to waste! Even if the price is that he will be misunderstood, he will not hesitate!


Kiryu Zhantu glanced over the stagnant dangerous rabbit tank.

Wanzhanglong, he has seen my hard work, and if Mr. Assistant sees it, he will be happy too!

Well... now it's his turn!

Kiryu Sento raised the full-bottle destroyer that had turned into cannon mode without hesitation, and aimed the cannon at the driver on the waist of Manjo Ryuga, who looked embarrassed after a hard fight.

From the moment he saw Wanzhanglong and I used the Evol drive, he became more certain about his guess.

The answer Mr. Assistant found was not wrong, but one thing he didn't think of was...

Mr. Guardian, who is located on the first floor of Pandora Tower, also helped them block the invisible despair!

Evolto doesn't trust him, and the proof is the Evol driver on my waist!


This time it was up to him to help the stupid gorilla fend off the unseen despair.

"Yeah, so it's stupid, isn't it? I've already left with Pandora's box." "Yeah, so it's stupid, isn't it? Obviously I've left with Pandora's box."

When Kiryu Sentu aimed the cannon full of bottle destroyers at Manjo Ryuga and said this, everyone was silent, even Jon.

To be honest, he doesn't want to see Wan Zhanglong and I face such despair, even if the misunderstanding between them will definitely be resolved in the end and with Wan Zhanglong's character, I won't care.

But after Wanzhanglong I was calculated by E to use the Evol drive, the situation was a bit complicated.

Whether it was to compensate Kiryu Sentu or save the life of the real Ishidong Soichi, Jon couldn't directly tell Kiryu Sentu that the Ishidong Soichi they were familiar with was Evolto at the beginning.

After all, the level of trust is different, and the chaotic situation will only benefit Mr. E, and he still needs to attract Killbus to solve it, so he hopes that in the process, Kiryu Sentu and the others will gradually realize this problem, and Grow up, instead of being unaware of being played by Mr. E from beginning to end.

Jon is well aware that Kiryu Sentu has some doubts now, but he dare not act rashly because of the Evol drive that appeared on Manjo Ryuga.

This is also the reason why Jon didn't take the Evol drive together when he took the Pandora's Box. After all, in the eyes of Kiryu Sentu, he and Mr. E are the same person now. Then it's like planting a seed of doubt.

"The current Zhantu probably thought that I didn't trust him from the beginning to the end, so after entrusting him with the task of obtaining the white metal plate, let's put another insurance on Wanzhanglong me."

Jon couldn't help but shook his head, then continued to look at the picture on the screen.

The next second, he couldn't help showing a smile again.

"Should it be said that he believes in his companion, or is it just right?"

The reason why I said this sentence is precisely because Wanzhanglong, what I said just now touched on what Matou Sakura cares most about.

Kamen Rider... Or the knight system cannot go backwards!

That is to say, when Kiryu Zhantu chose to attack Wanzhanglongwo, he was already ready to be attacked by the projection attack of the dangerous rabbit tank!

Of course, Wanzhanglong didn't expect this. His body had already reached its limit in the battle with the dangerous rabbit tank, and now even if he continues to stand up, he needs to exhaust all his strength.

"Hey... War Rabbit, are you serious?"

Facing the muzzle of the full-bottle destroyer, Wanzhanglong, I asked again.

Responding to Manjo Ryuga, it was the action of Kiryu Sentu filling the Shake Rabbit Tank bottle into the full bottle destroyer, and the light blue energy crazily surging in the gun hole.

【Full Full Match Desu! 】

"Isn't that obvious?"

The icy voice sounded again, and at the same time, Kiryu Sentu's finger on the trigger was pulled down without hesitation!

[Full Full Match Break! 】

The surging energy turned into a dazzling beam of light capable of tearing everything apart, and swept towards Wanzhang Longwo's already exhausted body.

Saruto Kazukai and Himuro Huante wanted to stop it, but their current physical condition is worse than that of Wanzhanglong, and they can't do such a thing at all!

Similarly, they couldn't believe that Kiryu Zhantu would do such a thing, obviously in their eyes, Kiryu Zhantu was the one who worked the hardest!

"Katsuragi...what the hell did you...see?" The tone of Iceroom Fantasy, who was about to push him away, was full of despair as he stumbled towards the position of Wanzhang Ryuga.

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