I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1047

Kiryu Sento wants to resist, but...

"If you have any troubles, let's discuss together!!!"

When Yuuki Yuna's words rang in his ears, Kiryu Sentu's just raised palm froze in the air. Unexpectedly, he would be reduced to the point of being pushed to the ground by a little girl to reason, Kiryu Zhantu had such an idea in his mind.

Should he refute the other party?

He retorted that this was just the naive idea of ​​the other party, and said that the things that adults encountered could not be solved simply with these few slogans?

But is he really qualified to say such a thing to her?

After all, the opponent is the garrison of Pandora Tower! Maybe the other party encountered much more despair than him!

Kiryu Zhantu fell silent.

He was clearly prepared to be misunderstood by his companions, but Yuuki Yuna's words just now almost broke his defenses.


He will not give up!

Kiryu Sentu gritted his teeth and prepared to stand up, but...

"That's enough, Zhantu..." Wanzhanglong I put down the full bottle of dragon lava in my hand, and said after taking a deep breath.

Although he still doesn't know what Kiryu Zhantu's plan is until now, and although he tries hard not to interfere with Kiryu Zhantu's plan as the reporter said before, when facing Kiryu Zhantu again, he finds himself Can't do it at all!

These things are too difficult to understand!

Sure enough, if he wanted to clear the sixth floor of Pandora's Tower, he couldn't do it without Zhantu!

Manzhanglong I think so.

Just like what Yuna Yuki said before.

If you have any troubles, let's discuss together!

Manjo Ryu, I know that Kiryu Sentu's behavior that would be misunderstood must be for them, but wouldn't it be impossible to say hello as Yuuki Yuna said?


"Don't overestimate my IQ, Zhantu."

What Wanzhanglong said made Kiryu Zhantu stunned for a moment, but before he could say anything, I heard Wanzhanglong continue:

"If it wasn't for Mr. Reporter, I wouldn't have guessed your plan at all! How could I have found those clues!!"

When I said this, Wan Zhanglong and I seemed extremely irritable, and I said words that made everyone astonished without hesitation.

"So don't put your hopes on me alone! Without the help of you, Mr. Assistant and Mr. Reporter, I will not be able to do anything!!"

While shouting these words, Wanzhanglong and I seemed to want to vent all the depression accumulated before, and complained:

"Because I'm useless! So I failed to protect Mr. Assistant. I don't want to experience this feeling again! Whether it's you Zhantu or anyone else, I don't want to lose it!!"

Kiryu Zhantu was silent, and the ordinary people who heard these words were also silent.

Those who still chose to trust Kiryu Zhantu even after seeing Kiryu Zhantu's 'betrayal' looked at Kiryu Zhantu with complicated expressions.

As bystanders, they may be able to make such a judgment, but they also know that Wanzhanglong and I are the ones who have been hurt the most!

And now Banjo Ryu I said such things, and even admitted without hesitation that I was useless, saying that without Kiryu Sentu, without the help of Mr. Assistant and Mr. Reporter, he would not be able to do anything.

Kiryu Zhantu felt that the huge mechanical palm that was pressing on his body was loosened. He raised his head and looked at Wanzhang Longwo who was standing there waiting for his response, feeling mixed emotions in his heart for a while.

He didn't expect that his plan had been seen through.

Indeed, he made such a choice precisely because he felt that Wanzhanglong and I could not see through his plan, but he ignored an important factor.

That is the existence of door Yashi!

This made Kiryu Sentu very painful.

Obviously there is no need to do this!

In this way, wouldn't he bring danger to Mr. Reporter again?

Why do you have to see it!

Suppressing the pain in his heart, Kiryu Zhantu pretended to be indifferent and said: "What a naive idea. Compared with the rewards given by Evolto, your value is not worth mentioning at all."

"Then tell me! Zhan Rabbit, why didn't you come and attack me when I was seriously injured!" I asked Wanzhanglong seriously.

"It's just that the plan needs to be implemented in Pandora's Tower." Kiryu Zhantu said without hesitation what he said when he faced Jon, but...

"Then tell me your purpose!" Wan Zhanglong and I said without any hesitation, "There is no need to fight. If it is Zhan Tu, if you want it, then I will help you do it now!"

If it is said that Kiryu Zhantu was still struggling and trying to continue to pretend to be himself before, then Manjo Ryu's words can be said to have completely silenced him.

He wanted to hold back Evolto in this way, and buy time for Wanzhanglongwo and others to attack Pandora Tower, but judging from the current situation, such a plan undoubtedly failed.

Because Mr. Monyashi sensed his intentions and comforted the stupid orangutan in front of him. Judging from the previous performance of this stupid orangutan, he certainly did not want to affect his plan, but in the end this stupid orangutan did not. Can hold back.

But is it bad news?


If this stupid orangutan really suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and if it weren't for the fact that the garrison on the sixth floor of Pandora Tower is so special, then...

This has the potential to lead to the most dire results!

Even if Mr. Reporter found out about his plan and told them not to reveal it while appeasing Wanzhanglong and me, but...

Mr. Reporter must not realize now that Evolto is actually hiding beside them!

In order not to bring danger to Wanzhanglong and the others before the plan was successful, Kiryu Sentu never thought of leaking such information, so even when Wanzhanglong asked him why he didn't do anything outside the Pandora Tower, he still used the 'plan It can only be explained by the rhetoric of 'implemented in Pandora', but...

This stupid orangutan can really do such a thing!

Even if he says that everything is to use Wanzhanglong and I take out the white metal plate from Pandora's box, then Wanzhanglong I will do so without hesitation!

Really! Really! ! Really! ! !

Why can't you be more stupid?

Why do you, as ordinary people, have to stand up one by one?

Kiryu Sento stood up from the ground unsteadily, and then canceled the transformation.

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