I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1046

He saw the figure of Kiryu War Rabbit again, and the shaker rabbit tank bottle in his hand.

【Rabbit! 】

Wanzhanglong I subconsciously wanted to call out Kiryu Sentu's name, but before I could say it, I remembered what Monyashi had said to him before.

If he exposes the purpose of Kiryu Sentu, then it is very likely to bring trouble to the other party's plan!

This feeling of having nothing to say made Wanzhanglong feel very uncomfortable, as if it was better not to know that Kiryu Zhantu might be acting now from the beginning!

I was annoyed by Manjoryu, but had to choose to fight him after watching Kiryu Sentu insert the Wobblebunny tank into the Build drive.


"If you fight here, you are not allowed!"

Yuuki Yuna's voice stopped Kiryu Sentu's hand turning the Build driver joystick, and then Yuki Yuna's words made him silent.

"And didn't you guys fight side by side before? Yuna, I can see it clearly when I'm here!"

That's right... Kiryu Sentu thought to himself that they fought side by side before, and then started to turn the joystick of the drive again.

"Build Up."

The gray-black heavy-duty transformation device unfolded again, wrapping Kiryu Sentu's body in it, and this also showed his attitude at the moment, and also made him subconsciously feel aroused when he heard these words from Yuuki Yuna. Looking forward to the long-awaited dragon, my face gradually turned dark.

Sure enough, this feeling is still uncomfortable!

Mr. Monya, what you said before is really difficult to understand!

This time, I don't plan to use the Evol driver for Wanjo Ryu, because he can't say anything now, but he also wants to use the power given to him by Kiryu Sentu to pass on his beliefs to the other party!

The full bottle of Dragon Lava appeared in his hands again, but before Manjo Ryuga inserted it into the Cross-Z Lava Iron Fist, Yuuki Yuna's voice sounded again.

"Really, Lord Shenshu will be sad if you do this."

Then, under Manzhanglongga's astonished gaze, a black evolution bottle appeared in the hands of Yuuki Yuna.


[Yusha! 】

With this sound, the ground occupied by the roots began to tremble continuously, and then countless colorful energy roots drilled out from the ground and gathered on Yuna Yuki's body.

This scene shocked everyone who saw it!

Even if they only saw such a scene through Katoyashi's camera, when they saw the huge pink cherry blossoms blooming in the sky the next second, they felt like they had seen a miracle!

In their eyes, Yuna Yuki, standing among the pink cherry blossoms and carrying a golden halo on her back, is like a goddess at this moment!

Then, such a goddess spoke again.

But the words that came out of her mouth were not some kind of oracle, nor did they have any great reason, just...

"As a friend, you should say hello when you meet!"

At the same time Yuuki Yuna's words fell, her figure was already in front of Kiryu Sentu who rushed towards Manjo Ryuga.

The pink mechanical arms floating on the left and right of her body smashed out, and collided with the full bottle destroyer's blade.


An invisible shock wave erupted, leaving a series of cut marks on the surrounding tree roots.

But what surprised Kiryu Zhantu was that the full bottle destroyer's blade could not even leave a scar on the opponent's mechanical arm, and the power transmitted from the opponent even made him hold it tightly. The hands of the full-bottle destroyer are slightly numb, as if the weapon will come out in the next second!

Why does this girl named Yuna Yuki possess such powerful power? What has she been through? !

Looking at Yuuki Yuna's serious face, Kiryu Sentu suddenly felt a little dazed.

Would you like to say hello?

Of course he wants to!

He has been dreaming about it for the past few days!

He wants to do this, he wants to greet Wanzhanglong like I am a stupid orangutan before, but now he can't do it at all!

In order not to let Mr. Assistant's efforts go to waste, he must protect everyone!

Thinking of this, the hesitant look on Kiryu Zhantu's face instantly disappeared, but...

"Also, try not to give up!"

Yuuki Yuna punched out again, smashing the weapon in the hand of Kiryu Sentu who was struggling to support, and then...

"Eat and sleep well, too!"


Yuuki Yuna's punch hit Kiryu Sentu's body, and the huge movement erupted even the thick tree roots around him were directly torn and smashed!

Under such an impact, Kiryu Sentu's body flew straight upside down.

This scene is like a reenactment of Wanzhang Longwo being blown away by the dangerous rabbit tank on the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower, but now it is replaced by Kiryu Sentu and Yuki Yuna.

And every time Yuna Yuki yelled at the same time with each punch, everyone could hear it clearly. It obviously sounded like a girl who didn't know why she was fighting to find a reason for herself, but every word And yet impressive.

Say hello nicely.

Try not to give up.

Eat well and sleep well.

This seems to be just a daily goal set by an energetic girl, but Kiryu Sentu knows very well that this is what the girl in front of him named Yuna Yuki told him specifically.

But it's a pity that he can't do anything except the second one, try not to give up!

The hope now lies in Wanzhang Longwo!

【Max Hazard On! 】

The switch of the danger trigger was activated by Sentu Kiryu, and in the next second his figure turned into a red phantom, bypassing Yuuki Yuna and rushing towards Manjo Ryuga.



A huge robotic arm descended from the sky, planting Kiryu Sentu's head into the ground.

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