I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1045

However, while they were recuperating, Kiryu Sentu's 'betrayal' incident also intensified.

This is something Kiryu Zhantu himself did not expect, because just like Jon thought before, apart from fighting, both Kiryu Zhantu and Wanzhanglong I still treat themselves as ordinary people.

But the problem is...

He is no ordinary person at all!

As the Kamen Rider who once thwarted the conspiracy of the Blood tribe, his every move can be said to have attracted everyone's attention, not to mention that now he seems to be the same as the suspected Namba Heavy Industries, choosing to betray humans to monsters Surrender.

Kiryu War Rabbit is a hero of justice in people's eyes, and when the hero does such an act, it is enough to shatter everyone's hope!

Even if it wasn’t for Wanzhanglong’s words of ‘he won’t give up’, it is estimated that many people would fall into despair now.

Two candles representing hope were extinguished on the fifth floor. This feeling also terrified ordinary people. They were afraid that such candles would continue to be extinguished, and then the darkness representing despair would completely pour into their bodies.

Even those who are outside the reach of the Sky Wall are paying close attention to the disasters happening in this area.

But as ordinary people, they can't do anything but pray for the Kamen Riders!

No one will take this for granted, because as ordinary people, Mr. Assistant and Mr. Reporter are just risking their lives to act with Kamen Riders?

They may not be able to help the Kamen Riders in battle, but they are at least helping the Kamen Riders in their own way! Help ordinary people!

They want to dispel the fear in the hearts of ordinary people, and then use their wisdom to help the Kamen Riders conquer the layers of Pandora Tower, even if it may cost their lives, they will not be afraid at all!

Ordinary people may not be able to achieve this level, but they can at least trust these knights!

Just like what these knights said on the third floor of Pandora's Tower, they fight for those who trust them!

If the power of trust can make these knights stronger, then they will do what they can!

Even Kiryu Zhantu, who did such a thing, still has people trusting him after careful consideration!

At least they don't believe that the righteous heroes who once fought for "love and peace" will betray mankind!

But coincidentally, no one expressed such thoughts, as if they were afraid that doing so would slow down these heroes.

Then in such an atmosphere, Wanzhang Longwo and the others officially entered the sixth floor of Pandora's Tower.

Completely different from the fifth floor, which seemed to have no life in the desert, the sixth floor of Pandora's Tower seemed to be a beautiful world occupied by plants.

But the huge colorful roots make it difficult to combine them with the plants in the impression.

Even Wanzhanglong and I were stunned.

He could clearly feel the warm breath emanating from this world, and it even made him feel like he couldn't bear to fight here.

He would feel guilty if these roots, which seemed to have life, were destroyed.

Wanzhanglong I looked around, and so did the others.

Kazumi Kazumi squatted down and stroked the land, as if judging the degree of fertility.

"It's really a magical world. Could it be that a disaster happened here too?" Saruto Kazukai expressed the aspirations of all the people who saw this world.

At first glance, this world occupied by gorgeous tree roots is indeed wonderful, and it is even unbearable to imagine what it will look like after being destroyed by a disaster.

Soon, their doubts were answered.

"This is the tree sea enchantment that Master Shenshu specially developed to prevent monsters from causing damage to reality!"

Accompanied by this cheerful voice resounding in everyone's ears, a pink figure jumped back and forth flexibly among the tree roots, appearing in front of them.

Her long pink hair was tied into a long ponytail by a cherry blossom-shaped headband. She was obviously wearing a tights suit for battle, but she was wearing a robe with a fluffy skirt on the outside.

But the most interesting thing is the other party's age.

Although it looks much older than Matou Sakura who appeared on the fifth floor, her immature face undoubtedly tells everyone that the garrison who appeared on the sixth floor of Pandora Tower is about thirteen or fourteen years old age.

This scene made everyone silent, and Wanzhanglong and I didn't even have any idea of ​​fighting him.

Even though he has always been called a stupid orangutan and a muscular idiot by Kiryu Sentu and Saruto Kazukai, he is not a fool, especially what he experienced on the fifth floor made him grow a lot overnight.

In the eyes of the little girl on the fifth floor, that dark Kamen Rider is her everything, her world.

This makes Wan Zhanglong very sad, and I really want to know what happened to this little girl, and he also agrees with the words of the assistant.

Children are treasures of this world.

So after seeing Yuna Yuuki with a childish face but wearing a battle suit on the sixth floor, he didn't have any fighting spirit.

He was even a little angry!

What kind of world is it that anger makes such a young child encounter despair and let them fight!

Wanzhanglong I scratched my hair irritably, like a crazy orangutan.

He doesn't want to fight with such a child, but using his brain is not what he is good at!

Yuna Yuki didn't notice the abnormality of Manjo Ryuga, she patted herself on the chest, and proudly said: "I am Yuna Yuki, a member of the Brave Club of Sanzhou Middle School. I told you in advance that I am very strong!"

Saying that, Yuuki Yuna raised a finger at Wanzhanglong and the others and shook it, then laughed and said, "If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, I won't let you go there!"

Obviously saying such words, but combined with Yuuki Yuna's current actions, it seems to be telling others that she is super easy to handle.

But is that really the case?

Both the environment of this layer and the garrison that appeared are completely different from the previous layers.

It seems that there is no need to answer any profound questions, and there is no need to fight, as long as this energetic girl named Yuki Yuna is satisfied.

But is that really enough?

If it is said that Wanzhanglonglongwo and the others in the first few floors were looking for the elements of the strategy to conquer the Pandora Tower, then after going through the fifth floor, their mentality has gradually changed.

From looking for strategies to wanting to take the initiative to understand!

So do ordinary people!

They don't think that the seemingly vibrant world is really so beautiful now!

If what appeared before them was not Yuna Yuki, but another adult, maybe they would think so, but the world that requires such a young girl to fight for is definitely different from what they have seen!

Wanzhanglong, I really want to know what happened in this world, but he doesn't seem to have such a chance, because...

【Max Hazard On! 】

When the voice sounded, Wanzhanglong and I froze for a moment, then looked in the direction of the voice.

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