I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1044

So after hearing Jon's words, Kiryu Zhantu replied with an unchanged expression: "It's just a coincidence, even Evolto, didn't you expect that I would be able to find a way to clear the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower?" ?”

"So I still believe in you, genius physicist Takashi Katsuragi..." Jon shrugged, and said with a light smile, "You are the one I am familiar with now."

This sentence made Kiryu Zhantu's eyes flicker with struggle, but in the end he didn't attack.


Meanwhile, in the coffee shop.

Ishido Misora ​​is helping to treat everyone's wounds.

Judging from Ishidong Mikura's red eyes, she should have cried before Wanzhanglong I came back.

And the reason for crying is naturally known without thinking.

And even though she was helping to treat the wounds on everyone's bodies, her palms were still trembling slightly, and she wiped away the tears seeping from the corners of her eyes from time to time.

Even now, she still doesn't believe that Sentu Kiryu would do such a thing, but she couldn't help crying when she thought of the scene just now, which made the atmosphere in the coffee shop a little heavy.

Wanzhanglong I covered my eyes and seemed to be asleep, but judging from the slightly trembling fingertips of his palm holding the golden full-filled bottle, it was obvious that he hadn't recovered from this incident.

The same is true for Saruto Kazukai and Himuro Magic.

If it is said that what happened in the process of conquering the fifth floor of the Pandora Tower did not shake their faith, it must be a lie!

The reason why I chose to continue walking is mainly because of what I said before Wanzhanglong.


"I said... it should be enough." Sitting in front of the bar, Kato Yashi skillfully made coffee, and then said abruptly.

These words attracted everyone's attention to him.

"Didn't you notice a key point?" Men Yashi swept his gaze from Mr. E, and said calmly: "If Zhantu really wants to attack you, why don't you take advantage of the fact that you don't have it now? How many cases of defiance did you do? Do you think he even forgot the location of the coffee shop after his 'betrayal'?"

Everyone is stunned.

Only then did they realize that if Kiryu Sentu really wasn't going to let them go, then their subconscious behavior of returning to the coffee shop was the most dangerous!

This performance made Men Yashi very helpless.

He always felt that there seemed to be some problems with the heads of the three people here except President E and the two women.

At the beginning, there were Kiryu war rabbits, and they didn't show any abnormalities.

And after Kiryu Zhantu disappeared, they started to mess up. If it wasn't for the reminder from Jon, the three guys might not know what to do after connecting.

Then now that Jon was counted out, they became like this again.


"Since when Kiryu Zhantu left, he firmly believed that the other party had no choice but to do so, so why is he hesitating now?"

Men Yashi tapped on the wall of the cup and said, "Although I don't know what the hell that Zhantu guy is doing, isn't he not showing up now?"

"But Zhantu just now..." Although Wanzhanglong and I also hoped that such a possibility existed, the next second when I had this thought, the scene of Kiryu Zhantu attacking him mercilessly before appeared in him again. In his mind, the eyes that had just lit up dimmed, but...

With a bang, a spoon was thrown onto Wanzhanglongwo's forehead, and it just hit Wanzhanglongwo's wound, and then fell to the ground with a ding.

Wanzhanglong, I just wanted to get angry when I saw the scene where Katoyashi crossed his legs and picked up the coffee cup.

"But wasn't it stopped by that black guy?"

This answer stunned Wanzhanglong.

Seeing the other party's expression, Moniyashi sighed helplessly.

"So, if Zhantu was really stopped by the black guy before and gave up, why hasn't he come to trouble you until now?"

As he said that, after taking a sip, Men Yashi put down the coffee cup in his hand, and under the astonished gazes of the others, he said, "Haven't you ever thought about Wanzhanglong, I cleared the fifth floor of Pandora Tower and got the black guy Is the help also part of Zhan Rabbit's plan?"

"No." Himuro Magic answered honestly.

Although the others didn't make a sound, they also acquiesced that they were the same as Himuro Magic.

This also made Men Yashi sure that if the three people in front of them were not led by a person with a normal IQ, they would definitely run around like headless chickens when encountering difficulties.

Thinking of this, Mon Yashi subconsciously glanced at President E.

Of course he knew the identity of the other party, but he still said such words, because now this guy can't interfere with the situation on Kiryu Zhantu's side, and it doesn't matter if he is heard.

After Jon left the stage, Men Yashi also knew that it was his turn to make a move, after all, he had promised Jon to help.

Sighing, Katoyashi knocked on the bar, attracting the attention of everyone who had bowed their heads in thought after hearing his words.

"The reason why I didn't choose to make such a guess in Pandora's Tower was mainly because I was worried that Evolto was observing our state in this way."

Wanzhang Longwo and the others nodded hastily, and then, as if they had found the backbone again, regardless of their physical injuries, they moved a stool and sat in front of Men Yashi, waiting for his next words.

"It's unclear why Kiryu Zhantu did this for the time being, but it should have something to do with the Pandora's Box he brought with him at that time." Katoyashi showed a thoughtful expression, and then mentioned that there was no such thing as squeezing the three idiots before. Attention to detail.

Pandora's box!

"Pandora's Box?" Wan Zhanglong and I were stunned.

According to the reporter's guess, he was relieved to know that Zhantu might not have betrayed them, and even the depression in his heart was swept away, but the problems that followed made him puzzled again up.

What exactly does War Rabbit want to do with Pandora's Box?

Wanzhanglong, I scratched my head and scratched my head, but I really couldn't come up with an answer, so I could only look at Monyashi with pleading eyes, and there were two other people who made this action together.

It seems that after Kiryu Sento and Jon, Monyashi has become their new external brain.

This made Men Yashi a little helpless.

He feels that if he continues, he will also be arranged to leave the stage. After all, he still needs to maintain Jon's pure personality.

"Also, do you know the power of the bottle that the little girl gave you?"

Wanzhanglong, I was taken aback for a moment, then shook my head.

He hasn't used the new full bottle he got yet, and...

What exactly does that sentence mean? Of course Monyashi knew why Kiryu Sentu did this, but he couldn't say.

Not only can't say it, but he has to tell Jon what happened here completely, and let Jon arrange a scene where he also exits. People are bound.

Wanzhanglong, I, and the others didn't know what Monyashi was thinking at the moment, but were trying hard to think about what Kiryu Sentu wanted to do with the help of Pandora's Box.

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