I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1043

Wanzhanglong I told everyone with my will, he will continue to walk!

Even though he has lost so much on the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower, he will still keep going!

Like he said before...

Kamen Rider will not back down!


"It's really incredible..." Sitting in Namba Shigezaburo's place, President E showed an interested expression on his face under the visor.

He thought that Kiryu Sentu would not hesitate to ask Manjo Ryuga to use the dangerous trigger to take out the white metal plate from Pandora's box, so that he could use the genetic factors left in the Evol drive to control Manjo Ryuga and take it Walk the white metal plate.

It turned out that Kiryu Zhantu took advantage of Wanzhanglong and I had really conquered the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower, which made him 'forced' to fail in the eyes of others.

In this way, the initiative seems to have returned to Jon's hands, but for E, his main goal has been achieved.

Wanzhanglong I was angry because of the "betrayal" of Kiryu Sentu, and the genetic factors in the Evol drive had already awakened the genetic factors in his body. This is the most important step for E in general.

But Mr. E also knew that his plan must have been noticed by Jon.

Thinking of this, E felt a little helpless.

He felt that he and Jon knew each other what the other was going to do next, and this kind of confrontation was the most troublesome.

If possible, he hoped that Wanzhanglongwo would not be able to break through the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower, but he didn't expect Wanzhanglongwo to grasp the conditions for clearing the fifth floor by instinct without anyone reminding him.

"Sure enough...you can't underestimate any human being." Mr. E looked at the Manzho Dragon on the screen and smiled lightly, then turned his head to look at Namba Shigesaburo.

"do you think so?"


The fifth floor of Pandora's Tower.

Kiryu Zhantu had already left, but Wanzhanglong and the others hadn't left. Instead, they stood still and stared blankly at the direction Kiryu Zhantu left.

After a long time, Wanzhanglong, I came back to my senses and closed my eyes.

He's already said it, and he's going to keep going!

Even if he is no longer working hard for Kiryu Zhantu, he must continue to walk for the people he trusts and those who trust him!

He subconsciously looked at the position of the Dangerous Rabbit Tank, as if he wanted to thank him, but when he saw the opponent's figure, Wan Zhanglong and I couldn't say anything for a while, as if he had lost the ability to speak at this moment.

Then he heard light footsteps.

It was Matou Sakura who was walking towards this side. After coming to Dangerous Bunny Tan's side, she held Dangerous Bunny Tan's palm which was too big compared to her small hand.

"Berserker, go back..."

This sentence seems to be telling everyone, Wan Zhanglong, I am already qualified to go to the next floor.


"Wait!" Wanzhanglong subconsciously called out to Jian Tongying, but was stunned when she saw her turn around.

What should he say?

Looking at Matou Sakura's expressionless face, I thought to myself.

He didn't speak, and Matou Sakura didn't speak either.

After this situation lasted for a few seconds, Matou Sakura grasped Dangerous Rabbit Tank's palm, and then a special full bottle appeared in his hand.

The body of the bottle is gold, with the outline of an arrow on the front.

"You should be thankful that what happened in Pandora's Tower."

After throwing this special full bottle to Manjo Ryuga, Matou Sakura turned and left.

Seeing this, Wan Zhanglong, I could only silently clenched the full bottle in my hand.

"Go on..." he said regardless of his physical fatigue, and then he was about to set off for the next floor, but in the next second, Mon Yashi grabbed his shoulder.

"The current you are not fit to continue fighting."

Men Yashi's tone was very serious.


"But if I don't continue to fight, wouldn't I be unable to do anything?" Wanzhanglong I wiped the sweat from my face, and made a hissing sound as if I touched the wound.

This sentence made Men Yashi couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Although it is only the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower, it is on this floor that Wanzhanglong's belief has been hit the hardest!

As a Kamen Rider, Kamen Yashi recognized Manjo Ryuga's faith, but as a companion, Kamen Yashi didn't want Manjo Ryuga to continue walking with their tired bodies, so...

At least now it's up to him to bring hope to Wanzhanglong.

"If you still accept that I am your companion, then follow what I said and go back to rest first!" Men Yashi said seriously.

Such a gesture made Wan Zhanglong stunned me for a moment, then gritted his teeth and nodded.

"I see."

Wanzhanglong I agreed to Menyashi's request, because he no longer wanted to lose any of his companions.


Meanwhile, in the laboratory.

"It seems that you didn't complete the task I gave you very well." Jon crossed his legs and looked at the silent Kiryu Zhantu in front of him, and said with a chuckle.

"It's just that I didn't expect Wanzhanglong that I would be able to attack the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower." Kiryu Sentu replied calmly: "If there was no Kamen Rider to intervene, I would have succeeded long ago."

"So that's how it is..." Jon said in a tone of sudden realization: "I thought you took advantage of this on purpose."

This sentence made Kiryu Zhantu frowned. From the moment I saw the Evol drive on Wanzhanglong's waist in the fifth floor of Pandora's Tower, Kiryu Zhantu's doubts had deepened a lot.

But he didn't rush to verify this matter, because he didn't want it to interfere with his reason.

It doesn't matter who Evolto is, the important thing is that the other party is Evolto, and his purpose...

Just destroy Evolto!

that's enough!

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