I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1063

In the previous level, he discovered the true meaning of Mr. Ji Yazhun's power, so he found a way to pass the level, so what will this level be?

He has realized that from the seventh floor, the conditions for customs clearance have changed.

It's not up to the defenders to teach them noble will anymore, it's their turn to prove it themselves!

But why does this lady liken the world to a cage?

Just saying it casually, or does it mean something else? Does the Sakura in her mouth refer to the little girl on the fifth floor?

and here...

Where is it?

Kiryu Zhantu looked at the surrounding environment and thought to himself, if one ignores the mud on the ground and the dark and corrupt surroundings, it would look like an ordinary small fishing village, but Kiryu Zhantu would not make such a simple decision. in conclusion.

But before he could come up with a reason, Maria's blood blade cut off again, making him tired of dealing with it.

"It's not a good habit to look around during battle, you might die."

Maybe Maria is not strong in terms of power, but the blood drawn from her body has terrifying power. Even the special power brought by the ingredients in the full bottle is constantly being eroded.

Skilled fighting skills also allow Maria to keep attacking Kiryu Sentu while still having the energy to preach to the opponent.

"Is it really good to do this? You must know that the outside world is merging."

The two swords in his hand slashed down, tearing the phantom of the vacuum cleaner condensed by Kiryu Sentu into pieces.

"And the power of filthy blood is not so easy to absorb, little guy."

This scene made Kiryu Sentu grit his teeth, and then the full bottle on the armor lit up again.

In the next second, the phantom of the lock condensed on Maria's body, causing the slender and ferocious blood blade in her hand to gradually shatter. The body was wrapped in it, roaring and punching Maria.

Under this punch, even the blood blades crossed in front of Maria were directly shattered.

"Good power." Maria dropped the blood blade in her hand, and then pierced the abdomen with her own hands again under the fearful gaze of all the people who saw this scene.

In the next second, she pulled out the two ferocious blood blades from her body again, and the phantom of the lock that appeared on her body was directly shattered!

"But it can only go so far."

"Bastard!" Wanzhanglong's face under the mask was extremely angry, and he wanted to punch Maria in the face, but he was stopped by Kiryu Zhantu in the next second.

"It's true... the outside world is beginning to merge, not only people in this world, but people in other worlds are also afraid, but..." Kiryu Sentu took a deep breath and said seriously: "But I want to completely If you get rid of this fear and no longer live in Evolto's script like before, then you must defeat the real Evolto!"

Everyone agrees with Kiryu Zhantu's words. They have already known through Kiryu Zhantu's mouth that Evolto is now fighting in another space, which means that the activation of the "Enigma" system is definitely Evolto's conspiracy!

There is absolutely no way the Enigma system can be blocked so easily!

And if you want to truly eliminate the fear in people's hearts, you must really eliminate the monster Evolto!

Almost at the same time that this idea popped up in people's minds, a scene that terrified people all over the world appeared, because...

What appeared around their world at this moment was not just a phantom of the earth, but...


When the phantoms of nine earths appeared around their earth at the same time, panic swept the whole world in an instant! At this moment, people in any corner of the earth can raise their heads and see multiple phantoms of the earth in the sky. This scene terrifies them and makes them subconsciously kneel down and pray hard, as if as long as they do so, they will It was as if a god appeared to save them.

But not everyone chose to do this, because many people put their hopes on Kiryu Sentu and others.

They don't know if the gods will appear, but at least the Kamen Riders will definitely appear!

Not only Kiryu Sentu and others, but also the Kamen Rider who is fighting in another space now!

So even if you pray, you have to find the right person!

No one thinks that Kiryu Zhantu's current choice is wrong, and such thoughts have gradually begun to gather, condensing towards the genius full-filled bottle on Kiryu Zhantu's waist.

Just like what Ji Yazhun saw before.

Even if it's not "light", this kind of longing is constantly passing on, making Kiryu Sentu and the others who should be exhausted stand up again!

"Everyone's thoughts are supporting me...so I will never stop! Even if a cage binds this world, I will break it!"

【One Side! 】

Kiryu Sento grasped the rocker of the Build driver with his palm and started to turn it. When the full bottle on his body lit up, the power of sixty ingredients was once again poured into the transforming furnace on his chest, and it was the same as the previous one. One difference, the transformation furnace at this moment has already been filled with people's will!

【Gyaku Side! 】

The colorful rays of light bloomed on Kiryu Zhantu, and even dispersed the dark clouds over the small fishing village at the moment of blooming, allowing the sun to once again shine on this small fishing village that had been shrouded in despair and curse for many years.

All despair, all curses are dispelled by the power of Kiryu War Rabbit's genius form!

[All Sides! 】

At this moment, even the world projected into Pandora's Tower is being affected by the power of the genius form.

The rotten wooden buildings lost their rotten atmosphere as if they had life, and the mud covering the calves on the ground began to recede, as if the small fishing village shrouded in darkness all day long had returned to its former appearance.

"What an amazing ability..." Maria glanced at the surrounding environment nostalgicly, pressed down on the brim of her hat, turned and walked towards the seaside, leaving behind the space door leading to the next floor.

This scene stunned Wanzhanglong, who had also grasped the drive joystick with his palm.

"Hey! Stop fighting? Really stop fighting?" Wanzhanglong I looked at the back of Maria leaving in astonishment, and asked loudly.

"Yeah... It's actually quite boring to tease the orangutans all the time. I heard that if the orangutans in the zoo are annoyed by tourists, they will take their poop and throw it at the guests." Maria, who turned her back to Wanzhanglong He raised his palm and shook it casually, then didn't turn his head back.

"I wouldn't do such a thing!" Wanzhanglong said angrily, but Maria ignored him and disappeared in front of them.

This made Wanzhanglong even more confused for me, but Kiryu Zhantu was not surprised at all, but before going to the ninth floor of Pandora Tower, he carefully looked at the normal small fishing village in front of him.

He didn't know what happened in this small fishing village, and he also knew that even if he asked, the lady would definitely not tell.

The reason why he successfully cleared the level here is precisely because Kiryu Sentu noticed Maria's tone when he mentioned the name Sakura.

It's a doting tone.

So he remembered the special ability of Panda Filled Bottles and Cans to comfort children.

And the second after using the panda's ability to fill the bottle, Kiryu Zhantu heard the low cry surrounding this small fishing village.

Kiryu Sentu didn't know why the owner of the voice was crying, but he subconsciously wanted to do something.

So he used the unique ability of the genius form to collect the beliefs of the people who had pinned their hopes on him, and in this way defeated the despair and curse in this small fishing village.

Then he succeeded.

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