I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1062

He is fighting alone!

Fight in that dead space!

This made Ishido Soichi very uncomfortable.

Because the dead world that appeared in the previous world's "collision" event can be said to have brought great fear to the people of this world, but now he understands...

The truth of the matter is simply not the case!

That dead world is not real! It is a world specially created by the other party to protect ordinary people from harm!

But if the disaster cannot be prevented, then the world will really become like that!

Shidong Soichi wanted to justify Jon's name, and he felt that this was the only way for him to atone for his sin.

After taking a deep breath, he stared at the door of the coffee shop in front of him, and pushed it open.

Just as he imagined, the next second after he pushed open the door, he saw Takikawa Sayu's fearful eyes, but Ishidori Soichi knew that time was running out, so he didn't choose to explain, but was anxious Said: "Tell Zhantu and them that the one who activated the "Enigma" system is Namba Shigesaburo, the chairman of Namba Heavy Industries! "


At the same time, the eighth floor of the Pandora Tower.

"So, why don't you go back and wait obediently?"

The long blade made of blood danced gracefully in Maria's hands, and then slashed at Kiryu Sentu.

With a click, the diamond phantom condensed from the components of the full-filled diamond bottle was instantly shattered under Maria's slash, but Maria flexibly avoided Wanzhang Longwo's attack immediately after.

"Fizzy kids, I hate it!"

Maria, who was dodging Wanzhanglonglong's attack, stretched out a finger in front of her lips, and then complained to the two: "You have interrupted me to knit a sweater for Sakura."

"It's annoying! Old lady, get out of the way!" Wanzhanglong seemed to be irritated by Maria's elder-like tone, pointed at the mud at his feet that affected his movement, and said:

"Don't you think your age is exuding corruption like these silts?"

If we had just met, I wouldn't be so rude to Wan Zhanglong. The reason why he said such a thing was that he found the strangely dressed woman in front of him, who was full of period style that Wei couldn't remember, very annoying!

Sure enough, the women who appeared in Pandora's Tower are very annoying! Well, except for Yuna Yuuki!

Wanzhanglong, I feel that Maria really didn't mean to let them go, just like Mr. Hime Yajun before, if Kiryu Sentu hadn't grasped the opponent's belief so keenly, then they would never have come here.

And where is this place!

Although the sticky mud only slightly affected Wanzhang Longwo's actions, he was very uncomfortable with the weird environment around him.

But before he could come up with an answer, Maria's blood blade slashed towards him again.

"What a nasty orangutan."

The corners of Maria's eyes were constantly twitching, obviously annoyed by Wanzhanglongwo's description, and then the blood blade in his hand cut towards him without hesitation, making Wanzhanglongwo tired of resisting for a while.

"Why can't you go back to the cage honestly? If you don't go back, your cage will be destroyed."

"The world is not a cage, and the bearded man and potato boy will definitely succeed!" Wanzhanglong I roared while blocking the blood blade that Maria cut towards him.

In the next second, magma erupted on his body, and at the same time that it burned the dark, damp land covered with silt and smelling of stench and fish, he punched Maria's body without hesitation. Body.

"Turn me into salted fish, you stinky old woman!" Kiryu Sentu was in a bitter fight, and because the "Enigma" system was activated, he split into two groups to prevent the disaster from happening. Shi Huande has a serious face.

They have already learned from Takigawa Sayu that Ishidou Soichi is back, but...

Can you really be sure that the current Ishidong Soichi is not under the control of Evolto? Himuro Magic showed a hesitant expression.

"Hey! Beard man, now is not the time to hesitate." Saruto Kazukai saw Himuro's hesitation and said, "We don't have any clues now, so even if the store manager Ishidong is still controlled by Evolto, But Namba Heavy Industries must have something to do with this matter!"

This sentence made Himuro Huande calm down, and then he understood the meaning of Yuandu Yihai.

Even if the store manager of Shidong is still controlled by Evolto, Namba Heavy Industries definitely plays a very important role in this matter!

Thinking of this, he directly dialed the phone from Ishidong Soichi, and the second the phone was connected, he heard the other party's urgent voice.

"Mr. Himuro, I know you may not want to believe me, but please! The real Evolto and Kamen Riders from other worlds are now fighting in another dimension!"

The eager tone did not seem to be fake, which made Himuro Huando, who was rushing to the headquarters of Namba Heavy Industries, frown.

"A Kamen Rider from another world? Another dimension?"

Ishido Soichi's words sounded like gibberish, but Himuro Magic subconsciously thought of what Mr. Ji Yajun said on the seventh floor of Pandora's Tower.

The world that appeared on the seventh floor of Pandora's Tower is the world after a thousand years!

And the reason why that world has become decayed and lifeless is precisely because the disaster has not been prevented!

Thinking of this, Himuro Magic suddenly realized something.

This should also be the case in the previous battles that took place in another world, Earth!

It's not that the humans in that world have all died, but that the battle has been moved to a world a thousand years later!

In other words, they misunderstood it from the beginning!

No world has been destroyed by catastrophe! Rather, they just saw the consequences if the disaster was not prevented!

But... such a world must not appear!

Thinking of this, Himuro Fantasy's tone became serious.

"Shop Manager Ishidong..." Himuro Magic took a deep breath, and then asked, "Who is the Kamen Rider you are talking about?"

This sentence made Shi Dongsong silent.

"It may be better for you to confirm this matter with your own eyes, rather than for me to answer."

Ishido Soichi gave this answer.

"I understand." Himuro Huantou nodded, and then told Kiryu Sentu about it.


The eighth floor of Pandora's Tower.

"Did the real battle take place in another space?" Kiryu Sentu had a solemn expression on his face when he learned about it from Himuro Hyuntoku.

Sure enough, it is not easy to really meet each other! And this lady in front of me...

Kiryu Sento looked at Maria seriously, trying to find clues to conquer this floor.

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