I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1061

"Don't underestimate the other me, Killbus, that's not his real strength."

"Ha--!" Killbus laughed wantonly, while grabbing Jon, but it was in vain.

While he was waving, Jon's figure had disappeared.

In the next moment, a real black hole replaced the dark storm and appeared behind Killbus.

【Ready Go! 】

Feeling the terrifying aura coming from behind, Killbus showed no sign of fear, but also started to turn the joystick of the Evol driver.

Accompanied by his movement, dark red energy began to surge on his body, and then turned into energy spider silk.

A roundabout kick, the right foot surging with dark red terrifying energy was kicked backwards, and it collided head-on with Jon's black hole kick.

[Black Hole Finish! 】

When these two forces that could devour everything collided, the whole world began to tremble.

The power of the black hole began to devour everything, biting off a piece of flesh like a bloodthirsty beast on the Earth covered by the Meta Domain, but this is far from over!

"It's far from over, Evolto! If it's just this level, it won't make me excited!"

The two energies are still constantly colliding, but the second after Killbus's words with crazy laughter sounded, his dark red figure had disappeared in front of Jon, and then shot at Jon at a terrifying speed. Eun's side kept flickering.

For a while, it seemed that there were countless Killbuses!

The spider silk condensed from dark red energy seemed to have life at this moment, rolling towards Jon's body while Killbus' figure kept flickering.

After incorporating the power of the black hole, the tough energy spider silk seemed to have turned into an inescapable chain, tightly sealing Jon's body, making him look like a prey trapped deep in the spider web, unable to move.

"Try this again!!!"

Two pairs of dark red spider legs covering the sky spread out from behind Killbus, and then stabbed towards Jon who was trapped in the spider web!

This blow seems to be able to split the planet!

[Killbus Spider Finish! 】

But even in the face of such a terrible attack, the expression on Jon's face did not change.

"I didn't expect to be underestimated, so how about trying this?"

With a sudden force of both hands, Jon broke free from the spider web that bound him, and at the same time another evolution bottle appeared in his hand.

[Yusha! 】

The brave bottle was inserted, and at the same time, Jon reached out and pressed the switch of the evolution trigger.

[Over-Over the Revolution! 】

heat flow mode...

start up!

The rocker on the driver started to rotate, making the two evolution bottles bloom with dazzling brilliance!

【Ready Go! 】

Huge pink cherry blossoms, blooming!

【Fever Flow! 】

Shi Dongxun woke up.

Then he looked at his trembling palm in disbelief.

His body is back!

The palms were constantly clenched and then loosened. This feeling of re-experiencing after more than ten years made him feel unreal, but the next second he realized that this is not the time for him to do these things.

He hasn't been him since touching Pandora's Box in Mars!

It's a monster named Evolto!

And what makes Shi Dongsunyi painful is that he can only watch!

Watching the monster named Evolto control his body and do things that frightened him and made him regret.

The establishment of the Faust organization erased Katsuragi Takashi's memory and produced a person named "Kiryu War Rabbit". All this was seen by Ishido Soichi, but he was unable to stop it, and even had to Watching her beloved daughter being used by the other party to purify the slugger bottle.

That period of time was undoubtedly the most painful and darkest time for Soichi Ishido, and it even made him feel like the world would be destroyed because he picked up Pandora's Box in Mars!

Then during this dark time, he found that Evolto, who manipulated his body, came to a strange place, and saw a young man who looked no different from ordinary people.

At that time, he felt the emotion called greed for the first time in this monster.

But just when Ishidong Soichi was completely desperate, thinking that it was his own fault that brought death to others again, something unbelievable happened to him.

Even Evolto, who in his eyes is enough to bring destruction to the earth, can't kill that young man!

At that moment, Ishido Soichi seemed to see the real hope, but what made him silent immediately was...

Evolto saw the trajectory of his future through that youth.

Such a trajectory made Soichi Ishidong feel fear, and when he saw Evolto came back and began to change his plan, such fear turned into despair!

To be honest, at that time, Ishido Soichi hated the young man named Jon, who caused Evolto to change his plan, and even wiped out the only remaining hope in this world, as if doing so could cover up that he brought Evolto back to Earth guilt in general.

It wasn't until he watched Evolto go to that magical place in disguise all the time, and finally calculated people from another world, that Ishido Soichi didn't understand.

His dislike for the other party is just to avoid his own fault!

Because it was he who brought Evolto back to the earth, the earth in another world is also facing such a crisis!

He didn't go to another world with Evolto's copy, but he still understood, and understood the suffering that Evolto brought to another world, which was undoubtedly revealed when the worlds "collided".

Until that time, Ishido Soichi could say that he didn't understand...

The world that was in danger because of his fault hadn't forgotten the world he was in! Jon, who obtained the Evolto genetic factor, also did not forget this world!

And now, here he is!

When Ishidong Soichi saw Jon pushing open the door of the coffee shop and coming in, he finally understood.

This is the real Kamen Rider!

He used his identity as an ordinary person to help Kiryu Sentu and the others grow up, let them realize Evolto's conspiracy, let them become real heroes, and now...

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