I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1060

And this sentence also brought a smile to President E's face.

"Sure enough, a place where everyone can't see is suitable for giving it a go, but I didn't expect you to mimic him, brother."

"E v o l t o!" Killbus yelled frantically, but the next second his tone became calm again, intoxicated: "Let's start?~"

As his voice fell, the genetic factors hidden in Ishidong Soichi's body gushed out crazily, a bloody figure condensed in front of Jon, and then gathered towards Killbus' body.

At the same time, Jon's fingers moved lightly towards the real Ishido Soichi's body.

In the next second, golden light enveloped Soichi Ishidong's body, and while healing his body that had become dilapidated due to the long-term occupation of the total E genetic factor, he was teleported out of the Meta field.


[Cobra! 】

The red cobra evolution bottle was inserted into the Evol drive by Jon. At the same time as he made this action, an Evol drive appeared at the waist of Killbus, which had been integrated with Mr. E but still kept Jon's appearance.

"Cobra...so nostalgic~E v o l t o!!!"

Killbus stretched out his palm, and the next second scarlet energy began to gather in his palm, turning into a scarlet evolution bottle!

【Over the Evolution! 】

The evolution trigger is also inserted, and then...

[Killbus Spider! 】 interesting!

Jon had a look of interest on his face as he watched the scarlet energy condense into a new evolution vial in Killbus' hands before being inserted into the Evol drive.

Before that, he hadn't expected that Boss E would choose to merge with Killbus' clone, but judging from the transformation of the trio, it seemed that there was no need to be surprised.


"Just have fun with you guys."

[Rider System! 】

The black knight system evolution bottle was inserted by Jon, and what appeared in Killbus' hands was also the knight system evolution bottle!

"Fun? Play? Yes! That's it! E v o l t o~ You used to like to play with me so much..."

Killbus picked up the knight system evolution bottle in his hand, and kissed the bottle intoxicatedly!

Plug it in.

[Rider System! 】

The knight system evolution bottle was inserted, and at the same time Killbus's voice became even crazier, as if what happened now was not just a simple battle for him, but also satisfied his desire to destroy!

【Evolution! 】X2

The Evol driver at the waist of the two made such a sound at the same time, but unlike Jon's pure black hole power bound around his body by a silver gear-shaped restraint, the power that Killbus exploded when he transformed with E total Be more violent!

Almost the second the silver gear-shaped restraint appeared, the scarlet energy tore it into pieces!

The power of the black hole began to manifest, but was swallowed by Killbus' own power in the next second!

The scarlet color gradually began to turn into a dark red color!

It was as if a flame was burning in the pure darkness!

Under the control of Killbus, the terrifying power turned into two dark red spider webs and enveloped it. At the same time, a dark square made of black hole power also surrounded Jon's body.

【Are You Ready? 】

Jon snapped his fingers.

[Black Hole! 】

The next moment, the silver restraint exploded, and the power of the black hole turned into a storm that exploded centered on Jon's body, covering the entire Pandora Tower, and tended to spread to other areas!

[Black Hole! ! 】

Everything is being destroyed and shattered, but only the figure wrapped in dark red spider webs stands still in such a dark storm.

[Black Hole! ! ! 】

The darkness that erupted from Jon instantly enveloped everything around him, but even such a force couldn't break the spider web in front of Killbus.


The tone was still up and down, but the second he said those words, the dark red spider web covering his body had already attached to his body and began to twist!

Even in the middle of such a spider web, a black hole has appeared!

And not only that, the power of Killbus directly suppressed the trigger of evolution, as if telling Jon that the power possessed by Killbus itself was stronger than the black hole!

【Spider! 】

【Spider! ! 】

The dark red spider web was twisting, turning into dark red armor wrapped around Killbus' body. Even the black hole that appeared on Killbus's chest was firmly locked in by the four pairs of sharp spider legs and fangs unfolding from the back of Killbus. in!

[Killbus Spider! ! ! 】


The dark red energy confronting Jon burst out suddenly on Killbus, and this energy began to mix in the dark storm, and even began to devour Jon's energy!

The world originally occupied by darkness was dyed an even more ominous dark red at this moment, and Killbus' crazy laughter resounded in it.

"The power of a black hole, really familiar, Evolto?..."

With the sound of this voice, a dark red figure flashed in the world occupied by darkness, and appeared in front of Jon.

"But even the power of a black hole will surrender to me~ Have you forgotten?"

The scarlet light shone on Killbus's faceplate like the multiple eyes of a spider, and while looking at Jon playfully, he punched him in the chest.

Just the collision of pure power shattered the dark storm around the two of them, and also made Killbus's posture at this moment fully revealed in front of Jon.

There is not much difference from the image in Jon's impression, except that the scarlet with spider elements in his memory has turned dark red at this moment, and what is even more frightening - it is located on his chest, which is firmly bitten by the spider's fangs Live in a black hole!

At this moment, the black hole seemed to become the spider's nourishment, being continuously drawn energy, and then a strange black mist gradually began to ooze from Killbus.

Just like what he said, even a black hole will surrender under his power!

Killbus seemed to be joking, but Mr. E, who had become one with him, reminded him at this time.

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