I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1059


"Are you still planning to use Zhantu and the others?"

Standing on the top floor of Pandora's Tower, Jon stared at a small black dot below. His gaze seemed to be able to pass through layers of space and directly projected on Mr. E who was smiling and waving at him.

In the next second, Mr. E's figure flashed and appeared in front of Jon.

"This is not taking advantage of them, but trying to make them real heroes." Mr. E said to Jon with a smile, and then looked at the Pandora's Box and two white metal plates not far away.

The white metal plate inlaid with ten special white evolution bottles is located below, embedded in the body of Pandora's Box, and the white metal plate obtained from Wanzhang Longwo floats above it strangely.

Judging from the crazily flickering energy between the two white metal plates, it is obvious that the two white metal plates are undergoing a wonderful reaction.

E always knew what Jon was doing, and he also knew that this battle was likely to be the last one, but he didn't intend to do it directly, but leaned on a stone pillar in the image of Ishido Soichi, his face It also showed a nostalgic expression.

"When I think of the first time I met you, Brother Jon, I think it's very interesting!"

Seeming to have thought of something interesting, Mr. E smacked his lips, then spread his hands, and said: "At that time, I hadn't acquired human emotions, and even the appearance I showed in front of Zhantu and Misora ​​was By imitating others."

As he said that, Mr. E stretched out a finger to lift up the small sunglasses on his face, and said with a smile: "So after that, I changed my purpose, cultivated Kiryu War Rabbit, and then gained human emotions! This feeling, too Bravo!"

"Is it because of the danger level?" Jon asked with interest.

"No, this is just one of them!" President E raised a finger and said, "Remember what I told you before? Jon, we are all Evolto! It's just a difference in memory and thought!"

"so what?"

"Are you interested in cooperating with me?" Mr. E bewitched, "As long as we two Evoltos join forces, then the entire universe will be controlled by us in the end!"

"Do you think it's possible?" Jon raised his eyebrows and said, "If I had thought this way from the beginning, you would have already taken my body away by now, instead of standing in front of you like this .”

Mr. E shrugged his shoulders at this answer, but there was no disappointment on his face.

After all, he had already expected such an answer, and then he said to the white metal plate that was still surging with energy.

"Did you hear Killbus, it seems that I can only choose to cooperate with you now."

"Hahahahaha——! E v o l t o~ It seems that you have found something interesting! You are indeed my closest companion~ Let me see what happened~? Two? Evolto! Two? Pandora demons Box!" When this cadenced voice seemed to contain a hint of surprise, the energy surged between the two white metal plates instantly climbed to the extreme, and then a dazzling light burst out!

And this voice was also telling Jon that the monster he was waiting for was about to appear!

Kill bus!

The blue genetic factor, which is completely different from President E and other Blood people, began to flow out of the white metal plate, but then Jon noticed one thing, that is...

The Killbus in front of him is not as powerful as he imagined, that is to say...

"Is it just a clone?" Jon was a little disappointed as he watched Killbus emerge from the white metal plate and then mimicked him.

"It's just a clone? Evolto..." The palm of Killbus, who had mimicked the appearance of Jon, stroked his chest lightly, as if he was familiar with this new mimic body, and then pulled it immediately, The imitated clothes were torn into pieces, revealing the chest underneath, and said intoxicatedly:

"You seem to have forgotten how powerless you used to be in front of me. As the royal family of the Blood star, you actually..." Killbus pointed at Jon, and then pointed at Mr. E, jokingly said: "It's like It was a thief who stole my Pandora's box."

Killbus seemed to regard Jon and Mr. E as the same existence, but it seemed nothing strange to a lunatic like him.

"But it doesn't matter, Evolto...my closest companion." Killbus opened his palm and laughed wildly, "Even if you stole Pandora's Box, didn't I not come directly to catch you?"

This sentence is undoubtedly telling Jon and Mr. E that even if Mr. E stole the Pandora's box, which is the source of the power of the Blood star, he cannot escape Killbus's control. The main reason why he has not come to catch Mr. E is that ...

"Because I'm looking forward~ I'm looking forward to Evolto, you can bring me enough surprises, just like now..." Killbus glanced at Pandora's Box and the two white metal plates, his face There was an intoxicated expression on his face again.


Killbus seemed to be about to say that there are two Evoltos in this world, but he closed his eyes the second he spoke and sniffed the air.

His sense of smell seemed to be able to penetrate the meta domain, and then he showed a surprised expression.

"It's five! Five Evoltos!! And it's not something like a clone, all five are independent Evoltos!!! You really brought me a great surprise! I've thought of a great idea now ! As long as you absorb your power with a white metal plate, you will definitely be able to create the most powerful Pandora's Box! Ha——!"

As if he had already figured out some explosion scene in his mind, Killbus kept bending back, causing the body of the mimic Jon to make a movement that normal humans could not do, and at the same time stretched out a finger on his Drilling continuously on the temple.

With a puff, his finger directly pierced his temple, but what sputtered out was not blood, but blue genetic factors.

"When the time comes, the explosion will probably even blow up the barriers between the universes! All the universes will return to nothingness!"

After finishing speaking, Killbus kept this posture and laughed wildly. President E seemed to have gotten used to Killbus' madness, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

A madman with a target is very easy to use, and he also knows the reason why Jon hasn't done anything yet, because he hasn't left Ishido Soichi's body yet!

Then, all the conditions have been gathered!

Thinking of this, President E's mood is even more joyful.

Killbus is just a doppelgänger?

This is also in his calculations, because this lunatic is extremely confident in his own strength, and the terrifying power he possesses even allows him to disperse his genetic factors and turn them into avatars to destroy different planets to satisfy himself. desire.

If all of Killbus' clones gathered on the main body and appeared here, then he would be in trouble.

"But Killbus is just a doppelgänger now." President E pretended to be pitiful.

"The unexpected individual in front of me has grown to the point that I can't even deal with it. Can I join you? Actually, I'm a little tired of the endless destruction. If I can see that everything in the universe is destroyed If so, it will definitely be the most wonderful scene for us Blood people."

Mr. E's words made the corners of Jon's mouth twitch slightly, and it seemed that only a lunatic like Killbus wouldn't care about this undisguised conspiracy.

Sure enough, the second after Mr. E said this, Killbus became excited again.

"E v o l to——! You finally woke up! As my closest companion, your betrayal made me..." Killbus's palm lightly brushed across his chest again, which was exactly the same as Jon's. There was an expression of Yan Yi on his face.

"So sad that my heart is about to break?~!"

Killbus didn't think that Mr. E was using him at all, but welcomed Mr. E to join him!

Do you cooperate? Jon tossed the Evol driver in his hand and thought about it, but he didn't want to stop it, because seeing his body being ruined was more of a headache for him now than this matter.

Since it is only a clone of Killbus that has arrived now, it probably needs a lot of effort.


【Over the Evolution! 】

The evolutionary trigger was activated again after a long absence.

"Cooperate? It doesn't matter, I'll send you two brothers to have barbecue together."

The evolution trigger was inserted into the Evol drive by Jon without hesitation, and the expression on his face was extremely calm.

Just treat it as an appetizer and dessert before the main meal, Jon thought so.

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