I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1058

But even the components of the diamond-filled bottle, which theoretically possesses the ability to prevent physical injury, were instantly shattered by Ji Yazhun's punch.

The terrifying shock wave directly lifted Kiryu Sentu's body, and then half-kneeled on the ground.

But even though it looked so embarrassing, Kiryu Zhantu was the last one to fall.

They were not injured, it was just that the successive battles had completely exhausted their physical strength!

"It's useless..." Ji Yazhun looked at Kiryu Zhantu who was trying to stand up, and the words that were directly transmitted to Kiryu Zhantu's mind already carried a trace of intolerance.

"The "Light" has been transmitted to me, even with this kind of ability, it is impossible to defeat me, just give up... If you don't want to go back, you can wait here until everything is over. "

"But... if this is the case, wouldn't the transmission of hope be interrupted?" Kiryu Sentu stood up again.

Even though he knew that it was impossible to defeat the person in front of him with all his strength, he still didn't want to give up!

He remembered what Yuna Yuki said before, those who were saved by the knight system have passed hope to this world! so...

"It sounds a little greedy, but... the hope I want is not just this level!"

Kiryu Zhantu stood up again, panting: "There is more hope ahead, right, so I must not give up!"

"What's the reason?"

"Because if I don't move on, those hopes won't be passed on." Kiryu Zhantu walked towards Ji Yazhuan step by step.

"This gentleman..."

"Ji Yajun, this is my name."

"Mr. Himeya..." Kiryu Zhantu lifted his transformation and looked at Himeya seriously.

His body was completely wet with sweat, and even his bangs were directly stuck to his forehead, but he just wiped his eyes that were stinging from the infiltration of sweat.

"Just now you said that the "light" was transmitted to you, right? So what does this "light" really mean to you? "

"It's a 'tie'. "

"A 'tie'? " Kiryu Zhantu showed a smile on his face, he didn't need Ji Yazhun to explain, he already understood the meaning of this sentence.

"But for me, hope is also a 'bond'! I want to pass on this hope! Pass it to everyone's heart! So if I give up now, won't the hope still ahead be passed on? So now...it's my turn! "

"And me..." Wanzhanglong Wo, who was lying exhausted on the ground, raised his fist, "But what do you mean by "bond" Zhantu? "

I don't understand the questions that are too esoteric, but he knows that as long as he does it with Kiryu Sentu, that's right!

"Add me, Ge... no... Kiryu War Usagi!" Himuro Magic stood up from the ground, and this sentence also means that the image of Kiryu War Rabbit has completely replaced Katsuragi in his mind. Qiao's image, "I want to create a country where all citizens are happy, so what you say is essential."

"Mitan must be very scared now..." Saruto Kazukai is also trying to stand up, even in Pandora Tower now, he can think of how scared Ishidong Misora ​​is now, "So... we must Just pass on the hope!"

Every answer of Kiryu Zhantu and the others made Ji Yazhun gratified, but not only because of their answers, but also because Ji Yazhun had seen the power gradually gathering on them.

Although it is not "light", it has a power similar to "light".

Sure enough, he still can't do such a thing. If he continues to stop Kiryu Zhantu and the others now, wouldn't it be against his own beliefs?

Like "light", "hope" is also a bond, which will be passed on in people's hearts.

Thinking of this, the "light" began to dissipate from Ji Yazhun's body, allowing him to regain his human appearance.

However, Ji Yajun did not let Kiryu Sentu and the others pass directly, but took a look at the extremely decayed world around him, which was constantly broken by the battle just now.

"Kiryu Zhantu, do you know what world this is?"

This question made Kiryu Sentu stunned for a moment, and then answered with a serious face: "Is it a world where disasters have not been prevented?"

In Kiryu Zhantu's eyes, the world that appeared on the seventh floor of Pandora's Tower should be the dead world where no life existed in the world's "collision" before, but the words that came out of Ji Yazhuan's mouth immediately made people He was taken aback.

"Actually, this sentence is also true." Ji Yazhun smiled, and then explained: "If the disaster cannot be stopped, then the world will really become like this. After a thousand years..."

The world a thousand years from now?

After hearing this sentence, Kiryu Zhantu's face flashed an incredulous expression, but when he was about to ask, he was interrupted by Ji Yazhun again.

"However, I can't tell you the following information. After all, letting you go is already the limit, so..."

Saying that, Ji Yajun threw the evolution bottle in his hand to Kiryu Zhantu.

"Since you have the belief to keep passing on "hope", go and try it out. "

After the words fell, Ji Yazhun disappeared in front of them, and was replaced by the space door to the next floor.

"War Rabbit..." Wan Zhanglong and I looked at Kiryu Zhan Rabbit, who was holding the Nexus evolution bottle, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and subconsciously reminded him.

"I understand." Kiryu Zhantu nodded, then put away the evolution bottle and prepared to move towards the next floor of Pandora Tower, but just when they were about to enter the eighth floor of Pandora Tower, Ice Room Magic Received a piece of news that made his face ugly.

The "Enigma" system has been activated again!


The "Enigma" system has been activated again!

When the phantom of another earth appeared in people's sight again, everyone understood...

The crisis enough to destroy the earth has come again!

But this time they were not in a panic.

Not only because they have experienced this horrible crisis several times, but also because they believe that the Kamen Riders will definitely solve such a crisis again!

Just like Kiryu Sentu said to Mr. Himeya Jun, the Kamen Riders will not give up! We will definitely pass on "hope"!

But what ordinary people don't know is that Mr. E has never planned to use the "Enigma" system to merge the two worlds!

"Interesting approach..."

In the already fully developed Meita domain, everything has become decayed, but the Pandora Tower and the wall of the sky are still emitting ominous red light. Leave no marks on your body.

Jon can naturally see the movement caused by the "Enigma" system being activated again, but he can also see that this is only part of E's master plan.

This "Enigma" event is different from the previous one.

A single "Enigma" system can be regarded as a parallel world mobile device, allowing users to travel to parallel worlds, while the complete form is a parallel world fusion device.

To achieve such a complete state, two 'selves' are needed to activate such a device in order to achieve fusion.

Although the current President E can split his genetic factors to mimic another self, they are all the same individual after all, unlike in the world where Jon lives, they created a real self by means of "copying". another me!

In another parallel world, Pandora's Box and Mr. E do not exist, so it is impossible for Mr. E to lead such a world fusion again, and once merged, even Mr. E himself will be severely injured, and may even be destroyed. disappear!

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