I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1057


"It means literally." Ji Yazhun smiled, and was not angry because of Wanzhanglongwo's attitude.

Because Wanzhanglong and I have always seen their efforts in Pandora Tower, how could they be angry because of this kind of thing.

"Your journey ends here."

"You guy, are you that mysterious guy?" Wanzhanglong, I seemed to have misunderstood the meaning of Ji Yazhun's words, so I asked, but...

"Wrong guess, I'm not him." Ji Yazhun shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's just that I was asked to stop you here, because the next battle is beyond the scope of the present you can intervene."

This answer made Kiryu Sentu's bad idea come true.

He had realized long before that, if they encountered setbacks in the middle of conquering Pandora Tower and then gave up, then they might never be able to see the reality of this world!

And this point has been demonstrated in the previous layer.

If they stopped before they met Yuuki Yuna, then they would probably die without realizing that they were the "false heroes" that Evolto said all along!

They will always be immersed in the false world and cannot recognize themselves clearly!

Hope has indeed been passed on to them, but...

"Is this enough?" Kiryu Zhantu looked at Ji Yazhun seriously and asked.

Wanzhanglong looked like he couldn't figure out what Kiryu Sentu was talking about, but the words that came out of Ji Yazhun's mouth immediately left him stunned.

"Isn't that enough? In the previous journey, you have learned so much, and even knowing that everything you have experienced was designed in advance, you did not fall into despair, but found your true self."

Ji Yazhun showed an encouraging smile and said:

"Enough is enough, now you are the real heroes, that's why we are here."

Kiryu Zhantu didn't doubt the authenticity of Ji Yazhuan's words, but...

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly and said:

"If you retreat now, wouldn't you still be living in falsehood?"

When his eyes opened again, there was no hesitation in his eyes.

Even if he believes that Ji Yazhun didn't lie to him, and believes that the next battle is really beyond the scope of his current intervention, but if he chooses to give up and leave now and hand over the next crisis to other people to deal with it with peace of mind, won't they just continue to fight? Are you living in a false world?

They don't even know the battle that happened around them!

So their journey is not over yet!

"I want to keep going!" Kiryu Zhantu said seriously:

"Not only for myself, but also for everyone! I will let everyone see the reality of this world, and let them remember everyone who fought for them! As Mr. Assistant said, as long as you don't If you stop, the road will continue to move forward! Our journey is not over yet!"

At the same time Kiryu Zhantu's words rang in everyone's ears, they saw that the golden light that had already occupied the entire sky began to fall towards the ground like raindrops.

Without any lethality, even if they stretched out their palms to try to catch them, they were in vain, and the only thing left seemed to be the warmth in their palms.

Even though the world in their line of sight was completely occupied by golden light, such light did not affect the normal operation of the world from beginning to end, as if it simply spread in the sky and then fell.

At this moment, they understood Kiryu Sento's belief.

If they don't look for the truth, then this scene may become a magical experience in their eyes in the future, and then they will gradually forget it.

But if someone is fighting where they can't see, helping the world deal with a crisis without them knowing, isn't it very unfair to that unsung hero?

As ordinary people, they may not have the ability to explore the truth, but Kamen Riders do! The outside world has begun to be shrouded in the realm of the Meta Tower, and on the seventh floor of the Pandora Tower, Ji Yaguide has a troubled expression on his face.

"Sure enough, just words like this can't stop you." Ji Yazhun showed a helpless smile and said, "To be honest, I don't really want to fight with you, and I have always noticed your efforts, but the next Fighting is indeed not something you can intervene in."

"Then let us go there!" Wanzhanglong said loudly, he probably understood what Kiryu Zhantu said just now, "If I choose to give up now, Mr. Assistant will definitely be disappointed!"

"But unfortunately, I have to stop you." Ji Yazhun gently tossed up the black evolution bottle in his hand, and then caught it.

"This time, let me use the "light" passed on to me by the store manager to fight. "

[Nexus! 】

The black evolution bottle was twisted open, and...

Light, has come!

When the nearly fifty-meter-high giant of light appeared in front of Kiryu Sentu and the others, they were stunned.

Can they really break through this level?


"What a great deal..."

Mr. E, who had recovered the genetic factors, looked at the golden light rain around him, with a look of fear on his face.

Just this ability to distort the surrounding space and time is already an unimaginable power in the past, let alone the entire earth is now affected!

Of course, if it's just this kind of power, then E doesn't think that Jon can defeat the monster Killbus, but he knows that Jon can't just have this level of power!

E can always feel that his body is being pulled by such a distorted space, just like what he experienced in Jon's world.

But Mr. E didn't resist the pull, because he knew very well that if he gave up now, he would have no chance!


"Don't let me down Zhantu..." Mr. E stood up from his seat, and then looked at Shigesaburo Namba who was standing blankly aside.

"And you too! The "Enigma" system is just a failure after all. If such a good beacon on the earth is destroyed due to fusion, then it will be terrible. I guess even that guy Jon I didn't realize that my goal from the beginning was to become the creator of the new world, and I suddenly started looking forward to it..."

After finishing speaking, Mr. E disappeared into this office, and Namba Shigesaburo's eyes glowed a piercing red light the second he disappeared.


The golden light rain disappeared, and the world seemed to return to normal, but no one relaxed!

Even if no disaster happened when the earth was shrouded in golden light before, they firmly believed that something important happened somewhere they couldn't see!

They want to know what disaster happened in this world, they don't want to live like before when everything is woven by the monster named Evolto, even the crisis of destroying the world is to create a righteous hero who saves the world In the script world!

Perhaps, as the gentleman who turned into a giant said, all this is for their own good, because what will happen next is likely to bring them extreme fear, but they still want to know the truth of the matter!

Kiryu Zhantu and the others thought so too, even if the power of Hime Yajun standing in front of them was far beyond what they could fight against!

A huge crystal phantom diamond appeared, blocking the punch of Ji Yazhun who had evolved into the form of a red youth and shrunk into a normal human body.

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