I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1056

"Even if it's a script, it's a script for us to truly recognize this world! It's not like that guy from Evolto playing with the whole world!"

Wanzhanglong, I thought so, and then picked up the white metal plate and walked towards the space door leading to the next floor of Pandora Tower first.

Kiryu Zhantu also showed a smile on his face, and then picked up the Pandora's Box.

Isn't this possible? Kiryu Zhantu thought this way, and then followed Wanzhanglongwo into the seventh floor of Pandora's Tower.

But what he saw immediately after that made him startled again.

On the seventh floor of Pandora's Tower, what he saw... was a decaying world!

Surrounded by buildings, but...

Everything in sight exudes a decaying atmosphere, as if there is no life in this world.

Kiryu Zhantu is very familiar with this feeling, because in the previous world's "collision" incident, what appeared in his eyes was such a decayed world!

Is this a world where disasters are not prevented?

When he saw the dilapidated world in front of him, Kiryu Sento became extremely heavy, and then a figure appeared in his sight.

Wearing a black leather jacket, his skin looks slightly dark, as if he has been working in a harsh environment all year round.

But his voice sounded very gentle.

"Although it is a pity, it seems that your journey will end here."

This sentence made Kiryu Zhantu subconsciously show a smile on his face.

Because the guards on each floor said so, but the guards on each floor are doing their best to help them.

"I've heard this many times, so this time I will still pass the level quickly!"

Kiryu Zhantu's confident words made Ji Yazhun show a helpless smile.

"Why doesn't anyone believe me when I tell the truth? Your journey has indeed reached its end."

This sentence made Kiryu Zhantu stunned for a moment, and then what made his pupils shrink suddenly was...

"War Rabbit! The white metal plate is gone!"


When Kiryu Zhantu and Wanzhanglong I were frightened by the white metal plate and disappeared strangely after they stepped into the seventh floor of Pandora's Tower, Jon on the top floor was turning the white metal plate he just got.

"Uncle Xueqian, is Kiryu Zhantu's journey really over like this?" The dragon girl looked disappointed, as if she was sad because she couldn't play.

"Not necessarily." Jon chuckled.

With Yuuki Yuna's help, the false world woven by Mr. E has been completely shattered. Kiryu Sentu and the others have also found their true selves, and are no longer the so-called "false heroes".

Or as Yuuki Yuna said.

A hero is a hero, and there is no such thing as a "false hero."

Kiryu Zhantu and the others have really realized themselves, and he has already got the white metal plate, so it should be his job next.


Maybe they will actually be able to move on?

Glancing at the projected screen who was flustered by the disappearance of the white metal plate, Kiryu Sentu and his party, Jon said:

"Maybe they can really convince Ji Yazhun to let them go?"

Jon smiled, and placed the white metal plate he just got over Pandora's Box.

When two white metal plates appeared together and approached each other, the entire Pandora Tower began to vibrate violently, and then...

[Nexus! 】

A light blue beam of light shot up from the top of Pandora's Tower! Even though the height of Pandora's Tower had already pierced through the clouds and was surrounded by clouds and mist, everyone noticed when such a light blue beam shot up into the sky!

Not to mention that Pandora's Tower and the wall of the sky are shaking violently!

But no one knows exactly what happened!

If it was before, they would have tremblingly hid at home and dared not come out, but at this moment they put all their hopes on Kiryu Sentu and his party.

After entering the seventh floor of Pandora's Tower, the white metal plate that Wanzhanglong I just obtained disappeared, and then there was such a drastic change!

It definitely has something to do with the disappearing white metal plate!

But what the hell is going on?

Ordinary people who were closer to Pandora's Tower subconsciously looked out the window.

What surprised them the next second was that the beam of light that rushed from the top of the Pandora Tower and shattered the clouds seemed to climb to the top, and began to change from light blue to bright gold, and then spread towards the surroundings.

In the beginning, this golden light was just a small spot in people's sight, but then the spot began to spread rapidly towards the surroundings, as if it was constantly eroding the sky!

And judging from its spreading outline, it looks like it's preparing to cover the entire world!

This kind of movement made people tremble subconsciously, and then they refocused on Kiryu War Rabbit and everyone.

They want to know what's going on, whether the current Kiryu Sentus are the same as what Evolto said, or they are being used!

Although Kiryu Zhantu inside the Pandora Tower didn't know what was going on outside, the fact that even the projection world he was in was constantly trembling made him realize that something was wrong.

The decaying buildings around them were constantly collapsing, but the man standing in front of them, saying that their journey had reached the end, had no intention of continuing to speak.

This made Wanzhanglong I couldn't bear it any longer.

"Hey! What the hell do you mean?!"

The disappearance of the white metal plate was not his fault, but Wanzhanglongwo still took all the responsibility on himself.

So what Ji Yazhun said just now made him a little scared.

Even if the guards who appeared in front of them looked like they wanted to stop them from moving forward, they were all helping them, helping them to recognize this world clearly, and letting them understand that a monster named Evolto has been lurking beside them and playing tricks. them.


None of the guards gave Wanzhanglong the same feeling as Ji Yazhun in front of me, and would really block them here.

Not even Sakura Matou, who was the most difficult to deal with before!

He wants to move on, because only in this way can he live up to Mr. Assistant's expectations!

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