I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1055

Responding to Mr. E's words was the figure of Wanzhang Longwo who rushed towards him without hesitation wrapped in magma after transforming.

"Shut up!"

Wanzhanglong I roared like this, but before his punch hit Boss E, Boss E's body had completely turned into a bloody mist and disappeared in front of them.

I punched Wanzhanglong in the air with a face full of anger, but I had no choice but to punch the ground angrily.

There are no false heroes!

Wanzhanglong, I thought to myself while clutching the full-filled bottle of the stand-in, and then looked at the Pandora's Box not far away.

He didn't expect that the familiar store manager Shidong was the real Evolto, and he wanted to use his body to obtain the power hidden in Pandora's Box, and he almost succeeded!

Thinking of this, Wanzhanglong, I was terrified for a while, and then I clenched the dangerous trigger in my hand.

"Zhantu, what exactly does that guy want?"

This is not only what Wanzhanglong I want to know, but also the doubts in other people's minds at the moment.

When it was revealed that Evolto was Soichi Ishidong, everything was revealed, and it was clearly telling everyone that the purpose of this monster was to obtain the power in Pandora's Box! And I have to rely on the body of Wanzhang Longwo!

That's why he used despicable means to force Kiryu Sentu to appear in front of everyone as a 'betrayer', and then tricked Manjo Ryuga into using the Evol drive.

Even if it weren't for the garrison of this floor, Yuki Yuna, who tried his best to help Kiryu Sentu even if he disappeared, then Evolto's plan might have succeeded by now!

But is this really the end of the crisis?

People don't think that a monster like Evolto will give up his plan so easily. You must know that people in the whole world were deceived by the other party before!

Put in so much effort and then give up without hesitation at the last moment?

People don't think there is such a possibility, which means that this monster is probably still planning something!

Kiryu Zhantu has also realized this possibility, and he has no intention of continuing to hide the secrets in Pandora's Box, but just when he was about to reveal the existence of the metal plate that has the power to connect parallel worlds, his face turned pale. His expression was stunned again, and then became serious.

Such a change made Wanzhanglong and I have a bad feeling in their hearts, and hurriedly asked what was going on, but Kiryu Zhantu's answer was...

"Because Evolto knows we're absolutely going to take out the white metal plate..."

The words of Kiryu Zhantu made Wanzhanglong, me and the others stunned.

Even ordinary people who heard this sentence felt incredible.

Even Evolto believes that Kiryu Sentu and the others will definitely take out the white metal plate hidden in Pandora's Box?


Wasn't Evolto's plot stopped?

People felt unbelievable, but the words left by Mr. E before leaving before resurfaced in their minds again.

Even if they got rid of Evolto's script, the Kamen Riders just walked into a new script?

New script?

What exactly does this statement from Evolto mean?

If it's true, doesn't it mean that what Kiryu Sentu and the others are going through is also planned in advance?

And Evolto is sure that in the new script, Kiryu Zhantu will definitely take out the white metal plate in the Pandora's Box, so he leaves without any regrets, and he didn't even think about taking back the Pandora's Box!

Is this really the case?

Even if Evolto's plot is defeated with the help of Yuuki Yuna, is the appearance of the white metal plate still inevitable?

People subconsciously looked at Kiryu Sentu, waiting for his answer.

At this moment, Kiryu Sentu clenched his fists.

He knew Evolto would not give up so easily!

But the hope of saving the world may really lie in the white metal plate!

Kiryu Zhantu made up his mind, but before he could say his decision, Wanzhanglong and I were the first to see through his thoughts.

"Is it all right to just put the dangerous trigger in?" Wan Zhanglong asked, looking at the dangerous trigger in his hand.

Kiryu Zhantu hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Seeing this action, Wan Zhanglong, without hesitation, put the palm of my hand holding the dangerous trigger on the sky above Pandora's Box.

"Actually, there's no need to worry so much..."

Wanzhanglong I said with a smile before putting the dangerous trigger in Pandora's box.

"Since it has been proven that the Evolto is...is..."

Before I said that name, Banzhanglong I paused, but in the end I still didn't say Ishidou Soichi's name, but changed my words:

"Now that Evolto's identity has been confirmed, all previous speculations can be overturned...for example, the information obtained from that robot."

The words of Wanzhanglongwo made Kiryu Zhantu stunned for a moment, and then remembered the various information he had found under the guidance of Mr. E.

Since Evolto is Soichi Ishidong, there is no doubt that the information he obtained from that mechanical lifeform before was all false, fabricated to mislead him!

"So if you have any questions, just wait until you see that mysterious guy and ask them clearly, okay?" Saying that, Wan Zhanglong and I put my palm into the Pandora's Box.

The golden light bloomed on Wanzhang Longwo's arm, and then passed to the dangerous trigger.

At this moment, the Pandora's box seemed to have a wonderful reaction with the dangerous trigger, bursting out even more dazzling energy.

People can even imagine how terrible the damage would be if such energy leaked out! But at this moment it was firmly bound in Pandora's Box, and then...

A white metal plate appeared in the vacated position of Pandora's Box!

Is this the power that...Evolto dreams of?

When people saw Wanzhanglong I stretched out my hand to pick up the white metal plate, their hearts stopped subconsciously, as if such a thing would bring terrible disaster to the world once it officially appeared.


"If that mysterious guy thinks this thing is dangerous, he will definitely stop us from taking it out."

Manzhanglong I think so!

It was Mr. Assistant who helped him get rid of Evolto's control before, but it was that mysterious guy who handed over the last will of Mr. Assistant to him!


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