I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1054

He trembled and wanted to stand up, and then desperately suppressed Wanzhang Longwo's consciousness, but...

"Muscle fool, don't forget what I said to you."

This sentence was not said by Kiryu Sentu, but by Menyashi.

And it wasn't until this time that people realized the existence of Men Yashi again.

It is obvious that the pictures that ordinary people see are all taken by Men Yashi, but they subconsciously feel that it is impossible for ordinary people like Men Yashi to intervene in such a terrible thing. It was not until he spoke this time that everyone noticed again His existence, and then he was glad that the reporter was not in danger in the devastating battle just now.

Could it be Yuuki Yuna who protected Mr. Reporter?

People remembered Yuuki Yuna's divine appearance before, but then they realized that now is not the time to care about it at all.

Is Mr. Reporter reminding Wan Zhanglong that I should not forget what I said to him before?

Ordinary people don't understand, but I understand Wanzhanglong, and Mr. E understands it too!

"I understand...Mr. Reporter..." Wanzhanglong Wo, who was struggling to gain control of his body with Mr. E, was taken aback for a moment, and then realized what Men Yashi was referring to, and then resisted Mr. E's interference Grabbed the golden full bottle jar he got from Sakura Matou before.

He didn't have a chance to use the full bottle before, but now he probably knows how to do it!


Without the help of Kiryu Sentu, Mr. Reporter and Mr. Assistant, he would not be able to do anything at all!

At this moment, Wanzhanglong, I can say that I really understood what Matou Sakura said to him before.

Should he be glad that Mr. Assistant died in Pandora Tower?

No, this is not worth celebrating at all!

The palm of my hand holding the golden full-filled bottle trembled slightly, both because E was always interfering, and because he himself was in pain.

"Sure enough, you can't do without Mr. Assistant..."

Whispering in pain, I replaced the great dragon evolution bottle on the Evol drive with the golden full bottle in my hand.

[Stand! 】

[Rider System! 】

Even just making such a simple movement, Wanzhanglong, I seem to have exhausted all my strength.

The joystick on the driver turned again, but this time it wasn't a terrible flame, it was...

【Creation! (create)】

Golden energy began to pour out from the Evol driver, and seeing this, Mr. E completely gave up struggling.

Sure enough, it was still counted.

It turns out that the most inconspicuous full-filled bottle is the killer. The golden energy substance flowed out from the Evol driver at Wanzhanglongwo's waist, and outlined a phantom in the form of a human in front of Wanzhanglongwo.

After seeing clearly the appearance of this phantom, everyone fell silent.

The same goes for Kiryu Sentu and the others.

"Mr. Assistant..."

They stared blankly at this phantom floating in front of Wanzhang Longwo, subconsciously called each other, and then...

"You did a good job, Long Wo. Sure enough, as long as you work hard, you can definitely do it."

When this voice with a hint of comfort rang in my ears, I even had the urge to cry, but under Mr. E's interference, he couldn't say anything, and was snatched away by Mr. E ability to speak.

"I didn't expect it to turn out like this... It's just a full bottle..."

General E's words sounded like he was unwilling to accept the fact that he had failed, but Jon knew what he meant.

With the help of the full-filled bottle that Matou Sakura handed over to Wanzhanglong I, Jon didn't think that Mr. E would not be able to notice, but the full-filled bottle itself is not powerful, and it is impossible to directly help Wanzhanglong I get rid of Mr. E's control.

But his plans don't just rely on the full bottle!

And Yuna Yuki and Sentu Kiryu!

All three are indispensable!

Yuuki Yuna's Faith! The bond between Kiryu Sentu and Manjo Ryuga!

Among them, the full bottle is the most inconspicuous, but it has the ability to complete the lore!

Jon ignored Mr. E, but looked at Manjo Ryuga and Kiryu Sentu.

Not only that, the people who saw this scene felt that Jon's sight, which appeared as an energy phantom this time, seemed to have the power to penetrate space and projected on them.

This feeling made them feel happy and heavy at the same time seeing Jon again, especially after hearing what Jon said next, they trembled subconsciously.

"But it doesn't seem like a good time to communicate now, Longwo." Jon smiled, and then put his hand on Wanzhang Longwo's chest.

"This may be the last time I will help you."

In the next second, the power from the special full-filled bottle he made by himself poured into Wanzhang Longwo's body, completely separating the genetic factors of E from Wanzhanglongwo's body.

At the moment the two separated, Wanzhanglong I finally regained control of my body, but just when he was about to speak, he found that Jon's phantom had disappeared.

And the reason for disappearing is precisely because the stand-in full-fill bottle has been ejected from the Evol driver on Mr. E's waist.

Bending down to pick up this special full-filled bottle, Wanzhanglong held it tightly in my hand, and then looked at Mr. E angrily.


【Bottle Burn! 】

The full bottle of Dragon Lava was inserted into the Cross-Z Lava Tekken without hesitation by Wanzhang Long.

Wanzhang Longwo's anger at this moment seems to be able to tear Mr. E into pieces, but Mr. E who was separated has no intention of continuing to fight at all.

"Interesting...It's very interesting! Ten thousand zhang..." Mr. E stood up from the ground, and at the same time blood-colored mist began to spurt out of him.

President E is about to leave, because his plan at this stage has completely failed, and he can only hope to achieve his goal in Killbus, but...

"There is nothing wrong with what I said, Wanzhang..."

Before disappearing into Pandora's Tower, E didn't mind adding a little more trouble to them.

"From the beginning to the end, you are nothing but false heroes." Under the angry gaze of Wanzhang Ryuwo, President E pointed at him first, then pointed at Kiryu Zhantu and the others, and sarcastically said:

"Even if you are out of my script now, you have just entered another person's script. Even everything you encounter now is also arranged in advance!"

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