I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1053

The phantom of a blue energy giant dragon began to appear beside Kiryu Zhantu. When this kind of energy substance that had already surpassed common sense flowed on the armor, Kiryu Zhantu's reaction ability was instantly improved to the extreme, and he avoided it. Mr. E's fist that hit him on the head.

A fist burning with terrible fierce flames brushed past his face, even with the protection of armor, Kiryu Zhantu could still feel the violent power in such flames.

But in the next second, the fierce flames on Mr. E's body suddenly dimmed, as if suppressed by some special force.

As a person who watched Kiryu Sento develop a genius full bottle, Mr. E certainly knows what kind of power this is.

"It really is a terrifying power..." While laughing, Mr. E easily took Kiryu Sentu's fist, "If build means creation and formation, then the genius form should be said to be the culmination of this concept. The power to bring together the ingredients of sixty full-filled jars, but..."

While blocking Kiryu War Rabbit's attack with his right hand, Mr. E grabbed the joystick of the Evol driver with his other palm and started to rotate it.

"But have you ever thought that this form is also in my expectation?"

"Shut up!" Kiryu Sentu looked irritated, and then also reached out and grabbed the joystick of the driver.

【One Side! 】

Accompanied by such a sound, colorful rays of light began to pour out from the full bottles in his body, converging towards the transformation furnace on his chest.

【Gyaku Side! 】

"Even if everything in the past was calculated by you, but... at least now I won't hesitate!"

[All Sides! 】

The golden light shines on the knight system logo on Kiryu Zhantu's chest, and the fierce flames that are constantly burning on Mr. E's body appear together!

Even with the suppression of the ingredients of the locks full of bottles and cans, under the full output of Mr. E, such fierce flames are still not weaker than the energy gathered by Kiryu Zhantu!

【Ready Go! 】X2

When these two voices sounded, both Kiryu Zhantu and Mr. E shook their fists at each other without hesitation.

The fist that has gathered all the ingredients of the full bottle and jar is shining with colorful lights, like hope!

The fists burning with bloody flames twisted and destroyed everything, like a nightmare!

When the two really collided, the erupting movement even easily tore apart the land that had lost the blessing of the tree sea enchantment, creating a huge rift valley!

[Genius Finish! 】

【Evoltic Finish! 】

When the world that appeared on the sixth floor of Pandora's Tower began to shatter, people seem to have seen the scene where Kiryu Sento and the Blood trio once fought, but this time...

They are all true heroes of justice! The clouds in the sky were shattered, the earth was torn apart and then melted into magma under the power of General E, and the ingredients of all the full-filled bottles gathered on Kiryu Sento were constantly turning into various energy bodies, Constant interference undermines General E's strength.

"Hazard Level 7.4..."

Mr. E's voice came from the energy dragon, and in the next second, the energy dragon seemed to have reached its limit. After a roar, it gradually collapsed, revealing Mr. E's figure.

The energy in Kiryu Zhantu's body is also gradually dissipating, but neither side has the idea of ​​giving up, but tries its best to bombard the opponent with its own power.

But it is clear that Kiryu Zhantu is now on the disadvantaged side. Even though his danger level has reached the horrifying 7.4 as Mr. E said, it is nothing more than that in front of Mr. E who has already completed his transformation.

You know, this is just the avatar he used to control Wanzhanglongwo!

Before it completely collapsed, the phantom of the energy giant dragon began to gradually suppress Kiryu Zhantu, as if it would tear the opponent's body apart in the next second!

The terrifying force made Kiryu Sentu's legs slowly bend downwards, and the ground he was standing on was also collapsing, but...

The transformation furnace located on Kiryu Sentu's chest lit up again!

In Mr. E's unbelievable expression, the face under Kiryu Sento's mask showed a smile of successful plan.

"Evolto, just now you said that my danger level has reached 7.4, right..."

Kiryu Sentu will not be happy because his danger level has risen, because it is not anger and hatred that make Kamen Rider fight for it!

At this moment, Mr. E seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly increased the strength in his hand.


The ground where the two were standing sank downward again. Under such force, even the rocks under the ground were crushed and then completely compacted!

But Kiryu Zhantu is still holding on!

"So I think if it's that stupid orangutan, it won't be too far behind me. You were deceived by me! Evolto, I just pretended to be irritated just now! It's just to live up to what Yuna Yuki left behind." Mind!!"

The energy that Kiryu Wartus deliberately intercepted in the transformation furnace when launching the special kill before started to output again! And this scene also made Mr. E's face change greatly, because he knew very well what such energy meant!

When making the plan to possess Manjo Ryuga's body, it's not that he didn't think about Kiryu Sentu using the energy unique to this genius form to separate him from Manjo Ryuga's body, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

In other words, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to succeed with this level of power, but it is different from the expected situation...

The side effects of Yuuki Yuna's previous punch haven't gone away yet!

"Damn guy!"

Mr. E couldn't help cursing, but Kiryu Sentu didn't pay any attention to it.

The energy that condensed the power of human emotions gathered in his hands again, and then he punched Mr. E in the chest.

Sensing the crisis, E always wanted to avoid it, but Saruto Kazukai and Himuro Magic, who had already made preparations, made his thoughts come to nothing.

Obviously, under normal circumstances, he didn't even bother to look at these two people, but at this moment, the strength of the two of them became the last straw that broke the camel's back!

【Crack Up Finish! 】

【Scrap Finish! 】

The attacks from Saruto Kazumi and Himuro Gentoku, one left and one right, directly shattered Mr. E's idea of ​​escaping, and then was bombarded heavily in the chest by Kiryu Sentu's punch carrying the power of human emotions.

"Wake up, stupid orangutan!"

This punch directly blasted Boss E into the ground, causing a large number of spider web-like cracks to appear on the ground that had already been solidified like steel due to the shock wave.

Mr. E was not knocked out of the transformed state, but the emotional power pouring into his body was constantly interfering with his control over this body. He could even feel that the consciousness of the Wanzhanglong I who was suppressed by him was awakening, and he began to fight with him. Fight for control of this body.

"Damn guy...if it wasn't for that damn..."

E was always cursing, but before he could finish the sentence, his voice changed to my original voice.

"War Rabbit, what the hell..."

"Damn humans!"

From the very beginning, Mr. E, who felt that everything was planned by him, felt angry for the first time. He didn't expect that he would fall hard at Yuna Yuki.

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