I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1052

This also made Kiryu Zhantu hold the genius full bottle in his hand.

To be educated by such a young child.

And obviously she is the garrison, not only did Yuki Yuna not think about stopping them from moving forward, but instead worked hard to pass on her beliefs to them, so that they could return to their original state?

Sure enough, just as he had imagined, Pandora's Tower exists to help them!

But now...

Time to say hello!

Seeing Mr. E who staggered up from the ground after suffering such a terrible blow from Yuuki Yuna, Kiryu Sentu took a deep breath and inserted the genius full bottle into the driver. Tell everyone.

The narcissistic and arrogant hero of justice is resurrected!


Damn it!

Mr. E's face under the mask was full of disbelief.

Although he has already realized that Yuuki Yuna's power may be very strong, but he never thought that the other party is actually so strong!

Even though he doesn't have many genetic factors to control Wanzhanglongwo's body, nor is he in his strongest state, Mr. E also knows that Yuuki Yuna kept his hand in the final blow.

The reason for keeping his hand is naturally because the real owner of this body is Wanzhang Longwo, but even so, E always feels that it is difficult for a long time.

Because the last golden beam of light passing through his body has affected his control over this body!

After realizing such a bad situation, Mr. E subconsciously wanted to complete his most critical plan to win the white metal plate, but...

"Evolto, it seems that the outcome has been decided." Kiryu Sentu naturally saw President E's weakness at the moment, and also understood that Yuuki Yuna helped them again before disappearing!

So now it's his turn to bring that stupid gorilla back!

Sure enough, it's just like Wanzhanglong I said, without his help, this stupid orangutan can't do anything at all!

This scene made President E frown.

If it was in the state before being weakened by Yuuki Yuna, then even if Kiryu Sento became a genius again, there would be no threat to him, but now this body has begun to subconsciously resist his control.

Sure enough, Jon didn't intend to watch him take away the white metal plate from the beginning, Mr. E frowned and thought to himself.

Just like President E didn't expect Yuuki Yuna to be able to do this at the beginning, Yuuki Yuna's blow just now brought a great shock to people!

At the moment when the opponent threw his last punch, her image in people's minds was no longer "like a goddess", but a real goddess!

Similarly, they also understood why, as the resident of the sixth floor of the Pandora Tower, Yuna Yuki behaved completely differently from other resident, because...

As someone who has been saved by the knight system, she will never watch Kamen Rider being called a "false hero" by monsters like Evolto!

So what if becoming a Kamen Rider was designed in advance? So what if becoming the hero who saves the world is a script carefully written by the monster Evolto?

Kamen Riders are not false heroes!

At least the spirit they showed when they risked their lives to face those slammers, to save the earth and mankind to fight the Blood trio is not fake!

From the beginning to the end, the reason for their fighting is all out of their own beliefs!

Even if everything they experienced was planned in advance, there is only one thing that this monster cannot control, and that is the will of Kiryu Sentu and the others!

The knight system not only exists in their world, but also in other worlds!

It wasn't until this time that people really understood... that there is no need to be afraid of the world's "collision" events that have occurred before!

Because in that world, the Kamen Riders with the knight system are also fighting to destroy the monster Evolto!

Then it was just like Yuuki Yuna said.

This time, it's her turn to pass on the hope!

As a person saved by the knight system, she helped Kiryu Sentu in this way, and told Kiryu Sentu and everyone such beliefs.

And it's not just her, the guardians who appear on every floor of Pandora's Tower are doing the same!

Because they are all people who have been helped by the knight system, so now it's their turn to pass on hope to this world!

Looking at Kiryu Sento who has cheered up and got the response from the full bottle of genius again and transformed into a genius form, the cloud that has been lingering in people's hearts has been completely dissipated at this moment.

They believe in these Kamen Riders and believe that they will definitely fight for "love and peace" again!

Because just try to do it!

It will definitely succeed!


"Evolto, get out of Wanzhang's body." Even though his face was covered by a mask, Kiryu Sentu's unkind tone could still make people understand how angry he was at the moment.

Facing Kiryu Zhantu in this state, Mr. E chuckled lightly.

"Zhantu, I didn't expect you to cheer up so quickly..."

Holding the dangerous trigger in his hand, Mr. E was not disappointed at all because his plan was thwarted by Sentu Kiryu.

After all, Wanzhanglong and my body are still under his control.

Mr. E seems to want to anger Kiryu Sentu with words, but what responds to him is Kiryu Sentu's figure rushing towards him without hesitation, and...

"I won't be deceived by you again! Evolto."

The full-filled bottle on the armor of the genius form began to light up continuously, and the special ingredients filled inside were injected into the armor, so that every blow of Kiryu War Rabbit brought various powerful abilities.

Even the invisible air was manipulated by Sento Kiryu under the composition of Falcon's full bottle, locking President E's body.

Although Mr. E broke free of such an invisible chain in the next second, it also won an excellent opportunity for Kiryu Zhantu!

He wants to save Wanzhanglong, my stupid gorilla, save that muscular idiot!

This feeling is stronger than ever!

Because that guy also said before, without his help, that guy can't do anything!

It must be the same now!

Without his help after being controlled by Evolto, this guy may never wake up!

The special transformation furnace equipped on the chest of the genius form has been running to the extreme with the injection of various full-filled bottles and cans of ingredients, but this is not enough!

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