I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1051

This time, even the power possessed by Boss E possessed by Wanzhang Ryuga cannot easily destroy Yuuki Yuna's mechanical arm in the fully opened state, because even if there is a trace of damage, it will be destroyed The energy transmitted from the roots will be repaired in the next second!


The fists collided again, but even in this level of battle, Yuuki Yuna's voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

"Try not to give up!"


"Eat and sleep well!"

Another punch was thrown out, and it hit Mr. E's body.

"If you have any troubles, let's discuss together!"

Obviously just repeating what she said to Kiryu Sentu before, but in the burning world at this moment, these words seem to have other meanings!

Huge pink cherry blossoms are in full bloom once again, but against the backdrop of dense sparks in the sky, it looks like the cherry blossoms are all burning!


The mechanical arm, which was enlarged again, blasted out. This time, even Mr. E's figure kept retreating under the power of Yuuki Yuna.

"Because...if you don't work hard to cherish everything now, then everything will be destroyed---!"

With Yuna Yuki's roar, people were horrified to find that the sky in the distance had been filled with red!

The flame seemed to be burning in the clouds, heading towards the range covered by tree roots, and then turned into snakes and fell towards the ground, igniting everything in sight.

At this moment, people can be said to have truly realized what kind of disaster this world that was like a fairy tale just a moment ago has encountered, because...

Except for the area covered by tree roots, other places have already been occupied by the sea of ​​fire!

They remembered what Yuna Yuuki said when she appeared, the Sea of ​​Trees Enchantment was created by Lord Kamito in order to prevent monsters from damaging reality, so...

Doesn't it mean that there is only such a small area in the world where the other party is safe?

Kiryu Zhantu opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Even if they have not personally experienced such despair, the bodies of those who saw this scene trembled subconsciously, and the words that Yuna Yuki said in the next second stunned them even more.

"So the knight system is the knight system! Kamen Rider is Kamen Rider! There are no fake heroes! Yuna's world was saved by the knight system!!" Yuuki Yuna's world was saved by the knight system ?

Kiryu Zhantu looked at the surrounding tree roots that were still burning, and came up with such an idea. It was not until this moment that he realized that it was not that there were no disasters in this world, but that the girl named Yuki Yuna had been It's just not shown to them!

At the same time, Yuuki Yuna's voice resounded in everyone's ears again.

"If there is no knight system, Yuna's world will become what it is now! The last remaining people may all disappear in this world!"

The mechanical arm slammed towards Boss E again, but this time it was still easily blocked by Boss E.

Even more terrifying than the flames that were burning the world, fierce flames ignited on President E's palm, blocking Yuuki Yuna's blow, and at the same time the other hand was already on the joystick of the driver .

【Ready Go! 】

Fierce flames enveloped Boss E's body, and even the unique blood flames of the Blood tribe can be seen in it!

【Evoltic Finish! 】

At the same time President E punched Yuuki Yuna, the blood-colored energy dragon also opened its ferocious giant mouth, trying to swallow Yuuki Yuna completely, but...

"But even so, I won't give up... Even if I was deceived at the beginning, everyone lost their physical functions because of the battle, and even Dongxiang lost his memory! But..."

Yuna Yuki raised her fist again, even though there were a lot of cracks on the mechanical arm she controlled at this moment, she didn't hesitate at all!

"But the intention to save everyone is not fake! Just understand this is enough! In order to save everyone..."

The fist blasted and collided with Mr. E's attack, but under Mr. E's attack, Yuuki Yuna's mechanical arm began to shatter in the next second, but her petite figure did not retreat at all!

"In order to save everyone, I will become a hero!"

The ground covered with the ashes left by the burned roots began to tremble again, as if it could not bear the aftermath of the two people's battle, but then again from the ground, from the ashes, from the burning roots Drilling out from the center, the golden energy roots that converge towards Yuuki Yuna's body are telling everyone...

"As long as you work hard! You will succeed!!"

As Yuuki Yuna's words resounded in everyone's ears, the world burned by flames seemed to turn into a golden world!

Because these golden energy roots are not simply drilled out of the roots, but these roots are completely decomposing themselves into energy, and then converge towards Yuna Yuki's body!

"To survive! To fight as a human being!! Lord Shenshu, I am also thanking the knight system!!!"

The mechanical arm was completely shattered, but it was not shattered by General E's power, but shattered on its own initiative!

The green light wheel full of vitality replaced the previous golden light wheel, making Yuna Yuki, who was condensed in a white robe full of divinity, look like a real god!

The gloves she uses are no longer huge, but when she punches her next punch, even E in this state can't bear such a force!

The energy giant collapsed at the touch of such a force, exposing President E's figure.



The golden beam of energy exploded from Yuuki Yuna's glove that bombarded Mr. E's chest, directly penetrated Mr. E's body, and then bombarded the ground unabated.

In the next second, people's sights were completely occupied by such a golden light.

The flames are being dispelled! But also gone are the roots!

In its place is a lifeless wilderness.

It's not as fantastic as the tree world, and it's not as hopeless as when the world is covered in flames, but it's real enough!

Seeing Yuna Yuki trying hard to present this scene in front of him, Kiryu Sentu understood.

Even though he was always in the calculations of the monster Evolto, there is only one thing that will not change!

It is enough that the heart to fight for "love and peace" is true!

【Great All Yeah! 】

This time, the genius filled the bottle and responded to Kiryu Sentu's will again, but when he was about to fight with Yuuki Yuna, what he saw was that Yuuki Yuna's body had begun to turn into golden energy and disappear scene.

But Yuna Yuki didn't care at all, but smiled at Kiryu Sentu and others:

"It seems that the limit has been reached, but it's really great to see you recover, and then... it's up to you."

After the words fell, Yuna Yuki disappeared in front of everyone, leaving behind a space door leading to the next floor.

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