I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1050

The one who made the shot was Yuna Yuki.

Even though one of the mechanical arms has been melted by the unique power of the Blood tribe, she still charged towards Boss E without hesitation.


"A hero is a hero! There are no false heroes!!"

The broken mechanical arm was thrown out, but Mr. E nimbly dodged it, and then stepped on the mechanical arm, stepping it into the ground, but the next second he was kicked away by Yuna Yuki go out.

However, this level of attack obviously couldn't cause any damage to President E.

While walking out from the crashed tree roots, Mr. E patted the dust on his palms.

"It's really heartbreaking. It's just a little girl, but she has such skillful fighting skills."

Yuuki Yuna didn't respond to Mr. E's ridicule, nor did he choose to comfort Kiryu Sentu and the others, but raised his right fist at Mr. E.

"Yuna Yuuki, member of Sanshu Middle School Brave Club, this time..."

Obviously she was just a childish girl, but Yuuki Yuna's serious appearance at this moment made people subconsciously ignore her age.

Indeed, perhaps as people imagine, participating in battle at such an age must have experienced a lot of suffering and despair, but...

At least she did!

Doing something that almost all adults can't do!

Even Kiryu Sentu, who was desperate to stop responding to his full bottle of genius, subconsciously put down the full bottle of genius in his hand after hearing Yuuki Yuna's words.

Really... no false heroes?

Kiryu Sentu thought this way, and then got the answer from Yuuki Yuna.

With the colorful energy roots drilling out from the ground again and surrounding Yuna Yuki, her serious voice rang in everyone's ears.

"This time, I will pass on the hope!"

"A hero is a hero!" "A hero is a hero!"

Yuuki Yuna's words made Kiryu Sentu hang down the palm that was clutching the full bottle of genius, and stared blankly at the petite figure not far away.

Mr. E's words of "you are just a false hero" brought him a terrible blow, especially when the other party said that from the moment he lost his memory and was picked up, everything he experienced was the result of being caught. When these words were carefully arranged, Kiryu Sentu even doubted his own existence.

It's not just him, even Yuandu Yihai and Himuro Magic are the same!

But when they themselves thought that they were not qualified to be called heroes, the garrison who should theoretically prevent them from moving forward stood up and said such words.

But is this really the case?

Even Kiryu Sentu himself didn't realize that there was already a trace of tremor in his eyes when he looked at Yuuki Yuna.

It seemed to be a reappearance of the scene when the energy roots were entwined on Yuna Yuki before, the ground began to tremble slightly, and people saw that Yuuki Yuna's pair of huge mechanical arms were quickly repaired under such energy, and there were changes. a greater trend.

But then, to everyone's disbelief,...

Mottled dark red gradually began to appear on the roots of the colorful trees that occupied the ground and built a magnificent world like a fairy tale for people!

And this kind of dark red is still spreading towards other places!

It's flames!

It's like a spark falling on the paper, without igniting a conspicuous open flame, but burning a hole in the paper, and then slowly spreading towards the surroundings, this is the situation now!

Obviously no one was attacking these tree roots, but they started to spontaneously ignite strangely, and spread towards other areas at an extremely fast speed!

No terrible flames were ignited, but at this moment it seemed that the whole world was being eroded by such sparks!

A large number of tree roots were occupied by sparks, and a large number of gaps were burned out, and then turned into black ashes and fell on the ground, but what is frightening is...

Even if the tree roots turned into ashes, the sparks that ignited the world have not disappeared, but are spreading towards the sky!

In just a few short breaths, the sky was dyed an ominous red, and the air was slightly distorted by the scorching temperature.

All of this seems to be telling people that this beautiful world...

Death is coming!

And in such a terrifying scene, only one person applauded lightly, as if appreciating the scene.

"Sure enough, ushering in the final end in the flames is also a pretty good result."

The person who spoke was Mr. E. Of course, he knew part of the information about Yuna Yuki’s world, but the story of Yuna Yuuki’s world was not over when the “Enigma” system was activated, so Mr. E didn’t know much about it. current situation.

Ignoring Yuuki Yuna's intentions, Mr. E walked directly towards the location of Pandora's Box, but...

"The brave——!"

"Interesting..." Boss E showed an interested expression on his face under the visor.

In the next second, fierce flames ignited on him, and then punched him behind him, colliding with Yuuki Yuna's mechanical arm again.


Fists collide.

In the next second, the world in people's eyes seemed to be collapsing, and even the tree roots struggling to support under the erosion of the flames were constantly torn apart in the shock waves caused by the collision!


The terrifying shock wave erupted centered on the location where E sum and Yuuki Yuna were located. Even Saruto Kazukai and Himuro Gentoku, who had completed their transformations, could only hold their arms in front of them and tried their best to resist. With such an impact.

They could feel that this little girl named Yuna Yuki had become stronger!

The world is burning and dying, but...

It was as if the world was responding to this girl even in the face of death!

This world...what the hell happened...

This is the idea that pops up in everyone's mind at the moment, and it is also something that Kiryu Sentu desperately wants to know.

Blocked by Yuuki Yuna, he was not as embarrassed as Saruto Kazukai and the others, but stared blankly at the girl in front of him who once again raised her fist at Mr. E.

The colorful energy roots have not dissipated from Yuna Yuki's body at this moment, but continue to connect her with the world!

"Say hello well!"

Another punch came out.

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