I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1049

And if so...

Doesn't it mean that everything is in Evolto's calculation from beginning to end?

Even if it wasn't for the changes in Pandora's Tower, I'm afraid they would never be able to discover each other's true identity!

What is the purpose of this monster? !

The palms of Saruto Kazukai and Himuro Hyunto holding the squeezing driver trembled slightly, and the words that came from Mr. E's mouth immediately made them almost fail to grasp the driver.

"Now it seems that he is just a fake hero."

False hero?

When this title came out of Mr. E's mouth, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then felt anger starting to ignite in their minds.

Not only everyone in Pandora's Tower, but even ordinary people felt angry!

They are angry that the monster who manipulated the body of Manjo Ryuga called Kiryu Sentu and others, because they can be said to have been witnessing Kiryu Sentu and their efforts!

If anger could be turned into real power, they even felt that they could tear this monster apart completely, but the words that came out of President E's mouth in the next second turned their anger into fear.

"Isn't it? Sentu, I still clearly remember the day you were taken in by me, and then you took the Build drive from me and became Kamen Rider Build."

The day I become Kamen Rider Build?

Kiryu Zhantu covered his face in pain, and then kept scratching on his face.

That's why he didn't dare to be sure before, and he didn't dare to ask Katsuragi Shinobi any more!

He was clearly prepared, but after revealing Evolto's true identity and being recognized, he felt like he was going crazy!

He doesn't want to remember, but...

"At that time, you were only entrusted by me, and you chose to fight for me and Misora ​​to eliminate the Striker."

Mr. E showed a nostalgic expression on his face, and this sentence was like a sharp knife, directly cutting a deep wound in Kiryu Zhantu's heart.

But it's much more than that!

"Then it was the encounter with Manjo Ryuga, the defeat of the Faust organization led by Himuro Hyunto, and then the Kamen Rider representing Dongdu, and then it was discovered that all of this was the conspiracy of the three guys Ino Xinggang , and finally Wanzhanglong I used the Evol drive..."

"Stop talking..." Kiryu Zhantu looked terrified, but Mr. E had no intention of letting him go.

"There is also Bernaju who is possessed by Ishido Misora ​​is also a very troublesome guy. This is why I use the three guys of Yineng Xingang. I didn't expect that a guy who had died long ago and only had a soul. This kind of power, but fortunately she has fallen into a deep sleep now, so it's not just Kiryu Sentu..."

"Stop talking!!!" Kiryu Zhantu roared angrily, and then a full bottle of genius appeared in his hand, but...

no response!

No matter how Kiryu Sento's finger moves on the switch of the genius full-fill bottle, there is no response at all to the genius full-fill bottle!

The genius full bottle didn't respond to Kiryu Sentu, as if telling him...he can't stop President E's conspiracy! What's more, I can't stop Mr. E from saying what he wants to say next!

"Not only Kiryu Sentu, Manjo Ryuga, Saruto Kazukai, and Himuro Gentoku are all just fake heroes. Everything you encounter has already been written in advance. Even if you become a Kamen Rider, It's just that I need such a role to help me complete the plan, and I just chose you."

[Dragon! 】

[Rider System! 】

【Evolution! 】

The golden great dragon evolution bottle and the knight system evolution bottle were inserted into the Evol drive by Mr. E, and this scene made everyone desperate.

False heroes...false heroes...

Before this, who would have thought that even the heroes who saved the world were carefully designed by others!

Looking at the figure covered by the golden gear-shaped restraint in the picture, and the Kiryu war rabbit who is still frantically pressing the full bottle of genius, people seem to feel that all the strength in their bodies has been taken away, and they are constantly panting , the eyes are also full of fear.

Even the hero who saved the world was created by this monster named Evolto, so do they still have the ability to resist each other?

Are the Kamen Riders capable of fighting such monsters?

No! You must know that even the Kamen Rider was created by the other party in order to complete his own plan!

Mr. E's phrase "false hero" can be said to have torn the world that people know into pieces, and as the person who has the most difficulty accepting this, Ishidong Misora ​​has already froze in place, like a vegetable.

How could it be... How could her father be such a monster...

Ishidong Misora ​​stood there stupidly, everything in his eyes seemed to have disappeared.

She subconsciously wanted to deny this result, but then she heard Takigawa Sae sobbing.

"Is this the meaning of the existence of the first-tier garrison..."

These words made Ishido Misora ​​terrified, and tremblingly looked at Takikawa Sae.

"What are you talking about? Sae... how could father..."

"But he was blocked! Misora...he was blocked by the guards on the first floor! In fact, the truth has already appeared!"

Takikawa Sayane grabbed Ishido Misora's shoulder and kept shaking it.

"Just like that dark Kamen Rider helped Sakura stop despair, and Kiryu Sento helped us stop despair, the reason why the first floor garrison has not disappeared from the beginning... is because he has been Help us ward off despair!"

These words made Shidong Misora's eyes completely lose focus.


Inside Pandora's Tower.

"It seems that the victory and defeat have been decided."

President E, who had finished his transformation, chuckled, and then glanced at Monyashi, who was still on camera.

He is not afraid that Jon will make a move now, because once Jon makes a move to stop it, Kiryu Sentu and the others may be forever obsessed with the fact that they are "false heroes" and cannot extricate themselves.

This is something Kiryu Zhantu and the others have to face, and President E has already determined this point the moment Jon came to this world.

Because if Jon is so soft-hearted that he is unwilling to reveal the truth and let Kiryu Sento live in this world he has carefully woven, then he and Pandora's Box should be dealt with immediately.

But now, it was his turn!

Glancing at Kiryu Zhantu contemptuously, Mr. E walked towards the location where Pandora's Box was, but the next second his palm suddenly stretched out to the side.


The huge metal arm collided with President E's palm again!

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