I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1070

The guardian robots covering the Ice Room Fantasy battle stood in front of the two without hesitation, but in the next second their bodies made of tough metal were cut in half by the smoke sword in Utsumi Chengzhang's hand.

"Is this the only level? The ice room!!"

Cheng Akira Utsumi laughed wildly, and at the same time the trigger of the nebula smoke gun was pulled again, blasting the guard in front of him to pieces.


When he wanted to say this sentence again, Utsumi Chengzhang's voice seemed to be trembling with excitement, as if the previous voice that asked him to fight as the new Kamen Rider Mad Rogue appeared in his mind again.

"It's all for Namba Heavy Industries!!!"


"Isn't it pretty good?" Mr. E, who controls Namba Shigesaburo's body, stretched out his palm and tapped on the "Enigma" system beside him, looking at the fighting figure on the screen.

"As expected of the best individual among Namba Children, then go fight as much as you want, and kill these stupid Kamen Riders."

President E is naturally impossible to be so stupid as to expose his plan so easily. Although the genetic factors left outside the Meta field as insurance are good, but...

Mr. E looked up at the phantom of the earth in the sky.

"I always feel that things are getting more and more troublesome... I hope you won't let me down, Zhan Tu, after all, there are so many people waiting for you to save."

Following President E's words, the battle on the screen had come to an end, which made the corners of President E's mouth twitch slightly.

Originally, Hishiro Huando and Yuandu Yihai had already experienced a hard battle in Pandora Tower, not to mention being blocked by clone sluggers after they came here.

And now the Kamen Rider Mad Rogue transformed by Utsumi Chengaki has become the last straw that overwhelms the camel!


"Compared to the Evol driver, your knight system is nothing but scrap metal!!!"

[Pirate! 】

【Rider System】

When Nei Kai Chengzhang inserted the full bottle of Pirates and the evolution of the knight system, and started to turn the driver rocker, the transparent energy pipeline began to extend out of the Evol driver, and a bow-shaped weapon was condensed in the air Outline!

【Pirate Finish! 】

In the next second, such an energy channel was filled with the energy in the full bottle and the evolution bottle, and turned into a blue-black handle, and there was a weapon in the middle of the bow that opened like a tram tunnel.

Utsumi Chengzhang held this weapon in his hand, and with the other palm, he pulled the trolley-shaped component apart without hesitation, like opening a bow.

Accompanied by his movement, the terrifying blue-green energy gathered in front of the bow like a vortex, and then aimed at Saruto Kazukai and Himuro Phantom in front of him.

[Trains at each station! 】

【Express train! 】

Seeing this scene, Himuro Huante and Saruto Kazukai felt tense, and subconsciously wanted to stop Utsumi Chengaki, but it was too late!

【Pirate Train! 】

"For Namba Heavy Industries...go to hell!"

[Start! 】

As soon as the words fell, the green tram energy body was launched from the weapon in Chengzhang Utsumi's hand, and charged towards Himuro Magic and Saruto Kazukai.

There seems to be an invisible track in the air, allowing the energy body of such a tram to move forward flexibly. No matter how Ishiro Magic and Saruto Kazukai dodge, they are firmly locked under the special ability of the train's full-filled bottle and can components!

In the next second, such a train even turned into invisible afterimages in the air, spinning around the two people's bodies at high speed, and then continuously bombarded them.

Terrible impacts continued to erupt as the energy body of the train hit the armor of Saruto Kazukai and Himuro Magic, and the electromagnetic force exerted on them even greatly interfered with the performance of their armor!

Under the attack of Utsumi Chengzhang, the exhausted two were blasted out of the transformation state without any resistance, and even the guardian robots who came to the rescue were torn to pieces in an instant by such a train energy body!


When Cheng Akira Utsumi crazily pointed the weapon in his hand at Himuro Hyunto and Saruto Kazukai again and then pulled away the tram components, everyone's hearts sank suddenly.

At this moment, the life and death of the two Kamen Riders seemed to be completely controlled by Utsumi Chengzhang, and it also made the commander who commanded the guard troops to surround this area almost gritted his teeth.

"All of this...all of this..." Utsumi Chengzhang continued to aim at the bodies of the two, and the terrifying blue-green energy was also continuously gathering, but at this moment, his palm holding the tram components was trembling, and the Did not loosen.

This scene made Himuro Huante look complicated.

"Inner Sea..."

He seemed to be able to see the struggle in this former subordinate's heart at the moment.

"What the hell did you... encounter..."

This question is not only the confusion in the hearts of ice room fantasy, but also the confusion in the hearts of everyone.

He obviously chose to help Shigezaburo Namba activate the "Enigma" system to destroy the world, why hesitate now?

Then, they got an answer.

But it wasn't Utsumi Chengaki himself who gave the answer, nor Himuro Gentoku and Saruto Kazukai who fell to the ground, but Kiryu Sento who arrived at the last minute.

Kiryu Sentu, who had already transformed into a genius form, stood in front of the two of them, and said something that stunned the others.

"Maybe he also knows that if you kill you, then Namba Heavy Industries will really be destroyed."

Once Himuro Hyunto and Saruto Kazukai are killed, will Namba Heavy Industries really be destroyed?

If it was someone else who said this, then no matter whether it was the commander who commanded the defenders to fight or the people who saw this scene through the rebroadcast signal, they would definitely sneer, but...

The person who said this was Kiryu Sentu!

What exactly is going on? !

What is even more astonishing is that after Kiryu Sentu appeared and said these words, Utsumi Cheng Akira, who was originally planning to kill Himuro Gentoku and Saruto Kazukai, put down the weapon tremblingly.


In the next second, the weapon that defeated the two Kamen Riders was aimed at Kiryu Sentu again, and this scene made everyone's hearts tighten, and they were worried for Kiryu Sentu, but...

"Stop, Mr. Utsumi." Kiryu Sentu looked at Utsumi Chengaki seriously, and said, "You should have already noticed that something is wrong with this matter."

These words made Utsumi Chengzhang's body tremble slightly.

Of course he has realized that something is wrong with this matter!

Of course he knows that once the "Enigma" system successfully merges the two worlds together, then as the price for the user to gain power beyond all things, the two earths and the life on them will disappear completely! In this way, even Namba Heavy Industries will disappear!

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