I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1071


The one who gave him an order to block other Kamen Riders as Kamen Rider MadRogue is his most respected president!

Even the chairman wants to make Namba Heavy Industries disappear? !


Utsumi Chengzhang didn't dare to think about that possibility, but Kiryu Zhantu directly said what he was most afraid of.

"Mr. Utsumi, when you get this weakened version of the Evol drive, you should understand one thing."

At this moment, Kiryu Zhantu has fully understood the meaning of the words of Mr. Reporter and Mr. Assistant. He really should come to this battlefield, otherwise a greater tragedy will definitely happen!

He hates Namba Heavy Industries very much, if Utsumi Chengzhang is really ready to stand in front of him, then he will defeat him without hesitation! But at least he wants to let Utsumi Chengzhang know what the opponent is fighting for now!

"Evolto's plan is not so easy to see through." Kiryu Sentu said seriously, and this sentence also made other people's eyes widen.

Why isn't Evolto's plan so easy to see through?

What does it mean? !

Is it wrong for the Kamen Riders to come to Namba Heavy Industries headquarters to stop the "Enigma" system now?

People couldn't understand the meaning of Kiryu Sentu's words, but Utsumi Cheng Akira's body froze suddenly.

Obviously he has already realized such a problem.

"The real Evolto is now fighting in another space, and the "Enigma" system is an important part of his plan, and he will never let the "Enigma" system be easily stopped! That is to say..."

Kiryu Zhantu took a deep breath and said something that surprised everyone.

"That is to say, the "Enigma" system here at Namba Heavy Industries is likely to be just a bait. The real "Enigma" system has already been hidden in a hidden place, and Namba Shigezaburo... Not the one who activated the Enigma system! The real initiator might have had his memory modified by Evolto, so he doesn't remember it at all! "

Kiryu Sentu has seen through the truth of the matter.

Evolto will never let the "Enigma" system be blocked so easily!

He believed that Shi Dong, who had gotten rid of Evolto's control, would not deceive him about this matter, but...

What if the information obtained by the store manager Shidong himself is wrong?

Evolto's scheming has reached a terrifying level, and even the factor of Shi Dong's store manager being rescued by his assistant has been calculated!

The words of Kiryu Sento made people feel astonished, and what followed in their minds was a tsunami-like fear!

Is the "Enigma" system hidden here at Namba Heavy Industries just a bait? The real "Enigma" system has already been hidden in a hidden place?

In this way, isn't it possible that the integration of the world cannot be stopped?

Is their world about to be destroyed? !

People were afraid, and then what made them almost faint was a voice that seemed to be able to travel through space and rang clearly in their ears.

"I didn't expect to be seen through by Zhantu..."

The voice sounded extremely old, and the figure that appeared after that also walked slowly towards this side with a cane.

But in the next second, the old figure straightened up again, dropped the crutch in his hand, and tugged on his collar.

"But you are more familiar with this voice."

Under the fearful eyes of the people, the voice of the old man in charge of Namba Heavy Industries, a huge enterprise, changed into the voice of Evolto, and at the same time he uttered a sentence that made them feel as if their souls had fallen into an ice cellar.

"I originally thought that Utsumi would get rid of Himuro Gento and Saruto Kazukai here, but now it seems that such a plan has failed..."

Mr. E chuckled and said.

This time he didn't lie, because he really planned to do so.

Let Utsumi Chengaki who is loyal to Namba Heavy Industries kill Himuro Gentoku and Saruto Kazukai, making Kiryu Sentu angry, and when Kiryu Sentu angrily destroys Utsumi Chengaki, he finds that all this is still false. The "Enigma" system If he is not at Namba Heavy Industries headquarters at all, and the person who activated the "Enigma" system is not Namba Shigezaburo, he must be desperate to create a new world.

Mr. E planned it like this, but he didn't expect that Utsumi Chengzhang had noticed something was wrong beforehand, and Kiryu Sentu also completely saw through his plan, which made Mr. E's tone a little distressed.

"Sure enough...the reporter should be let out."

E always felt that he had underestimated that guy named Monyashi, because he also promoted the growth of Kiryu Sentu, this sentence made Kiryu Sentu subconsciously clenched his fist.


"I can't pretend I didn't hear this sentence."

When Katoyashi's voice sounded, people once again saw that this man who seemed to have always been so confident also appeared on the battlefield, and while walking towards this side, he bent down and picked up the man who had been phantom by Himuro before. De destroyed the gears of the Caesar system.

After looking at it, Monyashi threw it away with disdain.

And this action also made Mr. E show a headache expression.

"You guy, who the hell are you?"

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider..." Kameniyashi pointed to Mr. E who was inside Namba Shigesaburo, "Remember it for me!" "Mr. Reporter..."

When Men Yashi appeared on this battlefield, Wanzhang Longwo showed a moved expression.

After being separated from Men Yashi before, he thought that he would never see each other again, just like Mr. Assistant chose to disappear from their sight in that way.

"Don't get me wrong, I just dealt with some unexpected situations just now." Men Yashi said coolly, and then looked at President E again.

"You still don't seem to understand why that Evol guy is here."

Mr. E was taken aback by this sentence.

He really didn't know the reason. He had always believed that if Jon hadn't been actively invited by him, he would never have appeared in this world, but the current situation undoubtedly slapped him in the face severely.

But at the same time, Mr. E seemed to realize something, and the expression on his face became unfriendly.

Men Yashi ignored Mr. E's cold gaze, but calmly said:

"I want to pass on the hope." A knight card appeared in Men Yashi's hand again, but he didn't choose to transform directly.

"Even if you accept your genetic factors as a human, it doesn't matter. What that guy wants to do is to pass on hope. Sure enough, human beings are such stupid creatures."

"Indeed, incompetent and stupid..." Mr. E said coldly.

"But also because of this, he is Kamen Rider Evol, not the Evolto you mentioned! Other stupid people also gathered around him for this reason, this...is the world of knights!"

This sentence undoubtedly also told the reason why President E Jon appeared in this world.

"The world of knights..." Mr. E muttered this title, and his face became grim in the next second.

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