I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1072

He finally understood why Jon appeared in this world!

He remembered what Jon said to him at the last moment of the last "Enigma" incident.

"The alternative world of knights has been completed."

This sentence seems to be telling Mr. E that all his plans are powerless!

After Jon's world was transformed into an alternative world of knights, his fate was already sealed!

The scarlet genetic factor began to surge in Namba Shigezaburo's body, and then the real Evol driver was slapped on the waist by Mr. E.

[Evol Driver! 】

Blood flames began to ignite on Namba Shigesaburo's body, and this scene also made Utsumi Chengaki angry, but...

"If you don't want this old man to disappear, kill them."

The cold voice made Utsumi Chengzhang's body stiff in place.

"Don't forget, this old man's body can't stand the toss, maybe if the fighting time is too long, he will die directly."

Mr. E easily disintegrated Utsumi Chengzhang's idea of ​​wanting to do something to him.

"You should be able to withstand the data I wrote into that weakened version of the drive with your modified human body, so let's start and fight for Namba Heavy Industries."

This time, Mr. E is not going to keep his hand anymore, because he already understands that the guy named Monyashi in front of him is the unexpected factor that brought Jon to this world!

But at the same time, he also realized that this was also an opportunity!

"As a reward for bringing Jon into this world, I accept your body unceremoniously."

[Cobra! 】

[Rider System! 】

【Evolution! 】

The two evolution bottles were inserted by Mr. E, and seeing this, Men Yashi's fingers also tapped on the edge of the knight card in his hand.

"Want my body? What a bad guy, but..."

[Kamen Ride! 】

"Try it if you can."

The driver was closed by Katoyashi with one hand, but what followed was...

【Build! 】

When the familiar transparent energy conduit extended from the driver on Katoyashi's waist, and when the red and blue half armor was assembled on Katoyashi's body, everyone was so stunned that they couldn't say a word.

The second Kamen Rider Build? !

And Mr. Reporter? !

What exactly is going on? ! Isn't the opponent's appearance pink after transforming just now?

Even Kiryu Zhantu was stunned. He was sure that the form of the rabbit tank can only be transformed by using the Build driver, but how did Mr. Reporter do it?

"This is the power of fetters, Zhantu." Katoyashi's palm lightly brushed against the blade, and in the next instant his figure appeared in front of Mr. E, and the weapon was cut off mercilessly. The slash landed on the golden gear-shaped restraint that appeared when President E transformed.

An invisible shock wave erupted at the same time as the two collided, lifting up the surrounding ruins and the wreckage of the guardian robot, and even the ground sank suddenly at this moment.

But Mon Yashi's blow still failed to hurt Boss E, and the gear-shaped restraint was still spinning crazily under the blade, making harsh cutting sounds and creating a lot of sparks.

Mon Yashi was not surprised by this at all. Although the trembling sensation transmitted from the blade made his palms slightly numb, his attention was not on Boss E, but he turned his head and glanced at him, still in a state of astonishment. The next Kiryu War Rabbit.

"It is precisely because of the bond with you, Zhantu, that I have the power to transform into this form. Do you understand now? Of course, it's not just you..."

At the same time as he spoke, the control card box that turned into a blade in Monyashi's hand opened automatically, and a new knight card ejected from it.

[Kamen Ride! 】

[Cross-Z! 】

The Build armor on Katoyashi began to disappear, replaced by Cross-Z armor!

"The power of the bond allows me to use your abilities..." With the blessing of the Cross-Z form ability, the blade in Katoyashi's hand slammed down again, rubbing against the golden energy gear.

The ear-piercing sound of cutting kept ringing in everyone's ears, but Mon Yashi's voice was not affected by such noise at all, and still rang clearly in everyone's ears.

"So no matter whether you can appear in that battlefield or not, your efforts will not be in vain, because... such a fetter has already been passed on to that Evol guy!"

Following the words of Mon Yashi, the golden energy restraint device spinning around Mr. E's body exploded, allowing the blade in Mr. Mon Yashi's hand to continue to move forward, but the next second such a blade was firmly held by Mr. E. Holding it in his hand, he sneered at the same time:

"But if you only have bonds, you can't do anything."

As soon as the words fell, Mr. E, who had completed his transformation, punched Monyashi in the abdomen.

Mon Yashi let go of the hand holding the hilt of the sword, and blocked Mr. E's punch, but the terrifying force still caused his body to retreat continuously, leaving two deep ravines on the ground .

Seeing this scene, Mr. E smiled contemptuously.

"Is that the only way? Then do it, Nekai, don't let me down." Mr. E's words made Nekai Chengzhang, whose body was stiff in place, tremble.

The next second, trembling fingers clenched into fists, and then turned to look at Wanzhanglongwo.

And seeing this mighty dragon, I also understood Utsumi Chengzhang's decision.

"It seems that we can only fight, but speaking of it, I also hate Namba Heavy Industries very much. Since you choose to gamble everything for Namba Heavy Industries, then I will not hold back." Already transformed into a magma dragon form The Wanzhanglong I fisted and palmed in front of my chest, and said seriously.

He hates companies like Namba Heavy Industries. It is precisely because of such devilish companies that they continue to bring pain to people.

Now that Utsumi Chengzhang has made his choice, he will never hold back!

What responded to him was Utsumi Chengzhang's raised head and the purple light shining on the visor.

"Phase 1."

Scarlet energy began to float on Nei Hai Chengzhang's body, making him look hideous and terrifying at the moment, but...

But it made everyone feel sorry for him.

This man chose to dedicate everything to a demonic enterprise like Namba Heavy Industries, but in the end he was nothing more than an object played by Evolto!

Even Wanzhanglong I can't bear it.

"It's impossible for you to save Shigesaburo Namba."

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