I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1073

"Phase 2."

The bloody energy soared into the sky, making everyone's eyes focus on Utsumi Chengzhang, who was erupting with a terrifying aura.

Mr. E even chuckled and said: "In the end, it's still your fault, Himuro Magic. If the Inland Sea hadn't been hit by you with a gun, his body wouldn't have been transformed, and it's impossible to bear it now." With such power, that is to say..."

Mr. E spread his arms and laughed, "You created such a monster, so... let's fight to your heart's content, Kamen Rider MadRogue."

With Mr. E's voice falling, Utsumi Chengzhang's body was completely enveloped by the bloody energy at this moment, and the strange purple light that lit up all over the armor made Utsumi Chengzhang look like a man laughing wildly in blood. demon!

The next moment, with the deafening roar, the ground collapsed at this moment, and Utsumi Chengzhang's figure disappeared from everyone's sight, and when he appeared again, he had already appeared in the At the position where I was, Wanzhanglong, my fist was also stretched out towards the front.

At this moment, the ghost-like figure seemed to replace the Wanzhang Longwo who suddenly disappeared.

next moment...


The air and the ground were torn apart again, and even the helicopter monitoring the battlefield was staggering, and there was a risk of falling at any time. At this moment, people finally understood why Wanzhanglong I would disappear in front of everyone.

He was blown away by Nei Hai Chengzhang's terrifying punch!

A steady stream of building collapses began to sound, and the collapsed buildings were all in a straight line.

After several seconds, the terrifying movement stopped completely, and at the same time, the scene became extremely silent, as if a needle could be heard falling on the ground.



Inner Kai Chengzhang's belated voice resounded in the calm battlefield, and this scene made everyone terrified.

I am a mighty dragon, so I was defeated like this?

When such thoughts appear in people's minds, they even feel that it is extremely difficult for them to breathe, as if there is an invisible force in the surrounding air, pressing towards their bodies from all directions.

Even Kiryu Zhantu's eyes widened in disbelief when he saw this scene, and what frightened him even more in the next second was...

Utsumi Chengzhang has already set his sights on Men Yashi!

In the eyes of Kiryu Zhantu, since Manzhanglong in the form of a magma dragon ended up like this due to the blow of Utsumi Naraki, Mr. Reporter must be very dangerous!

But before he could stop Nekai Chengzhang, Mr. E's figure that was also surging with blood-colored energy had already appeared in front of him.

"You are not fit to do other things now, War Rabbit." Boss E slammed down his arm, and the bloody energy directly shattered the phantom of the diamond, and then bombarded Kiryu War Rabbit's crossed arms.

The terrifying power was transmitted along Kiryu Sentu's body towards the ground, and the ground that was already shattered by the Kamen Riders' battle was completely torn apart in this instant!

Even the buildings and factory buildings in the distance were shattered under such an impact, and then collapsed.

While using his power to keep suppressing Kiryu Sentu, Mr. E's visor flashing ominous red light even approached Kiryu Sentu's face.

"If we don't find a solution, then this world will be destroyed."

This sentence made Kiryu Sentu grit his teeth.

Phantoms of gorillas and pandas began to appear, but the strange force brought by them only stopped his knees from falling towards the ground.

And this scene also made Mr. E laugh out loud.

"But can you really do it?"

After saying that, Mr. E kicked Kiryu Zhantu mercilessly in the abdomen. Even with the protection of the genius armor, Kiryu Zhantu still felt the pain that almost made him faint.

And after he was kicked away by Mr. E, the scene that appeared immediately made him terrified.

Because in the terrible aftermath of Mr. E's attack, the ground of Namba Heavy Industries headquarters was completely torn apart, but what was exposed was not normal soil, but a complex underground structure. Clone slammers gradually emerged from it.

Seeing this scene, President E pretended to slap his head, and said distressedly: "I wanted to keep concealing it as a trump card, but it seems that I was too excited just now, so I will tell you."

E always refers to those clone sluggers who keep appearing.

"I'm going to use these clone sluggers to turn the normal..."


Mr. E stretched out his palm to block Kiryu Sentu's angry punch.

"Yoyo~ Isn't this very spiritual? But there is one more thing I forgot to say, such clone sluggers don't just exist here, so..."

There was a hint of sarcasm in President E's voice, and he approached Kiryu Sentu's face again.

"Just being a "false hero", what can you do? "


This time, the person who was blown out was Boss E, but even so, he was still laughing while flying upside down, as if he was laughing at the powerlessness of Kiryu Zhantu, but...

"I will activate the white metal plate." Kiryu Sentu's words made Mr. E's laughter stop abruptly, and then slowly stood up from the ground.

He wanted to enrage Kiryu Sentu, let Kiryu Sentu's sanity be completely overwhelmed by anger, and then let Kiryu Sentu activate the white metal plate out of remorse for the death of others, but now Kiryu Sentu took the initiative to say this sentence.

"But..." Kiryu Zhantu took a deep breath, and at the same time, the Nexus evolution bottle that Ji Yajun gave him appeared in his hand.

"But this is out of my own will, not being used by you, Evolto! Don't try to provoke me, Evolto, the knight system created for justice, cannot be strengthened by hatred!"

【Max Hazard On! 】

"But before that, I will completely wipe you out!"

[Nexus! 】

In fact, Kiryu Zhantu had already guessed E's purpose. From the time the opponent deliberately wanted to obtain the white metal plate, he had already realized that E's purpose was probably also the new world.

That's why he used various methods to irritate him and let him activate the white metal plate of Pandora's Box.

He will do this, but definitely not for President E or being used by him, but for all those who died innocently because of the tragedy of the other party and the wall of the sky!


Is this the fetter that Mr. Reporter was talking about?

Sure enough, this is indeed the battlefield where he should be.

Kiryu Sento looked up at the multiple earths in the sky.

After absorbing Katsuragi Takumi's memory, he certainly knows the parameters and performance of the "Enigma" system, and also knows that the "Enigma" system is absolutely unable to allow so many phantoms of the earth to come to this world!

Will it be what he imagined?

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