I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1076

Although the great will that was as warm as a father did not appear, it was still helping him, allowing him to see another hidden world.

In that world, he saw everyone's expectations for known and unknown Kamen Riders!

And this kind of belief made Kiryu Sentu understand what kind of world it is.


Kiryu Zhantu took a deep breath, and showed a warm smile on his face under the visor, but this kind of warmth was not shown to President E.

"From the moment the knights know you exist, your plan is doomed to fail."

Following Kiryu Sentu's words, the "light" gathered on him exploded again!

And not only that, the phantoms of other earths are also responding to the "light" of Kiryu Sentu! The beam of light projected towards this world has become even brighter!

This kind of "light" began to be absorbed by the earth they were on, and then people in this world discovered to their astonishment that at this moment they could not only see the battle of the Kamen Riders, but also the flashing light in another world. Scenes!

They can even look at each other in astonishment with people from another world! When the world Jon belongs to is connected by the power of "light" and "faith" and the world of Kamen Rider Build, people in this world subconsciously think that there is another terrible disaster, but the next second they are stunned again. Living.

Because they clearly feel the emotion of fear in the people of another world, as if the people of this world are in a terrible disaster and need help from others.

What made people even more astonished was that they saw the towering Pandora Tower and the wall of the sky emitting a strange red light.

They saw war machines called clone slammers appearing where they shouldn't be, and they also saw Kamen Riders come with "light" in this crisis-ridden world, threatening everything that would come to an end. The monsters of human life are wiped out.

This scene made them realize that what they are seeing now is the world of Kamen Rider Build!

Then these Kamen Riders, just as they saved their world, set out to save the world of Kamen Rider Build.



It has been a long time since the "Desire Envoy" crisis in Europe, and after this battle, the world seems to have returned to normal operation.

People don't know if there are other monsters disguised as humans and mixed into the society, but they firmly believe that under the deterrence of Kamen Riders, these monsters will never be able to make any waves, and they will all be caught!

But the only thing they regret is that after the European war, Kamen Rider Evol completely disappeared from people's sight and never appeared again.

No one knows where he went, but everyone wants to see each other.

And this kind of mood, Tong Yao is the strongest.

She has already confirmed it!

Make sure that bad guy is the one who cheated her feelings and escaped from her world by pretending to be dead!

After knowing this, Tong Yao directly applied to be transferred back to Guishi, but what made her silent immediately was that the other party never appeared again, and she didn't know where she went.

In her free time, Tong Yao can't help but imagine what the other party is doing at the moment, and then tell these things to her sister who is also looking forward to the other party's appearance.


"If you don't work hard, you won't even be able to see your back."

Even if she closes her eyes, Tong Yao can see the disasters that happened in another world, and the beliefs passed from the hearts of the people in that world.

Also, she can see Kamen Riders who are fighting to protect ordinary people in another world.

Among them, Tong Yao saw many familiar figures, who seemed to be calling for her while passing on her faith.

This brought a smile to Tong Yao's face.

It is their turn to pass on the hope.

"Hope to see that nasty guy in that world before trying to punch him in the face."

While smiling and saying this sentence as if she was angry, Tong Yao turned on the communicator that was already ringing non-stop, and before the other party spoke, she said:

"Kamen Rider Phoenix, prepare to move."

After saying this, Tong Yao ignored the astonished voice of the person on the other end of the connector and started the driver.

【Driver On! 】


There are others who have also made this choice.

"Are you really ready?"

Holding a teacup, Jiang He looked at the sweating Ji Ming on the screen and asked.

"Get ready, this time I hope to let Mr. Five Generations see my growth."

"Then let's go, it's indeed our turn." Jiang He said with a smile.

Although I haven't found out exactly what's going on, but it seems that only Kamen Rider can do this.

Turning off the screen with a smile, Jiang He looked at Wuma Youxiang, who was turning the transformed sword in front of him, and joked: "Unfortunately, if you were going to cut me when I stopped others, then you would have no chance. "

Hearing this, Wuma Youxiang held the Transformation Blade with her backhand.

"I just wanted to see if anyone would hesitate."

After leaving such a calm sentence, she left Jiang He's office. The moment the office door was closed, Jiang He seemed to hear Sasword's standby sound.

[Stand By! 】


Not only Tong Yao, Ji Ming and Wuma Youxiang made the decision to respond to this call, but also Yuji Kiba and Li Xiu.

And the second they made this decision and transformed into Kamen Riders, the "light" that fell from the sky enveloped them, allowing their consciousness to descend into the world of Kamen Rider Build.

Tong Yao opened her eyes, and then saw the clone slugger in front of her.

But she didn't pay attention to the monster that was rushing, but took a deep breath.

"The power of faith...I feel it, and you should also want to meet Kamen Rider Evol."

When Tong Yao's words clearly rang in the ears of people in her own world, people subconsciously smiled.

At this moment, they can not only clearly see the appearance of another world, but also feel the fear of other people when they are facing disaster, but...

Just remember, the Knights will be there!

And the power of the knights can change all misfortunes! Just like what they experienced in the world!

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