I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1077

This time, it's up to the knights of their world to change the misfortune of others!

Because the two knights who make their world the most proud are already in this world.


"Light" is constantly descending on this world, tearing into pieces Mr. E's plan to attack Kiryu Sentu's will, but the battle at Namba Heavy Industries headquarters is far from over.

The speed of Utsumi Chengzhang who entered the third stage has soared to a terrifying level, which made Wanzhanglong I tired of coping for a while, and Utsumi Chengzhang's crazy laughter made him feel even more upset.

He punched out again, but was easily avoided by Utsumi Chengzhang.

"This level of power is really nothing but scrap metal." Utsumi Chengzhang laughed wildly, and then...

"Phase 4!!!"

At this moment, the blood-colored energy turned into essence and spewed out from Neihai Chengzhang's body. In the end, the energy was so dazzling that the red color could not be distinguished at all. Bombarded away.

Even though the kill mode has already been activated, under this punch Wanzhanglongwo's figure is still retreating violently, the bloody energy stained on his body is constantly exploding, even the boiling magma is under such force The bottom is broken!

This blow made Wanzhanglong feel like my body was about to fall apart, and even the armor on my body might be defeated at any time.

It was almost with all my strength that Wanzhanglong and I drained Neihai Chengzhang's strength, but just as he gritted his teeth and was about to charge towards Neihai Chengzhang again, a sudden sound made him freeze in place.

"There is no need to continue fighting."

This sentence stunned Wanzhanglong, and then subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

To his astonishment, he saw a heroic girl walking towards him.

"With this, the crisis should be resolved."

When the words of the dragon girl sounded in the ears of Ice Room Huande, his face under the mask became extremely complicated.

Even as an enemy, Utsumi Chengzhang's choice still makes him admire, but it also makes him angry!

Angry Utsumi Cheng Akira had the opportunity to become a companion fighting side by side with them, but was distorted by a demonic company like Namba Heavy Industries, and became what he is now!

"I see..."

Hishiro Huante tremblingly took the USB flash drive handed by the dragon girl.

In this little thing lies the hope of saving others.

"Thank you for your help, then please follow me, and I will take you to a safe place." Ice Room Magic thanked the dragon girl.

In his eyes, Dragon Girl is an ordinary person who worships Kamen Rider and comes here at the risk of his life, so Himuro Magic wants to take her away from this dangerous battlefield, but...

"Why did you leave?"

This sentence stunned Iceshi Huante, and then looked at the dragon girl in astonishment.

Although the words seemed to be asking, the dragon girl seemed to be waiting for Himuro Magic to say this, and proudly said what she had just learned from Matou Sakura not long ago.

"Kamen Rider, you won't back down!"

As she said that, under the astonished gazes of the others, the dragon girl took out a Build drive and slapped it on her waist, then walked towards the direction where President E was.

"Now I am very angry! Whether it is for Evolto or Namba Heavy Industries!"

The words of the dragon girl spoke out the hearts of people in the two worlds, because the fear created by these two monsters did not only appear in this world!

"The monster's words are fine, but when the hero of justice is trying to save everyone, some people are clearly human, but they choose to stand on the side of the monster without hesitation!"

The dragon girl's tone was full of anger.

She is really angry now!

Angry at Evolto for playing with the world like this, and also angry at Namba Shigezaburo, as a human being, he chose to surrender to monsters like Evolto!

Obviously, Mr. Touzhen also said that human beings should be proud of themselves as human beings!

The dragon girl in a state of anger doesn't care about the fact that people in this world don't even know that Dou really exists. Now she just wants to beat up that monster Evolto, and then go to Uncle Blood Diver to completely kill him. Solve the crisis of this world!

In this way, Uncle Blood Potential should reappear in front of everyone!

Wanzhanglong I don't know what the dragon girl is thinking at the moment, but when he saw the other party walking towards Evolto angrily, he subconsciously wanted to stop it.

He doesn't know where the drive in the waist of this seemingly very smart girl is coming from, but...  

The power possessed by that Evolto monster cannot be viewed with common sense! But just when Wanzhanglong I was about to say that the next battle would be handed over to him, and then let the dragon girl leave, he was shocked to find that a Cross-Z lava iron fist appeared in the dragon girl's hand.

how come? !

Wanzhanglong, I subconsciously looked at the driver at my waist, and found that my strengthening device was still in my driver.

Eh? ! ! ! !

Why is there a second Cross-Z Lava Fist? !

It's not just Wanzhanglong that I have this question in my head, it's also the same for Himuro Magic and Saruto Kazukai!

They looked at the Cross-Z Lava Iron Fist in Dragon Girl's hand in astonishment, and couldn't say a word for a while, and then a thought appeared in their minds that made them feel a little absurd.

Could this girl in front of her be preparing to transform into a magma dragon?

Hishiro Huando and Yuandu Yihai subconsciously denied this idea, because they knew very well where the full bottle of dragon lava in Wanzhanglongwo's hand came from.

Such a special full bottle can definitely not be copied!

The confusion in their hearts is not only transmitted to the minds of other people through the "light", but also to the minds of people in the world to which the dragon girl belongs.

However, unlike the confusion of the people in the world of Kamen Rider Build, the people in the world to which the dragon girl belongs showed a proud look on their faces the next second they felt this kind of doubt.

Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma not only exists in the world of Kamen Rider Build, but also the pride of their world!

So, get on it!

【Bottle Burn! 】

No matter how disbelieving Himuro Huante and Saruto Kazukai were, the dragon girl still broke their perception with her actions.

The dragon lava full bottle, which is exactly the same as Wanzhang Longwo, was inserted into the Cross-Z lava iron fist by the dragon girl, and the words that came out of her mouth immediately stunned the three of them.

"I'm also a person who has received genetic factors."

The girl in front of her...is also someone who has received genetic factors?

The words of the dragon girl stunned them, but the next sentence made them silent again.

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