I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1078

"However, unlike Wanzhanglongwoyou, the uncle gave me genetic factors in order to save me and pull me out of the abyss of despair. For me, this kind of power is equivalent to the power of "hope". "

"The power of 'hope'? "Wanzhanglong, I stared at my armor-covered palm, thoughtfully.

He didn't doubt what the dragon girl said, because he had already guessed who the uncle the dragon girl was talking about.

It's not imagery at all!

Wanzhanglong, I complained in my heart like this, and suddenly I felt a little envious.

As people who also have genetic factors, the circumstances of the two are completely different.

Because of the genetic factors in his body, he has been used by Evolto all the time, and even brought disasters to those around him, but the girl in front of him feels hope in such power!

I am a little envious of Wanzhanglong, envious of why he met Mr. Assistant, but...

"Don't think too much!" The voice of the dragon girl pulled Wanzhanglong back to my thoughts, and then said seriously: "I didn't say this to make you envious, but to tell you! Even if you have such power , Whether or not we still belong to human beings is defined by ourselves!"

[Cross-Z Magma! 】

When Lava Tekken was inserted into the build driver by the dragon girl and started to turn the joystick, her voice resounded in everyone's ears!

"You must know that the genetic factor of the uncle also comes from Evolto, but now he is..."

She was obviously talking about Jon, but the dragon girl showed an extremely proud look on her face.

"But my favorite hero of justice, so I think he needs to be remembered by everyone!"

【Are You Ready? 】

"I've been waiting for it for a long time."

After the words fell, scorching magma poured down from the transformation device, covering the body of the dragon girl. The scorching magma poured down towards the dragon girl's body, which also made Wanzhang Longwo fall into silence.

Among them, Wanzhanglong's expression was the most complicated. Before that, he never thought that one day he would meet another person who could transform into Kamen Rider Cross-Z.

Even Kiryu Zhantu said that the power of the dragon's full bottle is too powerful, and only he can use a single dragon's full bottle to transform, but now there is a second person in front of him, and he also has Evolto genetic factors.

Even if it weren't for the fact that the dragon girl is a girl, I might think that Wanzhanglong is me in another world.

Moreover, the other party's experience that was completely different from his made him a little envious.

Not only did I meet people like Mr. Assistant, but more importantly...

Why does it look so much smarter than him! To be able to see through Chengzhang Neikai directly!

Why did you lose at this point too!

"I know, I know!!"

Wanzhanglong, I kept scratching the mask with my hands, looking like a mad orangutan, but a smile slowly appeared on the face under the mask, and then I asked the dragon girl who had completed her transformation:

"So you won't stop us from going to Mr. Assistant next, will you?"

"Of course!" The dragon girl clapped her fists and palms in front of her chest, making a soft bang, and said seriously, "This time, I will really let the uncle return to everyone's sight!"

"Then..." Wanzhanglong and I also made the same action, and said excitedly: "This way our goals are the same! I have already understood the meaning of the last floor of Pandora's Tower!"

The firm tone, "light" and "faith" were integrated together and passed to everyone's hearts. Not only did the people in the world to which the dragon girl belonged put a smile on their faces, but it also made this world and other worlds just now smile. Smiles appeared on the faces of the people who understood what had happened here.

Even though the vast majority of them have never actually seen that Kamen Rider Evol, the charm that attracted all the Kamen Riders to him at this moment made them curious about what it was like one person.

Obviously he could choose to stand in the sun and accept everyone's praise and worship, but he chose to fight in this way.

People have no doubts, if it wasn't for Kiryu Sentu and the others trying their best to fight with each other, then until this matter is completely over, this Kamen Rider Evol will probably not appear in front of people again.

If it really becomes like this, then it would be too bad!

This kind of "faith" began to gather again, and this time it seemed to be passed on to the dragon girl, causing a "light" to descend from the sky and land beside her.

It's just that this time it's not the new Kamen Rider who appears with "Light", but the black Kamen Rider who has wiped out the clone sluggers from other regions and then came here.

The pitch-black figure and the ferocious blade-like spikes all over the armor made him look like a ruthless killing machine, but people clearly remembered that it was this hideous and terrifying figure that appeared just now, driving the clone slammers together Sweeping away, then giving people a gentle thumbs up, encouraging them.

Even if not everyone is in that dangerous area, everyone still remembers the previous scene clearly, because the excitement in the hearts of those who were rescued by the Kamen Rider at the critical moment was also transmitted to their minds middle!

It seems that at this moment, there is no individual distinction between human beings, but they have become a bond that is connected together under the power of "light"!

The knight's name...

It's called Five Dynasties Yusuke!

Even though his figure is hideous and terrifying, people still believe that he has a heart that is gentler than anyone else!

Followed by the second "light", the third "light"...

While Dragon Girl and Wanzhang Longwo were walking towards the location of Headquarters E, beams of "light" descended from the sky. They were obviously in every corner of the world last second to eliminate the out-of-control clone sluggers, but this moment came directly to into this battlefield.

People even saw the same figure as the familiar Kamen Rider Rogue in it, but they just looked at each other, as if they had reached a tacit understanding, and didn't say anything.

They didn't understand what was going on at the first time, just like the astonishment when they saw the two Kamen Riders Cross-Z Magma, but when one was similar to the dark figure of Yusuke Godai, but his body When the red and gold Kamen Rider in biological armor appeared with "light" and gave a thumbs up to Yusuke Goshiro excitedly, people understood.

Knight, also not only one!

What matters is not form, but spirit!

As long as the spirit of the knights continues to pass on, more knights will appear!

But what people don't know is that the reason why Bingshi Huande and Li Xiu just looked at each other without saying anything is because they didn't know what to say, so they didn't say anything.

Saruto Kazumi's eyes swept across the knights walking out of every "light", as if expecting the appearance of another Kamen Rider Grease.

But to his disappointment, another Kamen Rider Grease did not appear in the end, which made him suddenly feel incompatible with Manjo Ryuga and Himuro Gentoku.

It was Tong Yao who walked out of the last "light". When she walked out, she was still burning with hot flames, as if she had just experienced a battle.

In the next second, the flame turned into the pattern of the phoenix again and condensed on her armor. People seemed to be able to hear its mournful cry, as if it was unwilling to be manipulated by this Kamen Rider. The power that can burn everything is suppressed by human will and used to save human beings.

The appearance of Tong Yao also means that all the Kamen Riders who appeared in this world with "Light" and "Faith" have all assembled!

Some of them look full of high-tech style, and some look more hideous than monsters, but they are more trustworthy than anyone else!

As long as they still exist, all despair and danger will be blocked by them!

And this scene also made the corner of Men Yashi's mouth twitch.

"It seems self-defeating, Evolto..."

The blade in his hand was pressed down again, and Monyashi's mask, which was exactly the same as Mr. E's, stuck to Mr. E's face, and he let out a wicked laugh.

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