I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1079

"Now you, do you really feel that you have the chance to win?"

What responded to Mon Yashi was the nebula-like energy that emerged from Mr. E's body. This kind of energy surged angrily just like Mr. E's mood at the moment, but before he could pour out his anger on Mr. Mon Yashi, Kiryu Sentu, who was completely enveloped by "light", appeared in front of him.

Just one punch directly crushed the nebula-like energy on Mr. E's body!

"It's over! Evolto!!"

Appearing in front of him was a heroic girl in a black shirt and black trousers, a light blue sports coat, and a simple ponytail.

The sports jacket has a red knight system logo painted on the front, but the zipper is open at the moment, so the logo is not integrated.

The dragon girl who appeared here was of course dressed like a girl who worships Kamen Rider, walking towards this dangerous battlefield with her hands in the pockets of her coat, which made Wanzhanglong frowned , subconsciously wanted to get her out of here, but...

What did that sentence mean?

Don't need to fight anymore?

Wanzhanglong, I was a little confused, and then I looked at where Chengzhang Neihai was.

Immediately after that, he was taken aback by the fact that Utsumi Chengzhang, who was still looking like he wanted to tear him into pieces, stood motionless at the moment, and the blood energy on his body had already begun to fade.

What's going on. ! Wanzhanglong, I don't understand the current situation at all!

After Neihai Chengzhang made such a choice, he knew that he must defeat the fierce guy in front of him, but just now he was beaten like a sandbag by the opponent, but the strange thing is that the opponent could easily hit him hard, but they never hands on.

It was as if in the terrifying punch just now, the terrifying energy at the last moment faded a lot.

Wanzhanglong, I thought Nekai Chengzhang was using this method to humiliate him, but judging from the current situation of Neihai Chengzhang, it seems that this is not the case!

"It's just because he came to his senses at the last moment, and then he wanted to end himself in this way when he couldn't make a choice." The dragon girl sighed, and then walked step by step towards the position of Neihai Chengzhang regardless of the danger.

"Hey——! Wait! And you..." Wanzhanglong I wanted to stop the dragon girl, but before he finished speaking, Utsumi Chengzhang directly exited the transformation state, and then fell to the ground and moved No, the arc was still flickering on his body.

Regarding Neihai Chengzhang, Long Maiden also understood that the composition of the other party was very complicated after reading the analysis of many big hands on the forum.

In the original trajectory, he would bear the humiliation and be loyal to Namba Shigesaburo because he was killed by Evolto, and then look for opportunities for revenge.

He really wanted to avenge Shigesaburo Namba, and in the end, the reason for protecting Himuro Hyunto was also to protect the black lost full bottle.

Because from the moment Shigesaburo Namba died, his goal was the same as that of Kiryu Sentu.

He can be called an alternative savior, but he is also a savior that people love and hate.

Love because he was the key factor in Kiryu Sentu saving the world in the original trajectory, and hate because everything he did for Namba Heavy Industries, a demonic enterprise, and it was all voluntary.

He is different from Ice Room Magic, he was not affected by the light of Pandora, nor did he choose to embark on a path of redemption, but...

"At least want to die as a human at the end?"

The dragon girl took a deep breath and asked.

Utsumi Chengzhang, who was lying on the ground, didn't answer, as if the machine was down.

"Sure enough, a demonic enterprise like Namba Heavy Industries should disappear completely!"

A flash of anger flashed in Long Maiden's eyes, and this sentence also made the silent Neihai Chengzhang react.


Utsumi Chengzhang seemed to want to continue to say that everything was for Namba Heavy Industries, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted unceremoniously by the dragon girl.

"Naru Akira Utsumi, have you ever thought about joining Kiryu Zhantu and the others?" the dragon girl suddenly asked, and this question also made Wanzhanglong feel unbelievable.

Ever thought about joining them?

How could this guy who gave everything for the devil enterprise do such a thing? !

Wanzhanglong, I subconsciously felt that there was no such possibility, but what surprised him immediately was that Utsumi Chengzhang fell into silence again, and his lips were trembling slightly, as if he wanted to answer, but he couldn't speak.

"That's right, I understand, but I still can't make a choice." The dragon girl took another deep breath, and took a serious look at Neihai Chengzhang.

Forcibly saving Utsumi Chengzhang now is unfair to those who died because of Namba Heavy Industries! So she won't do this, even if she was once moved by the fact that Utsumi Chengzhang sacrificed his life to save the ice room fantasy to protect the black lost full bottle.

Because Cheng Akira Utsumi who chose to bear the burden of humiliation is a Kamen Rider, but Cheng Akira Utsumi in front of him is not!

"Then, at least work hard in other worlds to make Namba Heavy Industries, which has not done evil deeds, a normal company, just like you choose to die as a human being now, and you don't want the world to be destroyed by Evolto, Go and change Namba Heavy Industries." The dragon girl bent down and said in a voice that only Utsumi Chengaki heard.

In the eyes of the dragon girl, this is the best ending for Neihai Chengzhang, and it is also what Neihai Chengzhang wants.

Everything is for Namba Heavy Industries!

The words of the dragon girl seemed to make Neihai Chengzhang realize something, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"Thank...thank you..."

While tremblingly saying these words, Utsumi Chengzhang let go of his tightly clenched palm, and a USB flash drive fell out of it.

"Also, at least you are the real Kamen Rider now!" the dragon girl bent down to pick up the USB flash drive, and said seriously.

The last sentence was also passed on to the ears of people in the world to which she belonged.

This scene silenced the people in her world.

They were once moved by Utsumi Chengzhang's awakening and sacrifice, but Utsumi Chengzhang who appeared in front of them now was not the person they remembered.

But in the end, he still became a real Kamen Rider!

People don't know why the situation in the world of Kamen Rider Build is completely different from what they saw in the Dimension website, but they know what Kamen Riders will do next, which is...

Completely wipe out Evolto and Killbus!

This time, the efforts of the Kamen Riders must not be in vain!

But only Wanzhanglong, I still don't understand what's going on, even Iceshi Magic Virtue and Yuandu Yihai are the same!

The "light" from Sentu Kiryu restored some of their physical strength and allowed them to transform again, but in the fight between Manjo Ryuga and Utsumi Chengaki just now, they had no ability to intervene at all!

They didn't know the identity of the girl who suddenly appeared on the scene and looked like a Kamen Rider admirer, but judging from the other party's vision of seeing through Utsumi's state at a glance, it was obviously not simple!

However, just when Himuro Huante was supporting his body and wanted to come over to see what was going on, he saw that the girl had already walked towards this side, and then he took the girl he got from Utsumi Chengzhang. The U disk was handed over to him.

"With this, the crisis should be resolved." "It's over! Evolto!!"

Kiryu Zhantu's punch directly crushed the energy in President E's body, and then bombarded President E's body heavily.

This blow made Mr. E feel the pain he hadn't felt for a long time.

He could even feel that the special power covering Kiryu Sentu's body was constantly decomposing his genetic factors!

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