I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1080

It seems that all the world is denying his existence.

With just the power of this clone, it is impossible to defeat Kiryu War Rabbit.

Realizing this, Mr. E stood up from the ground while clutching his chest.

The power of Kiryu Zhantu's punch just now was still raging in his body, and he felt weak.


"It's over?" Mr. E repeated what Kiryu Sentu said a few seconds ago, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Zhan Rabbit, you told me it's over? No..."

Mr. E took a deep breath, then let go of the palm covering his chest, opened his arms towards Kiryu Zhantu and the knights standing behind him and laughed loudly: "How could it end like this!! Zhantu, In order to wait until this moment, I have prepared for too long!!!”

The crazy appearance made people realize again - what has blocked Kiryu Sentu and the others for so long is just a clone of this monster named Evolto!

More terrifying battles are yet to come!

But no one believed that Kiryu Sentu and the others would stop there!

Because the most important "hope" has not been delivered to them!

The will of the knights can tear all difficulties and despair into pieces!

"Yeah, it's far from over." Wudai Yusuke watched Mr. E's figure and said calmly: "The journey of the knights will not end like this. Next, I will work with them to protect the smiles on people's faces." Fight until the world no longer needs Kamen Rider."

Wudai Yusuke's words are touching, and I understand the meaning of his last sentence.


Even if there really are no monsters, the knights will always live in their hearts!

At this moment, everyone encouraged Kiryu Sento in their hearts, encouraging him to defeat the demon called Evolto in front of him, and then break the last barrier that prevented them from seeing "hope"!

Such a belief made Kiryu Zhantu no longer hesitate.

【One Side! 】

The joystick of the Build driver was turned again, and this time the light shining on the armor in genius form had turned into the purest white!

The power of ingredients in full bottles, the power of people's beliefs, and the power of "light" are once again perfectly integrated in Kiryu Sentou at this moment!

"Everything will end, but what will end is today, which is full of despair." This was the voice of Eiji Hino, who was tall and full of tyranny after transformation.

"There is never an end, but a hopeful tomorrow."

【Gyaku Side! 】

"There are still people's dreams." It was a skillful voice.

"There is also the faith of a warrior." This was Kagami's new voice.

"The same is true for the belief in wanting to live." This is Jin Yingshan's voice.

"The last hope will not disappear." This is the voice of the person who is really good at it.

"The talents of gods will never end!" This is what Tan Lidou said with a big laugh.

"It just so happens that these are talking about Mach." This is the voice of Goshishima Goku's fart.

These voices seem to be mocking Mr. E's stupidity, and at the same time Shijima Gou's voice fell, the "light" on Kiryu Sentu's body was so terrifying that Mr. E felt that this avatar would be erased if it got too close degree!

Because what is condensed on Kiryu Sento now is the faith of the Kamen Riders!

[All Sides! 】

The power of "light" and "faith" exploded on Kiryu Sento, and this time his speed was so fast that even Mr. E couldn't react. It pierced President E's chest!

And this is just the beginning!

"Together will not end, and there is hope that will continue to be passed on!"

At the same time that the punch pierced Mr. E's chest, the AT force field evolution bottle that he got from Makiha appeared in Kiryu Zhantu's other palm!

[AT Field! 】

Kiryu Zhantu didn't hesitate to put the evolution bottle in his hand on the transformation furnace on his chest. Seeing this scene, Mr. E was even more happy instead of angry, and firmly grasped Kiryu Zhantu's arm.

"That's right, that's it! War Rabbit!"

Mr. E's tone was full of surprises, and he even took the initiative to let the terrifying power of Kiryu Zhantu continue to pass on to him!

This scene made everyone's eyes widen subconsciously, not understanding the significance of Kiryu Zhantu at this moment, but they were all stunned for a second.

Because another picture has already appeared in their minds.

They saw the torn ground and the figures constantly clashing in the sky, bursting out with terrifying aura!

The power of the black hole collided with the overwhelming spider legs, and the burst of power was devouring the sky and the earth, and even the wall of the sky that brought people fear was constantly shattering under such power!

People realized what was going on with this terrible battle, but in the next second, such a picture disappeared in their minds, as if the signal was suddenly interrupted, which made them unable to help looking at Kiryu War Rabbit figure.

They knew all this was definitely done by Kiryu Sentu!

At the same time, Kiryu Sentu felt the pain of his head almost bursting.

After the power of "light" connected everyone, the belief full of "hope" did not overwhelm Kiryu Sentu's will, but brought him endless power, but the horror seen from President E In the picture, Kiryu Zhantu was interrupted the next second after he found another space.

In the picture sent back from Mr. E, Kiryu Zhantu saw the tragedy of countless planets being destroyed!

The life on those planets and their homes were all destroyed under the power of black holes!

And every time black holes appeared on these planets, Mr. E's maniacal laugh made the anger burn in Kiryu Sentu's mind, and even the pictures he finally captured disappeared without a trace again!

But... the knight system definitely does not rely on anger and hatred to become stronger, what it needs is the power of love and peace!

At least from now on, he will never let such a tragedy happen again!

"The law of victory...has been determined!"

Following the words of Kiryu Zhantu, the flashing image in people's minds appeared again, and this time they clearly saw the silver figure in the world's "collision". Seeing flames ignite in each other's hands, and...

Melt the Earth into lava balls once again!

It turns out... the picture they saw before, is it like this? The earth within the Meta domain is melting, and everything on the surface is being destroyed, even the Pandora Tower and the wall of the sky are completely destroyed by this blow!

But what is shocking is that the monster who faced the blow laughed and tore up the extreme flame that hit him, then rushed towards Jon, and collided with him again.

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