I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1081

The terrifying movement created by each of their blows can completely shatter the earth, and even the earth that has turned into a magma ball at this moment is constantly distorted and deformed by the terrifying aftermath of their collision!

It was also until this moment that Kiryu Zhantu really understood what Monyashi said to him before, that the battle on the other side was not for him to intervene, because he was absolutely not qualified at that time!

Even if they begged the monks to let them in, it would only get in the way and distract Mr. Assistant from protecting them!

But now...

Under the ability of the genius form, President E's genetic factors attached to Namba Shigezaburo began to disappear, but he was still laughing crazily.

But Kiryu Sentu didn't pay attention to Mr. E's disappearing clone, but turned his head to look at the Kamen Riders who were also looking at him, and then a warm smile appeared on the face under the visor.

Now he should be able to do it!

Not only these knights who recognized him, but also because people from other worlds are also supporting them!


"It's time to move on." Kiryu Zhantu smiled at the others.

No one objected, because the purpose of their appearance in this world was this!

Not just for saving, but also for the righteous hero who is fighting alone to be remembered by everyone!

A golden rain of light appeared from Kiryu Zhantu, enveloping everyone in it, just like the rain of light that fell from the sky when the Meita Domain opened up before, but it was completely different from before!

Because this time, Mr. Assistant will no longer fight alone!

In just a short breath, the figures of the people appeared in the Meita field. The scorching breath and the tumbling magma below told them how dangerous this world was, but...

"Leave it to me." Godai Yusuke's gentle voice sounded, and then under the shocking gaze of the people, the earth that had turned into a magma ball due to Jon's power suddenly cooled down in the next second, and instantly turned into a solid body. It carried the Kamen Riders who descended in the field of Meta Tower.

And this miraculous ability, for this dark warrior who wants to protect the smiles on people's faces, seems to be something that can be done with just raising his hand!

"Don't underestimate the power of belief." Faced with the shock of others, Godai Yusuke replied with a smile, then looked up at the sky, and said with a hint: "Even if not everyone appeared here, but they They all think the same as us.”

This sentence seemed to be referring to ordinary people who were helping them with their faith, but Kiryu Sentu knew who Goshiro Yusuke was referring to.

But now is clearly not the time for small talk.

Almost at the moment when Wudai Yusuke's words fell, a black shadow fell from the sky and landed on the ground that had just been cooled by Wudai Yusuke.

With a loud bang, the solidified ground was torn apart again, and even the ground they were standing on was shaking violently!

The abyss-like rift continued to extend around the place where the black shadow fell, creating an ugly cobweb-shaped rift on the recondensed land.

But even such a terrifying heavy blow failed to leave any injuries on this monster that fell from the sky! And the crazy laughter that rang in their ears in the next second made their faces even more ugly.

"Two more Evoltos came in?~ and... some bugs?" When Killbus flew out of the abyss-like rift and saw Kiryu Sentu and the others, he couldn't help laughing: "Evolto! I've really seen amazing surprises on this planet!"

Two Evoltos? Evolto?

Who is this monster talking to? Such confusion popped up in Kiryu Sentu's mind, but then, to his astonishment, he heard Mr. E's voice resounding on Killbus.

"Yo! Zhantu, I'm really glad to see you here." When Mr. E's joking voice sounded, everyone's expressions turned ugly.

They didn't expect that Evolto, who already possessed terrifying power, would merge with another unknown monster!

Immediately afterwards, they learned the name of the monster from President E.

"But Killbus, you can't underestimate these guys..."

President E seemed to want to remind Killbus to be cautious when dealing with Godai Yusuke and the others, but he was deprived of the ability to speak before he finished speaking.

"Hahahaha——! This time I will trust you. Who told you, Evolto, that you have brought me so many surprises? And..."

Killbus looked intoxicated by it, but before he could say anything, Jon appeared in front of him, and a whip kick slammed into his abdomen.

The terrifying force seemed to be able to shatter even the space. Under such force, the armor on Killbus' body began to shatter, and then the whole person was blasted out again.


"And I really need to absorb them! Hmm~ everything?... everything to make an awesome bomb!"

When the same cadenced voice came from another direction, Kiryu Sentu and the others were stunned for a moment, and then they saw the Pandora's Box and two pieces of white metal that were not damaged at all even if the Pandora Tower and the wall of the sky were completely destroyed. plate.

The blue genetic factor gushed out from the white metal plate, and then condensed into Jon's appearance.

This appearance made people stunned, but then the gesture of reaching out tremblingly from the side of his face, touching his chin, neck and chest, and then placing it on the white metal plate made people realize this. It's just a mimicry of this monster!

In the next second, the body of the newly-appeared Killbus was transformed into genetic factors again, and flew towards the other Killbus that was kicked out by Jon, and merged into one.

Could there be more than one monster named Killbus?

Kiryu Zhantu frowned slightly, then looked at the white metal plate in the opponent's hand.

To complete the plan, he needs to get this white metal plate, but now this monster called Killbus seems to want to do something with the white metal plate.

And the opponent appeared directly from the white metal plate.

That is to say...

Kiryu Zhantu took a deep breath, looking at Killbus with an extremely serious look in his eyes.

Must beat each other! Sure enough, it still came in.

Jon was really helpless when he saw Kiryu Zhantu and the others enter the Meta field, but the helplessness was not because Kiryu Zhantu and the others appeared, but because a clone of Killbus, a bastard, appeared and mimicked him , and made such an action in front of so many people in the world.

And the most important thing is that he still needs to maintain his own image, it is impossible to turn around and attack the clone that just appeared because of this kind of thing.

It would be easy to kill a copy of Killbus, but it doesn't make much sense.

Now that Killbus has accumulated a lot of clone power, Jon reckons that the opponent will soon return to his heyday state, and then will be a good time to deal with him in one go.

After all, although the other party said he was a lunatic who had no nostalgia for this world and wanted to create a big bomb that could turn everything in the universe into nothingness, Killbus was not a fool.

If he knew that he would die if he came here and he couldn't satisfy his desire to destroy, he wouldn't do it.


"Uncle Blood Dive! We're coming in!!"

When the excited voice of the dragon girl sounded, Jon found that his troubles had dissipated at this moment.

Turning around, Jon looked at the dragon girl who was waving at him, and said helplessly, "If you come here, you might die."

This sentence is not only for the dragon girl, but also to remind Kiryu Zhantu and his party.

Unlike the knights who descended into this world from the power of "light" and "faith", Kiryu Sentu and the dragon girl came to this terrifying battlefield with flesh and blood.

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