I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1087

Under the berserk ability released by Killbus, everything in the Meta field is annihilated!

Three pairs of scarlet spider eyes light up on Killbus's head, and unlike the spider-style armor when using the Evol drive before, Killbus's true posture makes people feel extremely scary at first sight !

There seemed to be countless hearts buried under the dark red horny skin, and they were beating gently.


The dull beating sound was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears, making their heartbeats seem to have the same frequency as them at this moment.

The terrifying giant mouth full of sharp teeth seemed to be torn apart abruptly by the huge fangs growing out of it, causing the corners of his mouth to crack to the base of the ears, and the terrifying energy spewed out slowly from the mouth It is the source that makes everything around it begin to annihilate!

Sharp spider legs spread all over Killbus' body. Judging from the damage caused by his spider legs that could be unfolded by raising his hands before, people have no doubts about the power of these structures.

I'm afraid even a planet will be torn to pieces under such a force!

The opponent just standing there is enough to bring extreme fear to any creature, not to mention that Killbus's abdomen began to squirm in the next second, and then a head full of cobra elements appeared.

It's Evolto!

When the cobra element appeared in Killbus' eccentric body, he gave people a more terrifying feeling, and what Mr. E said next made them feel shivers down the spine.

"I seem to see the existence of many old friends in you, Killbus, should I be glad that I ran in time? As the king of the Blood clan, you don't know how to pity your own clansmen."

Mr. E's words are undoubtedly telling people that such a terrifying race as the Blood race is not just the five people they know, there used to be more!

But other individuals have been devoured by Killbus!

Killbus didn't answer, but looked up at the crowd with the scarlet spider eyes on his face. His terrifying giant mouth was still opening and closing, and the terrifying energy spewed out of it annihilated everything they touched .

If people were able to observe the planets in the Meta Territory from space at this moment, they would be horrified to find that...

In just a few seconds after Killbus turned into a strange man, a large part of the earth has been annihilated, and this power is still spreading to other regions!

This is the real power of Killbus!

Even if he stands still in place right now, he can completely annihilate a planet in a short time!

The next moment, Killbus' figure flickered, as if he wanted to take back the white metal plate in Kiryu Sentu's hand, but was blocked by the dragon girl.

Compared with Killbus's huge body, the dragon girl's figure at the moment is very small, but even so, she still blocked Killbus' punch head-on.

Terrible forces collided again, causing the dilapidated earth to be shattered and annihilated under the power of Killbus.

But none of the knights chose to retreat, but rushed towards Killbus one after another, and their purpose was to buy time for Kiryu War Rabbit!

Even if they were blown away by Killbus' violent force in the next second, they still didn't stop!

This kind of will moved people, and at the same time, they focused their attention on Kiryu Sentu.

At the same time, Kiryu and Usagi took a deep breath, the terrible energy that was raging in Killbus made him a little scared.

He couldn't imagine what kind of destruction would be caused if such a monster appeared in the normal space!

I'm afraid the earth will be destroyed by the opponent in an instant!

When such a terrifying picture appeared in Kiryu Sentu's mind, he subconsciously grasped the two metal plates in his hand.

He knew that Evolto still wanted to use him, and he didn't even hide his thoughts, and directly handed the black metal plate into his hands.

He knew that Evolto was definitely planning something, but this time he wasn't being used by Evolto! But he wanted to do it of his own will!

Kiryu Sentu wants to resurrect those who died because of Evolto in other worlds, and continue to pass on this "hope"!

And just like what he said, the law of victory has been determined!

This kind of will makes the Cross-Z Build tank, which has inherited the genius full-fill bottle ability at his waist, once again burst into dazzling brilliance. The two metal plates that are attached together by ten black lost full-fill bottles seem to be It was also responding to his will, allowing the black metal plate to directly blend into the white metal plate.

Immediately, this white metal plate was put into Pandora's Box by Kiryu Sentu without hesitation.

The next moment, a more dazzling light burst out from the Cross-Z Build tank on Kiryu Zhantu's waist and injected into the Pandora's box, causing a colorful beam of light to soar into the sky.

Such a beam of light shot straight into the sky, as if carrying everyone's hopes, shooting into space!

The space began to distort, and a spiral wormhole appeared, and the second after the colorful beam of light shot into the wormhole, it seemed that another phantom of the earth was gradually pulled out!

Even Killbus' eyes widened in disbelief when the beam of light connecting the two different earths split open in the middle, revealing a huge, eerie red glowing slit.

As the king of the Blood clan, he thought he knew the power of Pandora's box like the back of his hand, and also knew the existence of other universes, but he never thought that the connection with other universes would be achieved in this way!

How could a mere human being do such a thing? !

Killbus didn't know what Kiryu Zhantu was going to do, but at this moment, he really wanted to kill all these guys in front of him!

Then completely destroy this planet!

The berserk power surged out from Killbus again, ushering in the complete annihilation of the earth in the Meta domain!

"A mere human!"

"But it's mere human beings who have the power to defeat monsters like you!" the dragon girl roared, and collided with Killbus' huge fist again. Facing the power that could annihilate everything from Killbus, the dragon girl once again collided with Killbus' fist.

The devastating shock wave erupted again, completely shattering the few remains of the earth at this moment, turning into planetary fragments scattered in the universe, but even so, the battle of the knights will not stop!

Because if this monster called the Killbus can't be stopped, then...

The world they love will indeed become like this!

Even in this punch, the dragon girl was directly blown away by Killbus's power, collided with one of the planetary fragments and smashed it to pieces, but she still stood up without hesitation.

The blue flame burned on her body again, turning her into a shooting star in the universe, heading towards where Killbus was.

The wormhole opened, and the figure of the dragon girl appeared in front of Killbus in an instant, and then she kicked Killbus in the chest.

The blue flames erupted on Killbus' body, and the terrifying force also brought Killbus' body towards the shining gap in the universe!

"That's what you guys want?! Hahahaha—! What a stupid creature!!!" Killbus was laughing maniacally.

He has already noticed the purpose of these humans in front of him, but so what?

He is Killbus!

He admits that the two Evoltos in front of him have terrible power after combining, but...

Still not enough!

Two pairs of sharp spider legs spread out again, and cut towards the dragon girl's body, trying to tear her into pieces, but even though the attack from Killbus was right in front of her eyes, the dragon girl still had no idea of ​​dodging!

Because she believes in her companions!

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