I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1088

Just when Killbus's spider legs were about to tear the dragon girl's body apart, Jon's phantom, which still maintained the mobile Noah form, appeared and began to grow larger while wrapping the dragon girl's body inside. The shapely wings each blocked a spider leg, instantly disintegrating Killbus' attack.

"Indeed, only stupid people would make such a choice, and those who appear in front of you are all stupid people, so..." Jon's tone gradually became cheerful.

"Wouldn't it be fun to get beaten by someone you think is stupid?"

Following Jon's words, countless golden energy cards appeared in the universe, and the figure of Men Yashi quickly shuttled among them, and then bombarded Killbus' body with one kick.

The power from Katoyashi accelerated the speed of Killbus's body flying upside down again, and at the same time, Katoyashi's helpless voice sounded.

"I'm also really stupid. I only collected such a small deposit, but I want to help you deal with such a terrible enemy."

While speaking, Kato Yashi once again took a look at Killbus' terrifying body at the moment, and the throbbing bulge on the other's body made his skin crawl even more.

"It's really scary!"

But despite what he said, the power of Men Yashi showed no sign of slowing down.

"So we must not let the smiles on people's faces disappear because of such a terrible monster." Yusuke Godai's voice sounded, followed by Monyashi and kicked Killbus.

Then there is Take Shishima.

"It's a very novel experience to race obstacles in the universe, right? Brother Blood Dive." While hitting Killbus with a kick, Shidao greeted Jon's phantom .

Next came Kagami Shin.

[Hyper Clock Over! 】

Kaga Meixin, who had already entered the Hyper form, also bombarded Killbus with her foot entangled in colorful tachyon particles.

"But if stupidity can bring such hope, then that's what I'm after!"

These words made Tiandao, the director general of another world, smile and put down the coffee cup in his hand.


"If such stupidity can make me the last hope for all those who are about to fall into the abyss of despair, then I don't hate this kind of stupidity, even the magic dragon thinks I am very interesting." Surrounded by Cao Zhenqing's body, the phantom of the diamond dragon appeared from Cao Zhenqing's body, covering his body.

At the same time, this sentence also made Cao Zhenqing's companions clenched their fists in agreement, as if they wanted to convey their beliefs to him again.

The next one is to be clever.

"I don't have a dream but want to protect other people's dreams, I'm really stupid."

A crimson energy light cone appeared, continuously cutting across Killbus' body, and the dry voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

It's really stupid, but...

This is Kamen Rider!

The figures of the other Kamen Riders also flickered one after another, causing the knight kick that condensed their own will to land on Killbus' body.

Takayama Jin, Hino Eiji, Tan Rito, Himuro Gentoku, Saruto Kazukai, Tong Yao, Wuma Yuxiang, Li Xiu, Jiming, Kiba Yuji.

Every knight's knight kicks makes Killbus's body fly towards the position where the flashing gap is!

And that's not enough!

No will is complete without any knight!

They are still waiting!

waiting for that...

"Love and Peace Finish!"

Theoretically, after collecting so much belief power, the energy in the tank of miracles——Cross-Z Build tank should not be exhausted when pulling out another earth, but it still disappeared on the body of Kiryu War Rabbit .

But even so, the bodies of Kiryu Zhantu and Wanzhang Ryuga were still not separated.

Even if the full bottle of genius disappears, the golden rabbit and silver dragon bottle is still there!

[Best Match! 】

The knight kicks of the last two knights landed and bombarded Killbus' body, together with the strength of the other knights, made Killbus' body fly towards the gap in the beam of light.

Killbus wanted to resist and tear the unsightly native creatures into pieces, but the power from Jon made him unable to move, and he was blasted into the gap between the beams of light.


Killbus's huge body fell into the dead desert in the gap of the beam of light. The movement created made this world that should not exist tremble continuously, and the bloody energy that was constantly eroding the sky was enlarged at this moment. point.

"Damn humans!"

Killbus understood anger for the first time at this moment!

He never thought that one day he would be forced to this extent by such a native life!

The huge body stood up again, but what surprised Killbus the next second was that a strange sense of weakness suddenly came from his body, causing his huge body to stagger and half kneel on the desert.

"This feeling...how is it possible..."

Killbus could feel that this strange space was constantly absorbing the power in his body, and what made him even more angry...

"E v o l t o!!!"

Not only this weird world is absorbing the energy in his body, but also Boss E in his body is doing the same!

Even when Killbus burst out this roar, the cobra face that appeared in Killbus' belly still smiled lightly:

"Don't mind Killbus, in such a strange place, I have to have the power to protect myself."

If he is still unaware of Mr. E's conspiracy at this time, then Killbus is purely stupid, but after being blasted into this weird space by the knights, Killbus finds that he can't even swallow Mr. E in his body !

E is always devouring Killbus' power greedily, but Killbus needs to constantly resist the power from this weird space!

Under normal circumstances, neither the former nor the latter can pose a threat to Killbus, but when they appear together, even Killbus has a headache. The power of the factor!



Seeing the Kamen Riders who also came towards him in this space, Killbus kept chanting Mr. E's name.

The ability to let a planet usher in annihilation in the breath of breath before seems to have lost its effect in this world built by human beliefs, and it can't even make the desert under its feet drop a little.

"I didn't expect to be tricked by a guy like you?!"

While speaking, Killbus's voice returned to the previous madness again, but there was a hint of sarcasm in the tone in the next second.

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