I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1089

"Then let me take a good look. I'll kill these guys first and leave here to squeeze you to nothing, or let me take away my power."

Saying that, Killbus' huge body stood up, staring at the Kamen Riders who had already stood in front of him.

"Then let me see! The human beings you use to take my power! How far they can do it!!"

As Killbus's voice fell, his terrifying body rushed towards the dragon girl's position, and at the same time, the sharp spider legs on his body unfolded again!

Seeing this scene, President E let out a smug laugh.

"I have reminded you several times, Killbus, don't underestimate the power of these guys. It is because I came to this planet that I found a way to deal with you! Now all the elements have been assembled! Your The power will soon be mine!!"

Killbus's sharp spider legs slashed towards the Kamen Riders, and was blocked by the knights again. Seeing this, Mr. E took advantage of this opportunity to continuously absorb Killbus's energy, and laughed loudly at the same time:

"Why do you think I want to join you? Why do I choose to become one with you? Because only in this way, the space here will give priority to absorbing your power!"

Killbus responded with even crazier laughter to President E's sarcasm.

"Don't get carried away Evolto, since you were born, you have never defeated me once!"

The huge fist blasted out again, colliding with the dragon girl, and the aftermath of the explosion made the world tremble again.

This punch blasted the dragon girl into the ground, and the desert began to shatter, but the next second, the dragon girl's figure reappeared in front of Killbus with the help of the power of the wormhole, surging blue The kick of the flame hit the cobra's face in Killbus' stomach.

"Whether it's Killbus or Evolto, they will disappear into this world!"

The terrible force kicked back Mr. E's words that he was about to say, which made Killbus laugh wildly. At the same time, he clasped his hands into hammers and smashed the dragon girl on the head.

Even if Killbus' ability to annihilate everything can't work in this space, the pure power still cannot be underestimated.

Jon's phantom reappeared, helping the dragon girl block the terrifying blow of Killbus, but even so, the dragon girl's body still fell downward like a cannonball, shattering the desert below .

And it wasn't over yet, at this moment the sharp spider legs on Killbus' body had fully unfolded, slashing towards the dragon girl and the other knights.

For a moment, the desert was torn to pieces by Killbus' violent force, revealing the starry sky below that was also eroded by red energy.

But the broken earth did not disappear, but scattered in the starry sky, becoming the footholds of the knights one by one.

This scene was like a repeat of the previous time when the earth was completely broken, but what the knights faced this time was an even more tyrannical monster!

Dark red energy spider threads spewed out from Killbus's body, rushing towards the knights overwhelmingly. The terrifying power surging from above made everyone understand that once they were bound by such spider threads, they would most likely die. will be devoured.

But in the next second, a blue flame dragon appeared, burning these energy spider threads to ashes, and at the same time roared and hit Killbus's chest.

At this moment, even the red energy that was constantly eroding the sky was covered, causing the world to be split into two halves at this moment.

Half of it is burning with the dark red energy of Killbus, while the other half is burning with the blue flame of Dragon Maiden!

At the beginning, the dark red suppressed the blue, but after a Kamen Rider joined the dragon girl, the blue regained the disadvantage bit by bit, and confronted the dark red's power!

"A mere human... unexpectedly... and you...E v o l t o!!!"

Killbus roared unwillingly. While he was resisting the blow from the Dragon Maiden, the E in his body was taking advantage of this opportunity to continuously seize his power, and laughed loudly at the same time:

"Killbus, don't you understand? It's because they are human that I found a way to kill you, but don't worry, I will inherit your power and avenge you."

While laughing at Killbus, Mr. E even had the leisure to chuckle at Kiryu Sentu and the others:

"Well, shouldn't you thank me for helping you eliminate guys like Killbus? A hero of justice, and maybe me too."

In response to E, it was the roar of the dragon girl.

"Don't insult the title of hero of justice!!!"

In the eyes of the dragon girl, Mr. E's words are undoubtedly an insult to her faith!

How could a monster like Evolto be called a hero of justice!

Accompanied by her anger, the blue flames began to turn into a vortex and converge on her right foot, and the common belief of the other knights was also passed on to her!

Not only that, this gap space constructed by human beliefs is also responding to her!

The crimson energy began to tear apart, mixed with Killbus' unbelievable roar and Mr. E's manic laughter.

"In this way, the "New World" will be completed, and I who absorbed the power of Killbus... will become the creator of the "New World"! "

"If this is your purpose, then you will definitely fail!" Kiryu Sentu's firm voice sounded in the flames, and he was getting closer and closer to E.

But what responded to him was still Mr. E's crazy laughter.

"No! The plan will definitely succeed! This is why I created you, and you are nothing but a "false hero" from the beginning to the end! Kiryu War Rabbit! "


The dark red energy was completely torn apart, but when the Kamen Riders attacked Killbus again, the energy of Killbus collapsed and was absorbed by this space, and even created energy that people outside could even see with the naked eye In the aftermath, Mr. E's laughter became even crazier. General E's betrayal, the suppression of the world, and the beliefs of the knights weakened Killbus's power to the extreme at this moment, and was continuously absorbed by such gaps, turning it into the energy to create a new world.

The blood-red energy completely eroded the sky at this moment, and this scene was obviously a harbinger of his imminent success in Mr. E's eyes!

He absorbed the power of Killbus! And let Killbus completely turn into the energy to create a new world! In this way, the only guy who can threaten his life will disappear, and he will also gain the power to rule all universes! !

Thinking of this, President E's laughter became even crazier.

Killbus has more than enough power to create a new world, the rest...

It's all his!

A mere Killbus! How could a guy who didn't get emotional power be his opponent!

Looking at the sky that has been completely eroded by blood-red energy, Mr. E said happily:

"The plan has been completed!!!"

After the words fell, Mr. E, who had already taken enough power from Killbus, chose to leave Killbus' body, re-transformed into a monster full of cobra elements, and then raised his sharp claws towards Killbus' head.

"Killbus, I won this time! The new world!! Come!!!"

"E v o l t o!!!"

Killbus roared unwillingly, but was pierced through the head by President E mercilessly.

This blow completely cut off Killbus' hope of resistance, turning him into the energy to create a new world.

Dazzling rays of light erupted in this gap space, allowing the bloody energy to completely occupy this space, and at the same time sweeping towards the outside world.

Everyone can see the terrifying energy erupting from the gap space. The sky seems to be completely dyed red at this moment. This scene also makes everyone's heart tighten!

They didn't expect Mr. E to have such a purpose!

Before that, they didn't know that the white metal plate could create a new world, but now E can be said to have fully revealed his plan in front of people.

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