I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1092

"It really disappoints me, Evolto, I thought you could still make me serious, but it seems that you can only do so much."

"Jon -----!!!"

At this moment, the anger devoured Mr. E's rationality, but the next moment the voice rang in his ear completely drowned the anger in his head with fear and disbelief.

It's not Jon who's talking, it's...

【Are You Ready? 】

When the driver on Jon's waist suddenly heard this sound, E always felt as if his thoughts were frozen.

Jon, who has been fighting with him for so long and makes him feel invincible, hasn't even entered the real transformation state yet? !

How can this be! ! !

E frantically denied such an idea in his mind, but the next second Jon's voice completely wiped out his hope.


The moment Jon's voice fell, the power emanating from him even made Boss E's head go blank for an instant, as if he had entered a silent world.

At this moment, Mr. E's eyes seemed to penetrate Jon's visor, and he saw Jon's lips trembling slightly, as if he was talking to him, but he couldn't hear anything.

Not only him, but people on the earth can't hear it either!

The world seemed to lose its voice at this moment, but it also seemed to be cheering, celebrating the birth of such a knight.

Pure white replaced the dark gold on Jon's body, but the visor that had been replaced by the phoenix element, the dragon on the skirt, and other knights' logos did not disappear, but turned into "light" at this moment. " and "hope" should have the color.

Jon's transformation method seems very simple, and in the silent world at the last moment, no one heard Jon and the driver's voice, but only E always felt the ultimate power at the last moment!

In this power, he not only saw the shadows of the previous Kamen Riders, but also the guards who appeared in the Pandora Tower before, but what frightened E the most was the young man in black And a giant of light with wings on its back.

E always recognizes the other party. He has also seen the other party's strength in Jon's world. He thought that the other party's strength was only at the level shown at that time, but...


E, who was knocked to the ground by the energy erupted by Jon's transformation, was always laughing, and then stood up and looked at Jon who was walking towards the door Yashi with his back turned.

"Jon, don't you wonder why I am the only one who is special among the guests? Why did I appear in front of you at that time? Why didn't someone like me appear after that? You really didn't go Have you thought about it?"

Mr. E's words made Jon stop, and he turned his head to see Mr. E standing up slowly from the ground, and then the genetic factors in his body surged, and he turned into the appearance of Ishido Soichi again.

With a nasty smile on his face, he said to Jon: "It is because you are expecting my arrival in your heart that I will appear! What I said to you at that time was not wrong! Expecting me You who appeared and accepted my power! You are also Evolto!!"

After speaking, Mr. E started laughing wildly again, as if he wanted to hit Jon in this way at the end of his life, but at this moment he looked like a clown in the eyes of everyone.

"Are you finished?" Jon asked bored.

"Probably finished." It was Men Yashi who answered Jon. He also looked at Mr. E with eyes like a clown, and at the same time tapped his fingers on the edge of the knight card.

So what if the monster Evolto is telling the truth? At least Jon did not choose to be with him, but let monsters like Evolto and Killbus completely disappear in this world, and passed on hope.

So he is not Evolto, but Kamen Rider Evol!

"Welcome back." Men Yashi said to Jon, with a smile on his face under the mask.

Then, it's time for all the knights to join forces again and defeat the last monster.

This time, just use this!


[Kamen Ride! 】

Close up!

[Evol! 】 【Evol! 】

The moment the drive started, Katoyashi chuckled.

The Pandora Tower brought not only the growth of Kiryu Sentu and the others, but also allowed Men Yashi to witness Jon's previous journey all the way, and now, he finally got the other party's power.

These worlds are really beautiful.

Maybe it's time to start traveling again.

Men Yashi thought this way, but the next second he noticed something was wrong, why did he feel chilly on his face?

Where did the visor go? ! besides...

Out of the corner of his eyes, Mon Yashi noticed the strange strand of long magenta hair on his shoulder, which made him suddenly have a bad premonition.

And it was Jon's laughter that made the bad premonition in his heart come true.

"That's a nice image, sir."

Before Men Yashi reached out to grab the long pink hair, Jon laughed and patted him on the shoulder. The distressed appearance when he and Mr. E were fighting before had disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Seeing that Mon Yashi is now a replica of his transformation in the world of Magical Girl Madoka, except that his hair has changed from white to pink. Jon suddenly felt that the depression in his heart disappeared at this moment.


As long as this appearance doesn't appear on me, it's pretty good!

Jon commented on Men Yashi's appearance at the moment.

In the early days of starting a business, it was difficult and had to be done, but now my hard work has also paid off.

Not bad not bad not bad!

Even though Mr. E has not been really resolved, Jon feels that he is in a surprisingly good mood at the moment.

And Kiryu Zhantu and the dragon girl stared blankly at Katoyashi, not only them, but other people who descended here on the phantom of the earth also stared blankly at Katoyashi at this moment look like.

Even though they were still so heavy just now, why do they want to laugh so much at this moment?

They were very happy, but not because they saw Kamen Yashi's appearance at the moment, but felt that the Kamen Rider Evol had returned to normal.

Everyone is happy, but only Monyashi is not happy.

Especially seeing Jon's palms clapping on his shoulders, and hearing those words in his mouth, "I didn't intend to give it to you, but why do you have to get it?" ’, ‘Then as a reward, I’ll give it to you. ’ and other words made the corners of his eyes twitch continuously.

He probably understood what was going on.


"Miss Monya...?"

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